Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Okay guys I’m reaching 200 followers already! I know crazy. When I started actually posting frequently, I didn’t know that was even possible. So here I would like to thank the people who truly made it possible.
Majestic Narwhale
Dragon Tamer
And Ripple
Thank you guys so much for being there, love you all a lot.
(I will be adding to this later)

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Omg thank you so much! :D I’ll be sure to keep up to date with your posts :3

  • <3

  • > Tiger Thanks

  • > Yami Aww thanks! You’re a great friend too!


Another kid: BILL BILL BILL
A bunch of other people: BILL BILL BILL
Entire country: BILL BILL BILL
Entire population of the earth: BILL BILL BILL

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  • Tbh the videos seem p childish? But whatever lol

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Oh I know We’ve watched maybe 1 of his videos But it’s not a big thing here

  • > Tiger It’s fine



Some dude: I bet ya I can bench 100
Another ignorant dude: well I can’t bench 200!
Another motherfuckin idiot: ladies, ladies, step aside and let the man do this! I can bench four-
Me: pffftt! Hehehehehe! You guys think you’re so special? I can sit on a bench longer than that! Ha! Just try me!

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  • > MiniCrisps Hehehe same

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Im .1% of bacteria that disinfectant doesnt kill. Forever alone

  • > TitaniumPegasus Wait I wanna play video games!!! Wow I am always alone in the end XD

  • > TitaniumPegasus Jokes on you I'm always alone! I WIN AHAHA


So you know how I asked for all of those requests but never did them... well I’ll do them this time.... only if you can prove to me that any stupid consperacy you have is true. (Ex: earth is flat, aliens don’t exist, government is trying to kill us or whatever). If you actually use science or whatever then you might even get an adoptable!
Okay jk that’s all a joke. I’m only taking a few though

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  • Hm this seems so serious even tho its just talkin bout how weird flat earthers are

  • > arty_boy I know

  • > arty_boy The universe is just a big useless space of stars galaxies and nothing if there are no aliens Of course they exist whats the use of the other planets if theyre just like some useless thing on the universe

  • but aliens do ezist...

A few more days

Okay so remember the oc contest I have for my Seawing Ontario? Well you have until Wednesday to do it. If you need more time just tell me and I’ll give you a little extra time.
The people who have posted their entry are:
Lil’ DT
Lil’ Pud
Lil’ Patch
Love master
Galactic Petal

People who might do it are:
Lil’ Kiki

If you have posted your entry or you know you will do it, either send me a link or tell me you’re gonna do it so I can keep a look out

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  • > Kigiraffe101 If you need more time I’ll give you some. I’ll probably end the contest after the last one on that list finishes and posts

  • I started it.... Dang it the deadline is Wednesday

  • Good luck, everyone!

  • :3

New closed species

So I was in orchestra studying for the finals and I decided “hey why not waiste your time making this idea instead of studying!”
Anyways they are called African Locket Dogs and are mostly made of types of metals. This one that I drew is made of copper. Before a locket dog is born, the universe gives them a key to their soulmates heart and the soulmate has a key to their heart. After they are a few months old, they leave their mothers in search of the lock that their key belongs to. Once they find it and unlock each others soul, they are locked in a bond that can never be broken. If one of them happens to die whether it’s before or after, the locket dog will go into mourning for a year and their key at the end of their tail will begin to crumble until they die. If a Locket Dog is born without a soulmate or the soulmate was miscarriaged, then the Locket Dog will live with one of their siblings.
(Note: their keys aren’t like cartoon keys)

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  • I hope my version was alright aha....


  • Heck these are amazing

  • > MiniCrisps Okay sure. I’ll was gonna make it open for friends anyways


Hey guys so I have this seawing character however I don’t know what design to make him. His name is Ontario and he was named after one of the Great Lakes in between South Canada ( the U.S) and Canada. He is about 8 almost 9 years old. That’s all I can say right now.
So getting to the point, I need you guys to design the best design for him. The contes ends 1 week from tomorrow at 11:59 Pacific time (it’s okay if you post it a little afterwards cause I probably won’t have results out until Sunday).
1st place- the character design will be used (*cough* *cough* *cough* comic *cough* *cough* *cough*) a full body, fully shaded request of multiple ocs with a background and 3 custom free adoptables
2nd place- character design might be used in background character, full body fully shaded request of one to two ocs with a background and 2 custom ocs
3rd place- full body request of one oc without a background (gradient or plain design) and a custom adoptable
Everyone else gets an honerable mention and a golf clap :3
You may use a base

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  • I'll comment a link here when I'm done.

