Red social para publicar tus Ilustraciones y MANGA - ART street by MediBang

299 followers?! Doing requests...

So um... Since I didn't celebrate 69 followers, or 150, or 200. Or even 250, I SHALL CELEBRATE 300! And then hopefully 420. Anyways for this I'll be taking 10 more headshot requests because surprisingly they are sooooo much easier than 10 pallet adopts and waaaayyyy more fun. So yeah! I will also be doing a q&a with Beetle and Seagull.
*No humans (if they are a different species, I'll take it as long as they aren't too humanish)
*Nothing too complicated
*No more requests after 10
*Please tell me where to find a ref sheet or at least somewhere where you've drawn the neck up.
*Be somewhat specific.
Type- (clear or normal)
Examples are down below.

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap My Blossomheart Ref is the last thing I posted, but this is the Link

  • Or* if you're* busy

  • In less they're all full of it your busy

  • Can I make a request? :\

WoF Story request thingies

So I'm going to be writing the backstories on some of my characters. However I don't know which ones to do. I will also be taking writing requests in your ocs.
So the choices are:
-Seagull and Beetle (again)
-Jetstream and Ontario
-Your ocs (wings of fire ocs)

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  • But can u draw destiny my oc?

  • My OC? Idk how to make hers. She has 2 brothers, a abusive nightwing father, and a dead skywing mother.

  • ooooh Eclipse needs a backstory XD I need to start thinking about that...

  • > Fadedfox Well the thing is it's kinda for wof ocs sooooo.....

Story idea thingy

So while I wait for my phone to get fixed, Frostbite's backstory will be on hold. The reason being is because I already have the next two chapters saved on my phone so I can't really post them. However that leaves time for other stories to be written! Yay! I think... Anyways I'm having trouble coming up with what to write.
Here are a few options I've come up with:
1 continue on with the other story I wrote (my last myspace post)
2 write the backstory on some of my other characters
3 take writing requests
Comment 1, 2, or 3 and I'll go off from there. Please vote

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  • Okay 2 wins

  • > Smoke Is A Firescales So 2?

  • Write sum more backstories

  • Oh wow.... Only 2 people comment just like the other post.

A little short story thing

A caramel dragon sat on her haunches, staring down at the ocean. Home seemed so close, yet far away at the same time. She looked down at her iridescent wings. Three lay perfectly on her back while the far right wing was twisted and crippled and wrapped up in gauze. She'd never be able to leave in this state.
She sighed, her gaze shifting back to the horizon. She felt as though she could see a sliver of land that belonged to her home. The dragon squinted her eyes trying to see if it really was there, but all she could see was the ocean glistening in the moonlight.
'Will I ever get back? Or am I just gonna be stuck with that weird two winged dragon for the rest of my life' she thought with a growl, 'he's way to obnoxious to be "taking care" of me!'
And just as if he read her mind, the light grey dragon walked out of the underbrush with apologetic eyes.
"You'll get back home. Trust me. It'll just take a while for yo-"
"You always say that Seagull! You always do and am I there? NO! I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR WEEKS!!!" She roared.
"Its only been five suns," Seagull said trying to calm her.
"MY TRIBE NEEDS ME!" She growled, feeling tears starting to pile up in her eyes, "My nephew, needs me," she corrected herself.
"Beetle I-"
"If I'm not there who does he have?" Beetle growled, "How am I supposed to keep him safe, when he's there and I'm HERE!"
"Beetle will you ju-"
"Beetle ple-"
"BEETLE JUST STOP RAMBLING!" Seagull pleaded. The angry look on Beetle's face faded into sorrow. Wet streams were left on her face where tears poured that she failed to hold back. Her gaze shifted from Seagull to her talons, wishing she could just go home.
"He isn't dead. He may be young, but Soldier is strong. Especially being raised by someone like you," Seagull reassured , brushing his wing against hers causing her to flinch, "You'll get back home. It may take a while but...."
"But what? Is there even anything to say but about?" Beetle asked.
"But you'll see him again. I promise."
"You always say that Seagull! And has it come true yet? No!"
"Just be patient."
"'just be patient' 'it will take a while' patience smatience! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR PATIENCE!!!" Beetle snarled.
"You'll get there."
"But what if my wings dont heal? What if he's already dead? WHAT IF-"
"THREE MOONS!!! THE ONE TIME I TRY TO SOUND MATURE YOU RUIN THE MOMENT WITH YOUR RAMBLING!!!" Seagull groaned with an irritated tone, "Ill fly you there myself if I have to!"
"And how exactly are you gonna do that?"
"Ill carry you or you can ride on my back."
"No. Just- no," Beetle revolted at the thought. 'On the second talon, I could go there now. But on the third talon...' She looked back at the odd dragon. 'He certainly doesn't look all powerful and mighty as the legend says. How could a dragon like Clearsight come from a land with dragons like this? what did he say he was? A waterwing? An oceanwing? A fishwing?' She scoffed. 'Buuuuuut on the fourth talon he d- No beetle this is only about your Nephew. Why Rove trusted me with her son when I was only 9 is unknown.'
Her thoughts were interrupted when a warm talon rested on her shoulders. She turned around to see Seagull and scowled causing him to quickly remove his talon.
"Don't touch me fishwing," she growled before looking up at the sky.
'How can I be strong when even this fishwing says I ramble? How am I supposed to look after a dragonet when I do everything wrong? How am I even supposed to do anything, when I can't be tough like a true Hivewing?'
This was only a little thought I had while trying to come up with a backstory for some of my characters. If just like to know what you guys think. Criticism is appreciated. Also I'm sorry if anything is spelled wrong. This stupid kindle won't act properly.

