插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

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Kouchu Rosuke已留言!

Schooool sucks 😫😥😡😠

I haven't really been drawing much lately because of school and now that im student assistant for a lady named Ms.Snitter theres alot of running back and forth to the office and class rooms and when ever miss white feels like it she pulls out packets of work for us to do even though we just finished one for her this week. (i dont want to do them 😢 i already have enough things to do).Today Ms.Snitter stressed me out becaues when we get packets of work we're suppose to show it to her the day before we turn it in, so she tells me, "you haven't finished the packet yet 😠because your suppose to show it to me today and turn it tomorrow" and i look at her like 😐😒 lady what are you talking about we turn it in on monday, but of course she didnt listen and i checked with ms.white about it and she said the same thing but Ms.Snitter ran out the office to go do something and i had to run to class like sanic when the bell so i would be late (becaues i didn't think she was in the mood to write me a pass) My best friend Leilah made me feel better during 4th period, we're actually making a BTS storie together (it's about Tae and Yoongi going on a double date with their ladys). But i finished the dang packet today and i got my report card today and this time i made principles honorer role, so that's good and Oh i want to ask this to everyone, yesterday I took my pacer test and when ever I get done my chest burns really bad and if i breathe through my mouth i cough very badly and the other girls where saying the same thing but last time when i ran the pacer test i couldn't breathe and it tasted like there was blood in my mouth. Dose that happens to any other girl or boy or is there something wrong with me ??? 😯😣☹😦😥


Kouchu Rosuke已留言!

Isit normal for kids to joke about death

So right now we're having a lock down drill and it 9:49, in first period. I really hate the way the kids act here, they're so immature and their 8th graders. I was sitting quietly and doing my work as always, when they made an announcement about the drill, we did the usual, get behind the teachers desk and against the wall and away from the door. While i was sitting down i was doing my work still and the other students kept saying i would be the first to die becaues i guess I was the closest to the door and they started laughing about like it was the funniest joke ever. Is that normal for kids to do? I wouldn't know becaues im a really quiet girl and i dont talk around people unless their my real friends.
