Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Happy 4th of July???

Grapefruit- HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!! *is holding Canadian flag*
Sailboat- You messed it up again dipshit!!! THAT'S A CANADIAN FLAG!!!! *inhales* why
Grapefruit - But how can I support this country when, 1 it took over 200 years for everyone to get their rights and still that's not everyone , 2 gun laws, 3 capitalism and 4 the government. Oh wait did I mention out president?
Sailboat- ... But- what about... never mind

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  • Happy 4th of July *is holding a French flag* I’m late I know.

  • 😂😂😂😂😂

  • Fuck ya canada


Art trades (redo)

Since nobody saw my last one, I’m gonna say it again! I AM DOING ART TRAAAAAAADDDDEEEESSSSSSSSSS
only 4
No nsfw (meaning no genitalia)
And that’s it.

If you didn’t hear me the second time

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Could you draw my oc Secret swimming in a river? :3 if not you can just draw my oc Acer

  • > CChachiii What shall I draw

  • > CChachiii If you dig deep enough you can find it. I posted his ref sheet a while back.... If you still can’t find it I’ll see if I can and I’ll link it

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Oof, I just got the notification for this. I’ll draw grapefruit (mainly because I can’t draw dragons for my life ;-;) but I cant find an illustration of its full body unless you want me just to draw it’s head. Would you mind sending me a link if you have it?

I gots a kindle

Yee so I finally got my kindle and so now I can finally get an amino like I promised two months ago. The only reason it was delayed was because some little cunt (aka my brother) decided to sneak my kindle at night and it got taken away by my mom. So yeah.... My name will always be fluffythemajesticseaflapflap or one of my main ocs.

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  • > Kigiraffe101 Probably not gonna be active though. In the other one I will

  • > Kigiraffe101 Okay I’ll join that one

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Oh wow the one im on only has 192

  • > Kigiraffe101 The one I’m on has over 600 members.

About the dead body

Okay so remember that post I posted a few days ago where my dad found a dead body? Well I was only posting that to inform people about what happened. However a bunch of people keep calling me lucky or wish that something similar happened. I am in no way what so ever, lucky. Someone is found dead. Death is a serious matter and isn’t lucky or something you should be wishing could happen. I don’t care how boring your life is. That body could be of a child who had their whole life ahead of them just for it to be cut short. Or it could be someone who was dealing with some hard times and committed suicide. Hell it could even be a single mother! Does that sound lucky to you? Think about how this person’s friends and family might feel. You think they’d consider me lucky? Death is far from lucky. It’s misfortunate. Even calling it interesting and cool is somewhat wrong! I am sorry for the rant but this is unacceptable. Would you feel lucky finding someone dead? Or loosing someone you loved?

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  • > DragonTamer I know what some people’s intentions were. Yours was fine

  • Yeah why would people think it's lucky to find a dead body?

  • I don't think its cool, what i meant was I love getting justice for the murderer or figuring what happens so it won't happen in the future And I've already lost everyone I love Except my parents and brothers

  • i dont get how people think its cool...


So my brother and I flew in to Michigan this morning to visit our grandparents. We’re gonna be here for a month and at the end we’re gonna go to some family reunion in Chicago which means I have to wear a fucking ugly ass dress because my overly Christian household doesn’t agree with any gender preferences what so ever. Especially my Grandad. He even outright told me that if he found out any of his family was gay or any of that “stupid shit” then he would ship me to some place in terrible place in Eurasia like Syrhia.
Everyone’s like “oh it’s not that bad coming out of the closet!!! You’ll feel better when you do”. Yeah I’ll totally feel better in the hands of terrorists. (Probably exaggerating a lot except about the part where he said he’d ship me somewhere)
Anyways right now I’m on my grandmother’s yacht/boat/ship/ weird floaty thingy in the water and we might take a ride down the Detroit river (The closest I’ve ever been to Canada). Might share some pictures of the scenery if we do go for a ride. However even if we don’t tonight, we will tomorrow cause I just found out a few hours ago that we’re staying the night so that’s great!
Also I must say that the heat in Vegas is nothing like the heat here. At least in Vegas, 90 degrees, still feels like 90 degrees. In Detroit and other places like it, if it’s 90 degrees it will feel like 100 degrees. Let me tell you that humid heat is not fun. Trust me. You would much rather have dry heat than humid heat.