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  • > Galactic_Flow Thanks. I actually got the idea when someone didn't know a lot about WoF and called seawings, waterwings.

  • Favorite quotes : "What did he say he was? A waterwing? And oceanwing? A fishwing??" "Don't touch me fishwing!" Golden 😂😂👍👍

  • S8wgwhsodyvwjeissyh

  • (~˘▾˘)~ this is really good m8

Headshot Requests

Only five and yeah. You can request a normal headshot or that clear headshot thingy that I did with Ontario that was kind of a mistake. Tell me which character and what kind of picture you want for the background. DON'T ASK FOR ANY AFTER FIVE!!! I KNOW YOU CAN READ!!! SO READ THE COMMENTS AND FIND OUT YOURSELF!!!!!

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap lmao I find it kind hard to draw humans too xd

  • oof that went quick

  • > Smoke Is A Firescales Well I might let you in if Bebepanda doesn't tell me what character she wants me to do cause she requested a human and I can't draw those.

  • Of course there isn't any more spots

Oof lovely mistake?

So I finally figured out how to use medibang on a kindle and I drew my lovely boi Ontario. Then as I was finishing, I turned off the ref sheet layer so it would just be Ontario but then I accidentally clicked the colour layer and it looked so cool.
Btw the background isn't mine. It's just a random picture I found of Lake Ontario. Pretty cool right?

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  • it makes him look kinda gostly in a cool magical not-so-dead way. (idk what im talking about)

  • > arty_boy Oh it's fine

What the hell medibang!!!

I was drawing and then I leave and when I come back, Medibang fucking shits on me! First part of my drawing is gone and then even though I have clearly selected red, it's colouring with blue! I am not lying I swear! This actually just fucking happened and only further proves how shitty medibang on a kindle is.

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  • > Kigiraffe101 Kiki you're alive!!!! Also I need you're opinion on something. Should I take writing requests or write the backstories of my characters.

  • Oof that happens a lot with me

  • This is why I only use my phone No matter what Meaning that I don’t post shit when I only have my kindle lmao

  • > Majestic_Narwal YEEE

The majestic sea flap flap is reborn!!!!

Yay I'm not dead... Yet. Haha I won't kick the bucket for a while I hope. Anyways I'm sorry for not being active, I've just been feeling out of it and this stupid kindle is evil. So yeah. My phone should be fixed tomorrow and I'll be back. Once that happens I'll get the next to chapters of my story out and the next page of my comic. Anne maybe then some adoptables. Till then I'll stuff your faces with some trashy traditional art.