  • ι'ℓℓ тяу

Adoptable info

Hey guys I’m gonna stop posting free adoptables except for close friends(ex: people who I talk to on a daily bases). If you want some adoptables, then you can pay me either in DA points or through PayPal. (Most of them will just be about ¢10 (100 points). I may change the prices later.

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  • ok. understood.

  • > MiniCrisps Hehe same

  • > Majestic_Narwal Well I will mostly be using PayPal but for those who have DA I will be using points too which can be cashed in for money

  • LikE mE


Sorry I haven’t been doing these lately. I keep forgetting to record. This one I was lazy and used the Ibis paint speedpaint (ugh)
Anyways this is fanart for Bluesomething’s comic Honey’s Life. You should go check them out and their comic cause it’s amazing.

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  • > The Fox Sisters It was hard to do tho. Luckily I found a way. Thanks!

  • Ack Why didnt I know you had a youtube, to the subscribe button, awaaaay

  • I love it, you are so good at tears

  • > You-Createy Shinnining Yeet


So until recently, I thought I was aromantic (meaning you don’t have sexual or romantic feelings for people and have no interest for a relationship). However one of my friends I have started liking a little more. And I have no idea how to deal with these feelings cause I’ve never had them before. The only reason I have decided to write it here is because it’s tearing me apart and I wanna get them out, just not in person. But the thing is, I think she is straight which makes matters worse. Ugh I’m sorry for worrying you with this. This isn’t really anything you can help me with, it’s just a rant. And I know what they say, I’ve lived my whole life without them, I can survive if she says no. But then she knows and has the power to tell everyone else. Aaaahhhhh. Thanks if you have actually decided to read all of this.

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  • > MiniCrisps Hehe well I hope it works out for you too!

  • Relatable, hope you can work through it my friend. Thought i was gay but I met a guy recently, became really close friends, now I'm fucked. Whoops :P

  • oh shit got deep sorry..

  • im not aromantic but i suggest u let life run its course and see where it takes tou :) my mom once said “its better when you go in blind because you never know what surprises your gonna see” and i think its the most beautiful words she ever said and i live by them now xD

Requests (kinda)

Okay so I have been drawing WoF characters for a while and I wanted to do more but I didn’t know which ones to do. So is there anyone you want me to do? It can be groups of dragons (ex: winglets), any old character, or even ships. However I’m only doing cannon characters.
Limit: 5
PLEASE READ THE COMMENTS!!! If someone has already requested someone, don’t request it. And make sure to count the number of people who have requested cause otherwise I will ignore you.

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Ok, um, Moon X Turtle

  • > Tiger No, it's fine. I joke around like that a lot. If I wasn't, my BFF would have died at least 80 times. .-.

  • > Tiger ((Joking))

  • > GalacticPetal i make it up to u just name it

ANOTHER Speedpaint yay

This one is a bit crappy cause I used Ibis paint... ugh. Don’t worry, I won’t e using that piece of shit that much anymore. Only for my lineart. Anyways here it is.... and yay it’s twice as short! Only about 10 minutes unlike the last one.

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  • nice job

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Ok I’ll check it out, thanks

  • > ☆Galaxy_Wolf1611☆ I use this app called Record it. I’m not sure if it’s on anything other than Apple products tho. For this speedpaint I used the one built into ibisPaint

  • What do you use to film it? It would really help to know seen as a have a YT channel and do SpeedPaints n stuff...


So I was drawing some adoptables that I have recieved from Dragon Tamer, and while I was colouring it started to look disgusting. I continued colouring cause oh well. Maybe it’ll look better when it was finished. Nope. I couldn’t take it anymore and I just stopped. The anatomy is horrendous. Sorry DT I failed you

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  • I can’t even draw with a marker..... THIS IS GOOD But I’m not kidding if I do it will look BAD

  • It’s not that bad bro.

  • also, what pens did u use

  • ye “good” cuz im shit at it

What should I do?

Hey guys I’m gonna be joining a new social media platform! Which ever one I join I will be either FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap, MajesticSeaFlapFlap or if things get real desperate, FluffyTheFlapFlap.
The things I will be joining are:
Deviant Art
Please decide in the comments which one I shall join. The one with the most votes is obviously the one I’m going to go to. Don’t worry though. I am not leaving Medibang. That’s not happening for a long time

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  • YouTube, I have a YT I’m lonely Help

  • > Frànkįę Thė Føxÿ Well it could be a popular species if you just make it open and if you have the right money, get a fursuit. That usually always makes people want one. However I’ll take one. Could you draw it for me though. I’m kinda working on finishing my 100 adoptable run and other projects like Termite. I don’t care how it looks. I love surprises

  • Da

  • Btw, do you want a Axu? If not, can you screenshot the MySpace post and put up something for it? I want this species to be like, one of those famous species like Dutch Angel Dragons.