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  • I understand you I HATE DRESSES TOO!

  • > DrawingStuff Because the boat has a router. And my grandparents gave me unlimited data

  • How does one G e t w i f i c o n n e c t i o n O n a b o a t? I barley have WiFi connection here at home!

  • > Majestic_Narwal And oh mai.... Never on a plane?! I still can’t believe it.

Holy shit

So my dad moved to a new apartment recently and got a garage so he wouldn’t have to fight for a parking spot. However said garage had an unusual disgusting smell so he told the main office thingy about it and a few days later they went in to inspect it. My dad was just expecting something like some old trash or a dead animal, however, they found a dead body! A fucking body. Now no one told me if it was a murder, suicide or a natural death, all I was told was that there was a dead body and some type of investigation is going on.

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  • Watt!Wow you are in a pretty unusual position...

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap I don`t think anyone meant it like that , but , still , this is just some creepy stuff .

  • > Roka Revale I know but still. Who wants that to happen? I know I wouldn’t want to find a dead body in my garage

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap They say your lucky becuase that doesnt happen to every one ...but in realilty that crap is creepy .

New comic?

So I’ve been thinking about making a new comic about Frostbite’s full backstory. I would just like your input. Reason being is that I just had so many ideas that couldn’t be fit into this one comic so why not make a comic just for Frostbite. Also with all of these ideas I’ve sort of grown too attached to her and now she’s not just the insane bad guy of the story.
DISCLAIMER: her backstory is most likely going to differ from the short one I wrote a while back.

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap No seriously , if you need two comics just to get your ideas out , then go for two comics , the only thing holding you back is you

  • Gosh the comments are meant for suggestions and stuff not for “if you want”

  • ok, if you want to, i mean, i dont want you to do too much work

  • Do it , just do it


That moment when you get a new follower and you’re like “OMG IM SPECIAL!!!” And then you look at their profile to find out that hey are following 100000000000000000000000000000000 people.

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  • I can’t even see if anyone is following me. Literally it says someone is following me, but then it won’t show who since Followers: 0 Bruh T^T

  • > @LaZyLawless_ Yeah my second follower was UglyPotato,I was so happy lmao,now I have 100 followers and I’m still happy that he were my second :D

  • Or when you see that you’re the first follow of someone. That’s how I get a noice smoile face

  • I follow to much people becuz as soon as I get a follower i follow them back, but im following more people, I've followed about 400+ people and i have only 100+ followers, the reason is when i first started i was shit at digital art, then everybody's art looked amazing to me then so i was like "so good! I'm following them!" XD

Art trades

Yay I’m doing art trades! Hehehehe *sigh* You post yours first and then notify me when I’m done.
-nothing too innapropo (kissing and shit is allowed just no sex. I don’t do that shit)
-you will not be getting free art out of me
-tell me which characters, what pose, and what background. (You can also tell me if there’s any accessories you’d like)

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Oof I'm not that good at drawing doggos :'0

  • > DragonTamer Okay could you change it to something a little less challenging? I cant seem to get it to look the right way at all.

  • > Majestic_Narwal Oh but luckily I do have those colour pallets saved to my gallery. Anyways I’d like stingray with the head and front legs of a dog. For the colours, just surprise me

Adoptable warning

I’m giving out any adoptables that haven’t been drawn. I don’t care who you are or if you’ve drawn it and not posted it. It must be posted. These adoptables will be available to any of my followers and if you get one you must draw it within 2 hours. Yes 2 hours. If you can’t do that then no adopt. I am being strict with this one. And don’t come in complaining. I have the right to refuse service to anyone.