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  • YAY


Hey look what I found!!!!

So I did a bit of digging and I found an old Voltron picture. Like the first Voltron was from the 80s! Kinda crazy to be honest. And I must say that this old Voltron looks soooooooooooooooo fucking weird. Soooooo weird. So very weird. I don't even think Zarkon would be pursuing this ugly thing. I guess he doesn't look that different, but still. This old Voltron looks more like a toy than the defender of the universe. So yeah.....

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  • WOAH HE SO SHINY ;N; (btw I just got into voltron and I’m on season 2 ep 6 :D

  • You know whats weird , i was just kinda looking around on mediabang , and then i saw that i wasn`t following you , either somehow i clicked the unfollow button by accident , i'm a complete ice-brain and i haven`t hit that follow button yet , or this site glitched , either way , i`m so glad i cought that , you deserve every single follower you have .

  • U should see the 80s voltron characters

  • I watched the 80’s Voltron on Netflix when it was still on there It was boring but funny :’/

This stupid fucking kindle!

Okay so I was drawing and then I left it for a bit and the kindle went into sleep mode. Then when I came back ALL my work was gone!!! THIS FUCKING KINDLE IS FUCKING KILLING ME!!!! I WANT TO STAY IT TO DEATH!!!!

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  • Oof that happens a lot with my kindle

  • Tell your mom to buy you a touchscreen chromebook. I suggest the Samsung one because it comes with a stylus. I have a shitty acer one.

  • > Majestic_Narwal I don't have a computer and do you know how hard that is? Also I have like a million ideas in my head that I can't do in traditional


Not this again

Soooooo I broke my phone again yay!!! And this time it's actually worse cause it's like half of my screen is paralyzed cause I can't use that half!!! Curse my clumsy ass! Anyways I won't be able to draw much cause I'm using a kindle so that's great ;-;.

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  • This is so sad, Alexa play despacito

  • Sad

  • I think had an otter case for my IPad and I left the go to school day or two after I got it, and I left it on my bed. My little brother doesn’t like listening to people and jumped on my bed, making it fall off the end and cracking the screen all over 😑


About the pallete adopts

Okay so I realized that the pallete adopt thing was a terrible idea and I never want to do it again because I have a little bit of art block and there’s just so many. It’s overwhelming. I should have just taken 4. And even though I said only a few people don’t like to ACTUALLY READ to find out how many spots are left. So I might not do 10 and I might skip over a few cause some of the colour palletes people chose are kind of hard to make something from. I probably should have knew my boundaries for instance actually looking at the palletes and picking which ones I can create something from. Or making a list of animals I would do. So what I am saying is, I probably won’t do 10 and i am sorry I if I don’t do yours. So if you chose something like a cat or a dragon or something of that sort, then you’ll probably be seeing it. Things like birds and things with hooves probably won’t be drawn. Okay I’m sorry but I already have a problem with poses. I probably will never do this again.... like ever. And if you don’t draw it then I will give it to someone else within 2 days.

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  • > ♥Wild Pinku♥ Yeah. It's one thing to just do adopts because you just draw what you can draw. Pallets adopts not only can't you copy and paste but some things are too difficult to work with.