So I’m discontinuing my comic and replacing it with a new and better one. This one will have shading cause, less panels and no background however it will have a higher quality!!! It’s basically these three friends doing stupid shit each page. It’ll be called ‘Imperial, Topaz, and Glitch’ cause (obviously) those are their names. I’m not revealing anymore about this until further notice.
Characters are bellow in order of their names. (Hopefully)

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  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Boom. RoseWing.

  • > GalacticPetal Okay it’s probably gonna be a warriors roleplay

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeesssssss I will join in like a minute of it starting. ( If you actually want me in it make sure its on a weekend or after school hours X3 )

  • > GalacticPetal Oof you roleplay? I do too. I was thinking of hosting one


Person 1: what colour is your imaginary penis?
Person 2: uhhh What?
Person 1: everyone has one! Mine is purple!
Person 2: *tries to get away* you don’t have a penis....
Person 1: it’s imaginary.... like your friends

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  • > Frànkįę Thė Føxÿ Oof that’s kinda boring but oh well. I yelled that at school a bunch and then today someone walked up to me and said “hello purple penis” XD

  • Mine looks like a woman part and it's tan and not imaginary fuck off XD

  • > Revviicreek I’m just wondering what colour it is that’s all

  • > GalacticPetal You’ll have to deal with that in middle school!


[Intro] I'm the Globglogabgalab I love books And this basement is a true treasure trove

[Chorus] I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind I am the yeast of thoughts and minds Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab

[Bridge] Oooh, ha ha ha, mmm, splendid Simply delicious Ooooohm, ha haa ha ha

[Chorus] I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind I am the yeast of thoughts and minds Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab.

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  • > 易玖 It’s fine. It has a bunch of unusual words

  • > B.Spades That’s great I guess

  • I read an almanac for you

  • I have read it very carefully but I'm sorry that my translation tool can't translate his complete translation.


Okay so I’m just gonna say that my school has terrible administration and is kinda bad in general. I am not doing this for attention. I am just fed up with this shit. If you don’t want something long to read then I understand. You can stop yourself now.

Okay so first the staff are terrible. There are a few good people tho but most of them suck. For instance my friend was trying to show something to her girlfriend and they were barely even touching. However because of this rule that states no touching allowed, you can’t do anything close to it. So someone comes up and starts yelling at them even though they were just sitting next to each other. It’s crazy. I’ve seen people get in trouble for hugging, holding hands, and all sorts of stuff. Once these people were hugging their friend cause she was crying and they got in a bit of trouble. After that they took the one who was crying to the councilor and let me just say, they are terrible. They don’t help you with anything and when you ask them a question they’ll just answer it with another question that might not even be related to your question. Once my friend’s friend went to the councilor because she had an abusive father and they were cutting. The councilor thought it would be best to call the father and send her home to the abusive father! Luckily that councilor is gone but still. Another thing is the nurse. If you don’t have a fever then apparently there is nothing wrong with you. And even then then hey only let you lay down for five minutes. When I went there because of this really bad period cramp, I told them my stomach hurt and they just said “go to the bathroom”. I tried explaining that that wasn’t the problem but she wouldn’t listen. What good is a nurse when all she does is tell you to do things that the teacher could easily do?
That’s it for now. If you read through this entire thing thanks. This was probably a huge waste of time.

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  • He he I'm in highschool it's better than middle school, not by much, but still notisibly better 👌 still sucks tho, just not as much

  • > GalacticPetal Same me dude In Southern California it's either just got all day or Cold at night and hot in the day (I kid u not it can get up to like 45 degrees and it'll be 80 degrees the same day) also what is this snow you speak of? (lol)

  • > GalacticPetal Oh I was just assuming

  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Yis. wait.... How did you know of my power?

Pfp needed!

Hey guys I’m kinda doing a contest but I need a new pfp cause this one is getting old. I’d like it to be of two of my main ocs which includes:
Fluffy Boi (If you do him you must draw lil’ boi too. They never separate)
And LavaLilly(might change her name to LavaPool)
If you end up doing Fluffy boi you can just do him and lil’ boi

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  • I can’t lol

  • > Patchit Oof!

  • Hmmm I'll do... Sailboat and Lavalily c:

  • > Glassbun Oh no..... I wonder how that’s gonna end. I can’t wait to see it tho!