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  • Taco

  • > Majestic_Narwal Don’t worry. Ima post them first as non adopts and if there are any you see that you have adopted and/or drawn then you have some time to do so

  • Wait are ther any I need to draw? I have drawn them on paper I just need to post them sorry,

  • Ready Im itching to draw something


That moment when you host a contest and you’re so excited for all of the entries but then only 2 people enter :,3
Hehehe anyways I’m hosting a profile picture contest because I am still not satisfied with it and shit so yeah. I’d like it to have my signature animal in it (in case you’re stupid and don’t know what my user name is, it’s a fucking stingray). If you’re too fucking lazy to draw that or you “can’t” draw a stingray (which I understand if you “can’t”) then either draw any of my main ocs.
1st- 2 requests, 2 adoptables and possibly a gif request. (Nothing too difficult)
2nd- 2 requests and an adoptable
3rd- 1 request and 1 adoptable
I hope at least five people enter

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  • When is the contest due date? It's been a while

  • *wheeeeze* so much ppl joined yours ;w; I’ll join if I can...I just need a break after going on a trip with my fam

  • I may join

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Mk

For the Wings of Fire fans out there

Glory: *decides to visit the rest of the dragonets in the Jade Mountain Acedemy for once*
Starflight: Hey Glory is that you?
Glory: oh hey Starflight! Long time no see!
Starflight: Hi how’s it- ....
Glory: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Starflight: .... fuck you
Fyi, Starflight is blind...

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  • > Gud_boi Oh no don’t feel bad! You have no reason too. I enjoy telling people myself instead of going to other people who will give you the wrong definition. I was just giving a little extra info for you there

  • Oh i feel frickin bad now Sorry 4 askin:" (

  • How dare chu Glory

  • I fucking choked

To do list

- Finish the adoptables I got from Dt, Patchit, Mc, Akumu and a bunch of other people I got adoptables from within the past two weeks but never drew...
- Finish some contest entries
- Finish WoF ship requests ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Do gif raffle winners
- Draw shit
- Get a penis

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  • > Asexuals Unite Surprisingly, there are surgeries out there that can give you a completely functional penis...

  • > Asexuals Unite Yup. Luckily my friend said that they will help me save for one and even offered to start saving now even though we were just in middle school.

  • I wish i had a dick Trans problems amirite

  • > ΔҜUMU悪夢 But in all honesty, that one was a joke.

Warrior Cat name generator

Okay these are meant to be stupid so don’t complain about it in the comments. Please tell me what you got. I’m curious.
Date of birth
1- Cat
3- Lion
4- Pig
5- Tiny
6- Ugly
7- Shit/Shitty
8- Spotted
9- Fish
10- Huge
11- Weird
12- Bear
13- Stupid
14- Ass
15- Fuck
16- Dog
17- Fox
18- Tar
19- Tree
20- Dead
21- Cunt
22- Bush
23- Orange
24- Trump
25- Duck
26- Long
27- Weak
28- Devil
29- Scorch
30- Blue
31- Hairy

1- Nipples
2- Face
3- Penis/Dick
4- Foot
5- Shit
6- Cloud
7- Boi
8- Stomach
9- Corpse
10- Stink
11- Mouth
12- Eye
Tell me what you got so I can have something to laugh at. I got StupidFace. my brother is FuckNipples and my little brother is Catstink.

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap I'm wondering the samething

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Lol yeah

  • I'm Dead Shit 👏

  • > If Ripple Had A Floofer At least you weren’t born in march


So a few years back, my mother, brother and I were watching tv when this gay couple kissed.
Brother- Mom why are they kissing?
Mom- they are brothers
SHE SAYS THIS LIKE INCEST IS BETTER THAN BEING GAY! WHAT THE FUCK!!! And I know maaaannnyyy people are there do the same thing. I really wish I could have said something but I didn’t. Ugh. Society kills me

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  • > Majestic_Narwal Why if i get a cat or dog i make sure its a mutt , those are normaly the heathier ones ( and more interesting ones , i had a seimese cat that had some tabby in it , it was the coolest thing , it had the normal siemese markings and stripes , but , this was when i was still a cat person )

  • Wow i feel.dumber than I already am now

  • > Majestic_Narwal I know. But it wasn’t kissing on the cheek and it wasn’t that kiss that portrays sibling love either... but that’s pretty interesting

  • But also siblings do kiss each other on cheek....its not insest at that point but Oedipus Rex ... Oof look it up... Greek mythology whose whole storyline is about insest


Hey guys this is actually important for once. The “artist” dreaming-roses is actually an imposter. The real dreaming-roses is on DA. They didn’t have an account here until someone told them about the imposter. The real account is Sacred Roses. Please spread the word to everyone and if you are following them, just unfollow and don’t lash out. And if you comment on their posts about it, please don’t curse them out. Just let them know that they have been caught and stuff.
Da link-

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  • > If Ripple Had A Floofer Oh okay! Yeah basically you just hold down on the text you want to select and then press copy

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Amazon fire

  • > RippleTheSeaWing Oh well then why kind of tablet do you have?

