I have been really stressing about everything in school, but now that it's the summer I've been trying to focus more on scholarships and having fun, so I really hope you don't mind. Thanks! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Hi, I am a 15 year old girl in 9th grade who has a hobby of drawing art. My profile picture that I use is not mine, but it looks really close as to what I look like except for the fact that my eyes are a darker shade of brown. I love to read and listen to music. I really think there are a ton of good artists on here and I look forward to being a part of the community! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
- Anime
- Fanart
- Yaoi
- Original
- The Flash
- E.T.C.
- Black Panther
- Series interested in
- Work Place:Athomeoratschool.
- Gender:Female
Hi, I just came back from a school art trip and it was awesome! I got to eat Panera Bread for lunch and show people my art. I got a 4 which is the best and would be showcased in the gym of Vase! I manage to get a silver medal, which only 3 other people in class managed to get! Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😂😂😂😂😂
I am way too into Jamilton right now and am majorly stressing out about the end of course exams, because if I don't pass then I will cry. Literally and figuratively inside.
I wasted my whole weekend to read fanfiction instead of doing my homework, and when I was going to do the one that was most important I couldn't. I had accidentally uploaded the wrong file instead of it and now I am going to be a zombie, because of only 5 hours of sleep. FML. . . 😣😣😣😣😭😭😭😭😨😨😨😨
Sam e
I was watching a Jamilton animatic, when the song was absolutely beautiful! The song was Paper Hearts, Jungkook cover version and I wanted to draw Alexander Hamilton into it! Like imagine, modern au! where Alex sings this song to remember his mom, cousin, and other people he lost in his life! It would be amazing! Someone please, make this! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I will huehuehue
I just want to give you a new quick update on my new ships! The OTP is still T'Cherik, but I changed the Bae and Switch. My new Bae is Jamilton and my new Switch is Olivarry! That is all I want to say so bye!!!!
I can't believe Spring Break is almost over! I wanted to read more and learn more lyrics to songs! I memorized the lyrics to DNA by BTS and I learned that I can rap in time to Guns & Ships with lyrics! Honestly, that in itself amazes me! Anyway Bye!!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Okay, so you know how people only have multiple OTPs? Well, I had decided to create things called Bae-TP and Switch. Bae-TP is a ship that is second to something you will always ship behind OTP and Switch is the ship that you have an interest in that keeps changing. My OTP (right now) is T'Cherik, my Bae-TP is Olivarry, and my Switch is Harry Potter ships. And yeah, that's about it!
This is literally the story of my life every single time. I can't help but read them, especially of T'Cherik! But, I really need some sleep right now, so I'm sorry for how short this is and good night! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I watch ExplodingTNT at 3am and i never sleep again
I can not seem to find the motivation to draw anything right now! Everything I think about turns out awful! And I really want to draw T'Cherik with alpha!Erik and omega!T'Challa but I can't!!!! Someone save me! ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣
Right now, I am currently working on a sketch drawing of T'Challa and Erik together, I started this when I was helping out today at my parents' nail salon. I can't do any hard solid lines because I'm still not used to using my finger for this, but I hope you enjoy the end project soon.😍🤗
I have just watched Black Panther and my favorite characters are T'Challa and Erik. They were both very hot and I couldn't help, but ship them both together. I think that Erik is a top because he just absolutely ooze it, while T'Challa is humble and a bottom. I just ship it so much! Someone please make more fan fiction of them together, please I begging you! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I am honestly so scared and confused on how to even start making it. I want to get as many needed courses out of the way for my health science endorsement credit, but I don't even know what those classes are going to be! By the way, if some of you don't know I'm 14 years old in 8th grade. I'm going to be going to Mansfield High next year, so yeah! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
:3 im 14 in 8th but im going to tampa bay tech high school, im so excited, im gonna be taking mostly art classes. :3
Not sure how to save you from that...