イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Tree penis

Just ignore the title... I can’t think of anything else besides Oof. Anyways I’ll be bored over turkey break (or thanksgiving break) sooooooo ima do an adopt raffle yey! All you have to do is comment 3-4 nouns and pick a number between 1 and 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Jk just 1 and 100. I’ll do about 4-6.


  • Home, home, home, home 26

  • 79, run, jump, hop, skip? i don't know any nouns oof

  • 69, Africa, New York, (I think sex can be a noun so here I go) sex

  • 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348


So I’ve been trying to read the warriors series for over a year now but I am limited to the school library. Therefore all the books I need have been checked out. I have only been able to get to book five and I’ve had the sixth book on hold for almost two months now. However I finally looked online and found a website that has what seems to be all the books on downloadable PDFs and now I don’t have to rely on the school library. If you’d like to check out the website it’s here:



  • It doesn't have Visions of Shadowsss Nooooo

  • THANK YOUUUUU Someone is hogging ours

Dog treats

I brought dog treats to school because why not and I showed this one kid and he literally fucking ate it. No joke. I am serious. And they weren’t just the tiny bite sized ones. It was a fucking milkbone. They are about the size of my thumb and he didn’t even spit it out. You guys may not believe me but it happened so.... yeah....


  • I eat cat food and dog food and treats Idk why its tasty

  • > ★Auzzie★ OI'- THAT AIN'T RIGHT-

  • > ★Auzzie★ Wait...... WHAT !?!??

  • I eat pet food like a whore eats ass-

I'm sorry. Just ignore this

One day a kid was absent. The teacher couldn't see his seat and thought he was here and said "So we have everyone?" One kid opened up and said "Wait! So-and-so's not here!"
Sometimes I just wonder, would anyone do the same for me if I were absent. Would anyone even notice? Would anyone even.... Care? Would I ever be accidentally marked here because no one noticed? Because I'm that unimportant? Because I'm that fucking useless?
You're better off just ignoring this. I just needed to get this out there because of a mental breakdown. Just pass it by like every other post. Please.


  • 1 i'm sure someone would noitice your gone 2 your teacher either , can`t see all of the way to the back of their classroom , has the attention span of a hummingbird , can`t take attendance to save their life or their very lazy

  • Honestly, I can relate. But.. the other way around. When I'm not absent, nobody knows I'm here. Like, I'm sitting in my desk while a student passes papers and I don't get one. And everyday, someone bumps into me saying, "Oh sorry! Didn't see you there." Oof. But, just know that there's always someone there that does notice you. Someone that does care, m8.

  • > Galactic_Flow You speak words of complete and utter wisdom. Homer couldn't have said it better himself! (Writer of The Illiad and The Oddesey)

  • No, no will not be passed up. You are a good person and you will always be, no matter what or who doesn't notice you. That's a way to live, trying to make everyone see you. Just try to make the people who do see you happy.


I found this amazing dinosaur webcomic that I recommend you guys read. It’s fucking cool and you start to actually feel for these characters. However it does have mature themes like lots and lots of blood and guts and.... um..... some nice porn if you’re interested in that (not actually like it doesn’t show any parts whatsoever but the theme is still present). So it isn’t recomended for young child’s. Like if you didn’t get my capitalization joke, then this isn’t for you (yes I’m talking about the few who don’t know what masturbation means).


  • I been reading it and it’s amazing

  • Got to ep 7 .. then chrome started actin` stupid

  • > AhiAndTheRestOfMyCharecters What do they go through your history

  • Oof I’ve already seen it, I want to read it but my parents would kill me

Taking a few requests maybe

They will likely won’t be done till next week. But oh well. Anyways this isn’t first come first serve. I will do which ever ones I have idea for. I likely will only do about 3. Anyways please be as specific as possible. If I ask a question, don’t answer with I don’t care or it doesn’t matter because it does matter and if you don’t know then I won’t do it.


  • > æricalFlight Oh fuck I always forget to do shit..... what was it exactly

  • Heh you still haven't done my request from the last time you had open requests

  • If I’m not late then can you draw my chald SilverMoon the albino nightwing https://medibang.com/picture/fs1811080706041540004660876

  • https://medibang.com/picture/y81807060750305350006416158/original Boop

Penis enlargement pills

If I overdose on penis enlargement pills, will I grow a penis?


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap FLUFFY I FINIHSED ONTARIO FINALLY https://medibang.com/picture/p11811012109343490004660876

  • > DragonTamer I knew that. This was mostly a joke but I didn’t know the suicide part. That’s actually.... very interesting.

  • ohnygosh :')

  • Probably not But your suicide rate chance thing may increase to 48 percent due to two hormones being in the body at once and it causes depression and suicide and stuff, that's why most transgender when they get the surgeries and before they finish changing gender most often kill themselves Oof Sorry I know I'm a bummer

Pallet challenge

I’m in a bit of an art block so could you help me out by commenting characters preferably characters I’m familiar like from Hilda, httyd, Voltron, WoF, or Warriors or somehing. If you have any other ideas, please tell me what they are from. I’ll be choosing the pallets. Likely won’t do them all.


  • Oof also*

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Yey aslo check my MySpace it’s important

  • Uhh, Wrecking Ball from overwatch plz?

  • > 🔹 ⭐૨αเɳรƭα૨⭐🔹 Yee! She’s in my top 3




  • It's happened to me too and it sucks!!

  • Dont worry, I broke my bottom retainer cuz I was rushing to school one day and forced it to fit on my top teeth, and um, it snapped. MY MOM WAS SO MAD AT ME UGH But i got a permanent bottom retainer so now I only have to worry about the top retainers

  • Holy shit that fucking sucks

  • Oofi!