插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


So everyone said that it gets better. Everyone said things will brighten up. Everyone said that I will see a sunny day. But it has gotten worse. It has gotten darker. The clouds cover up the skies. I can’t even pick up a knife anymore without thinking of my blood on the floor.


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Hmm.... then i dunno.. does one know any magic? there might be a hope potion somewhere in the world. but im not a witch either.. On a more serious note i am excellent at hiding my inner turmoil with a light airy attitude, sometimes i start to believe thats the real me, then someone makes me mad and then i want to murder them. But this isn't about me, try the light and fluffy (pun intended) attitude, it helps me

  • One day it will be better. It doesn’t always happen right away. I’m sorry this is happening to you.

  • > Talltiger1023 There is no hope

  • Whenever a storm, a rainbow just might follow. I can't say for sure because i am not a psychologist, or a meteorologist but who knows. It might get better, one just has to hope

Mega oof

So I found these open species that I fell in love with and I might make some. So here are the species sheets and the links to them if guys want to do so too!
First picture- https://www.deviantart.com/mythka/art/Pocket-Dragon-Reference-Sheet-457918090
Second picture-https://www.deviantart.com/mythka/art/Gon-Ref-Open-Species-509423374
Third picture-https://www.deviantart.com/pure-decay/art/The-Gorgon-475011103
Fourth picture-https://www.deviantart.com/liimesquares/art/Shala-Species-Sheet-ver-1-3-380600252
I hope these work


  • i love the bottom two.... would it be ok if i used them too at some point??

  • Anon They were open species and I checked the descriptions to make sure they wouldn’t mind. Also I left links as to where to find them

  • WOOOOOWWWWW These things look pretty cool I mostly like One and Two more

  • I wove the last one❤


So I have this idea similar to griffons.... or griffins..... or gryffons..... OR HOWEVER THE FUCK ITS SPELLED, basically it’s a cross between a dragon, a bird, and some type of cat fox thing. I don’t have a picture that I’m fully proud of but they will be called Mountain Wyverns or something similar.


  • Sounds cool and yes it is kinda like a Trico (from the last guardian)

  • ;o; ooh, cool! they sound like a great species ❥

  • Oof that sounds like a Trico (if you don’t know what that is, look up Trico The Last Guardian)

  • As a dragon age player i will tell you that they are spelled griffons . Bioware loves spewing refferances to griffons in all of the games , but there is yet to be one griffon . Three games , still no griffons .

Well fuck

So today everyone who was outside in the portables had to go around the school just to go to lunch. Seriously. He school paid to fucking have portables outside, yet they can’t even be there to open the doors everyday. And they said we aren’t responsible!


  • > Asexuals Unite They don’t have those over in Canada? If not then you’re lucky. I don’t like portables very much.

  • > Asexuals Unite Basically small mini buildings outside that usually are single roomed. We have six of them outside. Also some of them can be moved around hence the name portable.

  • What are portables?

  • I’m here to remind you(if you still want to enter) that the contest (not the dta) ends today

Pfp contest for Space Boi

Soooooo medibang fucked up again so I'm posting it here. Ehh not sure if I'm proud of this to begin with. Lately I feel as though my art is trash or it's just not good enough. Mainly I feel like I'm not good enough. Heck I wasn't even good enough that the universe decided to, once again, place me and my "friend" in different classes. At least she talked to me today so that was nice. But I feel like I fucked that up too. I couldn't even get a word out for some reason. Anyways I hope this is good enough. I decided to add the quioromantic flag instead of the aromantic flag cause that's what you said you were right? I dunno anymore. I dunno if I even spelt it right.


  • don't doubt your art skills my friend! Its amazing!!

  • With shading i suggest using a dark blue for the face on this drawing

  • Doesn’t blend enough in this picture

  • *Shade like me? I don’t like it that much


Sometimes I feel as though people don’t really care. They keep me around just for a laugh and maybe for my art. But where would I be, without the jokes or my art? Would they still sit with me in class or choose to work with me? I don’t know why this sudden void appeared on in my heart. I see everyone here with their boyfriends and girlfriends while I have no one. I try to keep it in so that not everyone is sad. But it’s hard to keep something in when it’s like a heavy weight pulling you down. I don’t know what’s wrong. Why do I feel so alone. I have friends right? Or am I just a jealous attention whore?