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Well, I don't have a phone, I have a tablet. I only use my phone when my tablet is outta battery


Okay this is for real this time. If you have any wings of Fire ships whether it’s cannon, not cannon, or with your characters (your oc x character in book or oc x oc), then I’ll draw it unless I don’t agree with the ship. There shall be no nudity/yiff or whatever dragon porn is called. I AM NOT GOING DOWN THAT ROAD PERIOD!! Anyways I am only taking a few. Please request something... I’m bored. Also please just say the ship names in the comments. Just say this x that or something of that sort.

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  • > MiniFluffy QUIBLI X WINTER IS BETTER I never realized :0

  • > DrawingStuff Oh but you know what’s better? Qibli x Winter >:3 XD Jk. Anyways I’ll see about that one. Probably will do it since it’s cannon

  • Quibli X Moon is a cute one XD

What the fuck

Holy shit how did I get this far? Who the fuck wants to see my shit? Oh well. Anyways I somehow have received 200 followers and I dunno how. Anyways I don’t know what to do and I am NOT doing 200 adoptables. NO WAY am I going down that road again. NO WAY!! Anyways list what I should do in the comments. I might do a 50 adoptable run but not 100 or 200.

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Smh two faced assholes

  • > MiniCrisps I know. I’ve seen it. And it really bothers me when people WHO WATCH/DRAW PORN complain about the porn in other fandoms. And then they have the nerve to talk about their sex nights or their porn like it’s a god

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Hey man everyone everywhere has their fair share of porn, aint no real difference, there some freaky straight shit man

  • > MiniCrisps XD yeah I often have to tell that to people when they discriminate against furries even though every fandom has its fair share of porn.


Found these cute bases online. I’ll be using them for adopts later. I’ll post the other 3 in a bit
Types from top to bottom-

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  • > 🐾★FallenArrow22★🐾 You can use any of these. I posted hem for use cause I found them on DA and thought that some people might wanna use them. So feel free

  • It it okay if I use a seawing base? I need it for completion of my WoF Oc.

  • Oof, I better watch out for these, cuz, I seriously am gonna get a skywing or a mudwing or a nightwing or a rainwing

  • how cute


Hey guys as many of you know, Majestic Narwhale might leave. They are one of the most amazing people I have met on Medibang and is an amazing artist overall. They are going through depression and feel as though they are forgotten. I would like for all of you to draw something for them and/or say somehing meaningful to them in the comments. I will then take all of your quotes and put it in a collage with a picture I have drawn for them. Please contribute to this even if you don’t know them that much. It doesn’t have to be some deep poem or an amazing masterpiece but just draw/say something for Majestic Narwhale so that they know that thy are not forgotten.

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  • I've finished

  • How’s this....?

  • I'll work on it.

  • Life isn't always easy, I know from experience, but we are surrounded by people who care about us, who care about you! I know you're upset and it's ok to not be ok. We'll shower you with love rather you here or not. I'd wish you stay but if you do leave, I want you to know we all love you with all of our hearts. I hope you find motivation, and that drive you need to continue to make art. We wish you well. Take care my friend <33


Hey guys please list your phobias in the comments and I’ll see if I can turn them into some type of monster

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  • Acrophobia (fear of heights) I just hate looking up a high tower and imagining falling down

  • I also nope out anywhere near wires or other computer parts , oh , and substances like oil , gasoline , diesle and ect. ( i'm not scared of fire , weirdly enough )

  • Spiders , freaking spiders ! those long legs are my bane

  • i guess my will be any non-living person or creature with black eyes