  • is it THAT overwhelming? dang, then that's bad ><

  • > Majestic_Narwal No not like that boi

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap MaGiC~

Chapter 1- Frostbite’s Backstory

“Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother!” North called pouncing in the snow.
Frostbite continued cutting up the polar bear she caught earlier, attempting to ignore the dragonet.
“Mother! Mother! Mother! Mother!”
His calls rang through her ears as she tried to ignore him. ‘Can’t you just wait?’ She thought.
“MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER!” His calls, quickly escalating in volume, continued booming through her head, causing her to make a wrong cut. It’s almost as if he was perusing to be annoying. ‘Is it his life goal’ she growled to herself.
“THREE MOONS WHAT DO YOU WANT!!” Frostbite snapped, quickly turning around and beating her teeth at the intimidated Icewing behind her. North stopped bouncing and dipped his head. He looked up, his silver eyes reflecting guiltiness and shame. ‘Argh why do you have to look like this when I’m trying to be mad at you! Icewings aren’t supposed to be like this’ She thought, struggling to keep a frown.
“Okay fine I’m sorry. Just stop looking at me like that. That’s not how Icewings are supposed to look,” Frostbite sighed, giving in to North’s guiltiness.
North beamed at his mother’s apology and then held up a rodent in his talons. “LOOK WHAT I CAUGHT!!” He smiled, “Bet a puny Nightwing couldn’t catch this! All they do is sit around and eat mangoes and the occasional sloth in the rainforest”
“Don’t underestimate them. We may be superior but those deceiving ugly creatures will lie their way out of almost anything,” she replied.
“They won’t lie their way out of my formidable claws!”
“We’ll see,”
Frostbite looked up at the sky while North trampled the snow that brushed against his underbelly. She turned her head to see North cooing to a baby polar bear about four outstretched wings away.
A roar echoed through the tundra as a bear with mottled white fur galloped furiously towards North and her child. North however continued playing with the small bear, unaware of the danger running towards him.
“NORTH GET OVER HERE NOW!!” Frostbite roared. North ignored her, while the bear kept getting closer. ‘What is wrong with this dragon! If he is ever going to be able to fight an army of deceiving Nightwings, then he shouldn’t be this stupid!’
“NOOOORRRTTHHH!!! THREE MOONS STOP PLAYING WITH THAT STUPID BEAR!!!!!!” Frostbite roared as she crashed in between North and the bears. The bear skidded to a stop, panting and giving an almost worried look at the cub. Frostbite grabbed her child with her maw and growled ferociously at the bear and her cub.
“Mooottthhheeeerrrr!! Stop over reacting it’s just a bear!!!” North whined, “What’s that little thing gonna do to me? Nibble at my talons?”
“That bear can still bite through your scales! AND EVEN THEN you can’t waste your time playing with bears until you can single handedly defeat five Nightwings at once!” Frostbite replied through her hold on North.
“Whatever. I’m an Icewing! I can defeat that puny thing AND five Nightwings RIGHT NOW!” North scoffed, “YOU should be worried about the bear! Not me!!”
“Don’t talk to me like that!” She hissed, throwing him into the snow.
“Hheeeyyyy What was that for!!” North spat.
“For your mouth.”
“Did you hear the part on how I’m an ICEWING!!! YOU HEARD THAT RRRIIIGGGHHHTTT!!!”
“I’m an Icewing too. In fact I’m your Icewing mother!”
“Three moons!” North growled, still laying in the snow.
“Don’t ‘three moons’ me!” She snarled pushing her child deeper into the snow. Frostbite hissed at North before walking away and back to their small hut. ‘You raise a child to be able to do things no other tribe could do and this is how they treat you’ She thought as she curled up inside.
A few minutes later, a small snout nuzzled her side, asking for forgiveness. Frostbite opened her eyes a little to see North sleepily attempting to lift her arm. Frostbite lifted it and North crawled up to her side and snuggled into her stomach.
No matter how much he cried for independence, she knew he’d always need her. A soft hum brushed against her ears while North’s heartbeat was slowing down. He finally gave in and fell asleep. Frostbite brushed her talons across his face. ‘And I thought raising dragonets was easy.’
Yey finally! Also here’s North

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  • > Galactic_Flow Don’t worry. Next chapter is in North’s pov

  • WOW!!!

  • But this is still amazing i lOVE ITT OSBSJSBSBAOSGBWKW

  • OsvjwiafanUWGWIsoauJABsiav Please tell me North gets a character arc that changes his character to be less of a B R A T 😂😂

Holy fucking shit

So I decided to check my junk mail which has over 500 emails and I look to find a shit tone of emails from dating sites. Many of them are made specifically for cheating wives!!! And then this other one appeared asking for marijuana and it’s just crazy. I have tried to unsubscribe but they keep coming back! It’s crazy. The pictures below are only a few of them. Also I swear I haven’t gone to any of these sites or anything similar.