  • Maybe try to ask them why they are friends with you. I'm sorry if I'm gonna make things worse

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Thats really nice

  • > Cavavos4 I would if I were there

  • ..no one wants to do work with me or really talks to me


Guys you gotta follow my boi Rayfiism. He is amazing at art and is the BEST at writing. No joke. Like seriously, you gotta give him some more support. I MEAN HE ONLY HAS ABOUT 75 FOLLOWERS!!!! WITH HIS GOOD ART AND WRITING SKILLS HE NEEDS MORE!!!! Please follow him. And while your at it check out his comic series thingy..... it’s called schism right? Anyways the story is fucking great. I have no idea how he manages to do a series with THAT much detail. AGAIN FOLLOW THIS TALENTED CHILD PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE IF YOU ARENT ALREADY!!!!!


  • Already following uwu

  • Givin' shout outs like it's Christmas I see

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Well, it comes as a trade XD When the school year picks up, the only thing I will have time to draw is Schism. I don't mind that, but you'll get less detailed landscape posts and no requests and more doodles :3

  • Already following! he's the best boi ever

Silent cry

What is this painful feeling in my chest? Why does it hurt more when I see her face? Why do I want her hand wrapped around mind? Why do I long for one of her tight hugs? Why haven’t I felt this before? Is this what it feels like to love? Is this what it feels like to care for someone deeply? To want them? To want to be held? Is this Love? The pain in my chest? The want for her fingers to tightly grasp mine and never let go? Is this Love? We’re all those elementary crushes just lies that I told myself? Just to fit in? Where was the pain in my heart? Where were the constant thoughts? Is this really what Love is? The pain? The thoughts? The loss of focus? The feeling of emptiness? Is this really what Love is? Not just a feeling or something you say or write down, but a silent plea for help. A silent cry for help. A silent cry waiting to be answered. Waiting to be answered by a hug. A reassurance. A silent cry. Love is a silent cry. Some are answered; some are left to die. This is Love.


  • > Deltatheprotogen Ha it’ll last forever unless I get over it or I somehow manage to get her to like me back by May.

  • Oof, I wish I could it words together like this, my stories are always too rushed and scrambled

  • Bruh seriously this is me every day. I'm so glad I have another friend to relate to....but I hope it doesn't last to long for you and you get what you want. I've felt this feeling for 5 years

  • > AccaliaTheTrashcan Far from it. And thanks


Why are people sad? What is there to be sad about? Everything. There is rarely an actual happy person in this world. “I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m not sad. I’m not sad.” I lie. Why must life be like this? Why can’t I just be happy with what I have? Why is she a necessity for my heart? Why is there a searing pain in my chest whenever she is mentioned? What happened before? Why am I like this now? Why can’t my lies be the truth? Because it’s life.


  • True much

  • It’s so true..

  • Oooooof ikr

  • its scary how true it is whaaaaaatttt

Oo- I mean uh.... [insert title]

I was about to title this Oof again but I realized that half of my MySpace’s are titles Oof XD. Anyways I was drawing a child for a dta contest that I was making but then I fell in love with him so now he is my special child because he is amazing and I know you guys wouldn’t use him. Anyways I can’t find a good name so I’m asking you guys. I kinda want a space-ish name or names similar to the ones in Voltron or something. If you have any ideas, please tell me.


  • > ~🌹•🌙.૮૨εร૮εɳƭ~૨σรε .🌙•🌹~ Oof I like Reznor. Kinda stuck between that and what Space boi came up with

  • > Asexuals Unite Of course. I’m gonna post more on him tomorrow hopefully

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap If you make him a species can i pleeeaaassseeee have one 0v0

  • Ok not really more like Edgar Reznor Draven Blaze Thorn ?

Important survey

Okay so in math my teacher said that we have to do a fucking survey and ask at least 20 people! And because I’m asocial IMA ASK YOU GUYS!!! HOW FUN??? *is dying* anyways please answer cause its due friday sooo...
1 How long do you spend online?
2 On a weekly basis, how long do you spend time drawing?
3 How long have you been drawing?
4 Do you have anxiety about your art? Male or Female or Other cause apparently your gender is important.
I know this is weird but please answer.... I don’t wanna ask other people and I don’t wanna fail math this early in the year.


