Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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New Oc!

Hi there! My name is Babi,let me tell you a bit bout myself!❤
( How to pronounce name: "bae-bee ")
I'm 4 years old and I LOVE to eat fruit!
My favorite kind of fruit is a strawberry or a raspberry, I enjoy both.
I want to make friends with everyone and make them happy!
I have a fear of needles and cans ( like tincans that hold chili)
I also love music,warm things,and fruits!
Oh wait I said that hehe sorry😅 I want to learn about the world even though people say it's scary! I forget things quite a bit ... But if ya just remind me I'll be happy to help!
I'm usually nervous and worried about something, but when I am I have my favorite hat/ beanie to make me feel better
If you want to be my friend just say so!❤
( Note from StarFall , this is the oc I'm doing for my pfp contest but I'll post and official thing about that later )

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Frosted_Flake left a comment!

Tree penis

Just ignore the title... I can’t think of anything else besides Oof. Anyways I’ll be bored over turkey break (or thanksgiving break) sooooooo ima do an adopt raffle yey! All you have to do is comment 3-4 nouns and pick a number between 1 and 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Jk just 1 and 100. I’ll do about 4-6.

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  • Home, home, home, home 26

  • 79, run, jump, hop, skip? i don't know any nouns oof

  • 69, Africa, New York, (I think sex can be a noun so here I go) sex

  • 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348

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