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  • > AhiAndTheRestOfMyCharecters I can't the y just keep coming


  • I feel so sorry for you XD

  • The holy fuck

Story time!!!

Okay so one day in science class, the teacher decided that we would play a game. Basically we were separated into groups of four-six and each group represented a country. Each country had an envelope of materials which consisted of cards which had a picture of which supply thingy you would get (Ex: scissors, staplers, glue etc) and pieces of paper. The objective was to turn the pieces of paper into strips and make a string of paper rings.
My group was America (sadly). There was another group (Mexico) which was right next to us and he others were random countries I don’t remember.
Now each country didn’t have an equal amount of resources. Some had a lot and some had little to nothing. We of course had a lot.
In the first half, everyone was content doing what they were doing. Then we went to lunch and came back and learned that we could steal from other groups.
That’s when it got chaotic. Everyone was stealing from each other, and trying to protect their stuff. Their was nothing productive going on cause you couldn’t turn your back on anyone.
Everyone kept stealing from us (especially Mexico). And in the end it was War. However everyone in my group kept blaming the stealing on Mexico which I feel is a little ironic. But it was crazy.
The only thing that stopped everyone from killing each other was the rule “no touching” which surprisingly no one broke.

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  • oH my god my class would be on fire (Knowing my last biology class 😂😂😂)

  • My life in a nutshell XD

  • > I left Medibang OH MY GOSH IS IT REALLY YOU?! I CANT BELIEVE YOURE BACK!!! I was reeeaaalllyyy upset when I saw your post about you leaving Medibang and no one even said anything. I wish I saw that sooner but I am glad you are here. This isn’t temporary is it?

  • I'm going to haunt you forever

Frostbite’s backstory- prologue

Tears poured down glistening white scales, as a dragon was curled up outside a small hut made of ice. Snow curled at her snout and through her dark blue spikes.
The dragoness slowly opened her slate grey eyes and shuffled her speckled wings. Flicking her spiked tail back and forth near the side of her head while her talons cling to the snowy ground bellow. Even this felt too cold for her.
Gruesome visions flash through her head. The screams of her mate as claws slashed his throat. Hugging his body as life drained from his eyes. The malicious look the Nightwing gave through his face while he gave them a grimacing toothy grin. Blood staining his icy blue scales as he breathed his last breath.
Frostbite winced at the thought. She was supposed to be strong. She was supposed to be the dragon that never cried. She was supposed to be the one who made dragons whimper. She was supposed to be the one who killed.
But now, all she is, is weak. She wasn’t strong. She was continuously crying. She was whimpering. She felt like dying. But why?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a subtle noise. A crackle almost. She gasped and immediately got up and peeked into the hut. ‘He’s here’ she thought. Tears still pushing through her eyes, filled with sadness and joy.
Frostbite carefully prodded her way inside. An egg the colour of snow was cracked. A small snout began pushing through. The small dragon pushed through the cracks, taking in his first breath, his first blink, his first sight.
Frostbite nuzzled his snout softly causing him to sneeze. ‘Ack and his first sneeze!’ She thought, laughing. The dragonet crawled out of the egg, shaking his blueish grey wings. His face reflected hers. The white freckles on his wings in almost the same place. His arms were tipped with an icy blue. The same icy blue that coated her mate’s scales.
The dragon’s silvery blue eyes gleamed at her in a way that made her smile. She smiled in a way she hasn’t done in months. The light in his eyes shone like the North Star. ‘North... that’s his name’ she thought suddenly. North stumbled over to his mother, tripping over his talons.
He fell over his unused feet and slipped at Frostbite’s feet. She picked him up, wrapping her arms around him.
“He’s perfect,” she said, “North... you’re the last thing Snowstorm has left me and I will never leave you”

Oof I did it yay!