  • *randomly puts a comma where it doesn't need to be but is too late to fix it*

  • 1. Hmmm, like 1 hour during the school day and like 4 after school, maybe more but it depends on the day, I'm usually off of my phone a lot on weekdays. 2. Every single day, maybe skip a day or two due to art block. But I always sketch something. 3. Since I was 2 I drew my first dinosaur. Been drawing ever since. 4. Not really, I'm fine with the way I draw and I'm open to improvements, if I have a flaw I'll learn to fix it. But if I had to say my, weakness would be realistic faces. I'ma girl.

  • 1) whenever ive got time, im very busy with preparing for college entrance exams. 2) after school at like 1am or 2am (i get back from hagwon (specialty study school) around that time) usually for 5 minutes as i have to sleep to wake up at about 5am to go to school. 3) my whole life 4) yes, and Im female

  • 1) 2 hours max (Not by choice) 2) 3-5 hours a day 4) Uhh all my life 5) Don't know


Why the fuck is everyone putting anti anon in their names? Can’t people just ignore it? That’s what I do. Like I get it that anons can get annoying but that’s just gonna make you a target. Cause honestly when I see it, it makes me just wanna comment anonymously on their account just to be a troll. You guys get it or am I just a bitch?
You know what, if it fits, ima put pro anon in my name just cause I’m a fucking asshole. (If this offends anyone just ignore it)


  • > Roka Revalelairhin Same

  • Ugh same (I already complained about it enough though)

  • > CrowsPudding No. It’s just the people who put anti anon in there name or are overly dramatic

  • I've never dealt with anon troubles... Is my page just that dead?

Astrolites adopts that aren’t drawn

Okay so the ones that aren’t crossed out are up for adoption. You have one day to draw these. If you can’t draw them then don’t adopt it. If I made a mistake, please tell me and send me a link. Do not spam me. You are allowed to post WIPs and sketches but you must finish it. If you send me a link to a WIP and there is not finished product, then finish it or else it isn’t yours. The WIPs are only to extend your time. You aren’t allowed to change the species or make it human. If you cannot make any of the requirements then don’t adopt. Got it? Good.


  • I finished Ice Melter https://medibang.com/picture/q11808280836341030004660876

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Thank you, I’ll draw them in a sec

  • > AhiAndTheRestOfMyCharecters Yeah

  • 2, 5, 6 and 10 are taken so far from what I see so if 4 is open can I get them


When you forget your lunch at home and you’re starving ;;;;;;-;;;;;


  • not really related but our school does it by like sections and if you dont have your card you go last. one time i forgot my card at home and didnt hear them call kids with no cards. My awkward ass was too socially awful to go ask a teacher so i starved.

  • sorry about that :’) anyway, i posted adopts, and you get the first pick ❥

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Well maybe not at school but you have me!?

  • > Zander the doggø I have none ;-;

Another Wip of Razzle

I am really fucking proud of this so here is go! I think I'm too attached to him. Also I need a fur colour. I already have the colour for the tail and wings which is gonna be a pastel blue, orange and yellow. I just need something to match that but I don't know what. It would be appreciated if you linked some colour pallets. (Nothing too colourful though).


  • how bout blue black green or red

  • > Cattacomb RAZZLE DAZZLE

  • Wish I knew how to shade like that.


Let’s do this cuz Y THE FUCK NOT!!!!!!

Oof I know what you’re thinking and NO IM NOT DOING THAT STUPID WHO DO YOU SHIP ME WITH!!! NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!! Instead I’m doing something that DOESNT make everyone mad, pissed, depressed, and sad!
Okay first off, go fucking crazy. When I say that I don’t want something as boring as a shirt or a name like bob. NOTHING BORING!!!!! PLEEEAAASSEEE!!! GIMME A HYBRID FOR ALL I CARE!!! Just no humans.


  • Name it fart cloud

  • Oh cool

  • > Patchit You know what... I’ll do your names instead

  • > Patchit> Patchit> Patchit Those are cool!