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  • Someone stole your artwork, my dude. :’c

  • Omg this is to beautiful

  • this is sad and happy at the same time like her mate died but her dragonet just hatched

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Oh think a maned wolf is also a good fit

News about Frostbite’s comic

So remember how I was gonna make a comic on Frosbite’s backstory? Well I think I’m going to scrap the comic idea and write it instead. I’ll get the story out faster and there will be more of the story in each chapter. I know everyone would prefer to have a comic but this is easier for me. It will also help me focus on my main comic. I may turn it into a comic later but for now it’s just gonna be a story. I’ll be able to get the first chapter out today or tomorrow

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  • Ooh I'm making a comic!

  • Yeet

I think I figured something out!

Skywings are Rainwing hybrids that are soooo angry and grumpy all the time, they can’t change their colour. SEE HOW SIMILAR THEY ARE!!

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  • Oh fluffy explained it

  • > Leafclan93 No 😳

  • > Majestic_Narwal Well because the Nightwings had to leave their former home cause it was being destroyed but a volcano but the only way was to live in the rainforest and accept the current Rainwing Queen, Queen Glory, as their new Queen. That is all Cannon

Happy Birthday ;-;

It’s a very sad day today. A very sad day indeed. Why? Because today, would be Crow’s birthday. We miss you Crow. I wish you were here so I could wish you a happy birthday. And if you are silently here, reading this, I want you to know that everyone here loves you child. I REMEMBERED! I REMEMBERED INDEED!! I REMEMBERED YOUR BIRTHDAY WOULD BE TODAY!!!!

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  • Happy (probably late) birthday to crow! May all their birthday wishes be granted

  • > CrowsPudding XD it was just so surprising. I almost thought you were an imposter XD And I shall always remember you. Have a good day/week

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Tough it out >:0.. but yeah thx for remembering both my bday and me

  • > CrowsPudding I nearly cried when I saw you on here

The Great Emu War

Did you know that Australians declared war on the Emus because they were damaging their crops but no matter how many soldiers they sent in, the emu population only leveled or grew. So the Australians just gave up. Imagine that! Australians loosing to a bunch of flightless birds XD
Sounds more like America to be honest

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  • This is nothing compared to : - The War of The Bucket - The great goat war -The war of Jenkins Ear -The pastry war -The pig war -The war of the stray dog -War of the golden stool -Flagstaff war -Battle of Karanseves Search them and they were caused by stupid reasons

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap XD good point

  • What Inferno said



This is a really weird question, so if you’re one of those babies who click on hentai just to say “OMG THIS IS GROSS!!! IM 11!!” or “THIS PLACE HAS KIDS!! YOU ARE SICK!!” then don’t read this. Also this place is for 12 and up so the children brought this upon themselves. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
You know I was just sitting one day, drawing a dragon and then I thought, “Do dragons have penises?”. I mean they would have to reproduce somehow. Right? Or is it like asexual reproduction and they’re just like “*BARF* ITS AN EGG!!!!!!!” And even if they do have penises, how would they even fuck? I mean wouldn’t their tails get in the way? Like I get it how other animals with tails do it but dragons? Especially Seawings. Their tails are HUUUUUGGGEEE!!! Or do they do it human style. I don’t know why this thought even entered my mind. Maybe because of all the hentai? Or those WoF lemons I found a few days ago... I dunno but if you have actually read this then you have earned my respect.

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  • I think like humans but more free,like,they are bigger so their things are bigger so it’s more easy and stuff ٩( ᐛ )و Really I don’t know,this question looks weird but,in reality no one know how to do dragon PoRn lmao

  • This just got weird

  • This just got weird

  • ... o god

Offer to Adopt

So um here are some poorly drawn adopts. However I did spend my time on them and I would like to get something out of it so, offer something and the best offer will get it. That means it isn't a first come first serve. Soo just because you come here first doesn't mean you can put in a quick offer and stuff. I'll then email yo u the un-watermarked version once I receive payment.
The top one is a Night/Silk hybrid
The middle is a Sea/Sand hybrid
The bottom is a Sky/Rain hybrid

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap thank you I will start now

  • > moonpaw03 Seagull- Beetle- LavaLilly- Draw whichever is easier

  • That Watermark though. Its so cool... Maybe I should do somethin like that... ...

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap I'm finished with the offer