Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I act like an asshole jackass so people dont bully me :>

《•°¡¡FallenArrow22!!°•》 left a comment!

rant (trigger warning)

okay its getting kinda fuckin stupid on here like why is there so many suicide attempts on here?!

like my space is getting fuckin filled with it and its pissing me off now...

now I understand that your feeling sad your feeling guilty what you did you have no self - esteem left BUT yet what makes you want to kill yourself?!

just answer that!? what makes you want to drive yourself to death! you do realize you have a future fuckin goal to accomplish and yet your destroying your own body cause you did a little mistake...oh wait did you ever realize that mistakes can be fixed that easily? some are hard but just try to move on and forget about it!

''oh gunter you don't realize that its hard to control these kind of emotions''

''oh gunter but its hard to forget about the past''

hey.....if its that hard to move on...

then go fuckin draw or do something cause really your just ruining your own life that your mom...and your dad created...and they want you to be happy...even the ones that are dead...they want you to be strong...they want you to be happy for once in your life.

so put the damn razor and knife down in the garbage and heal your wounds with medicine and talk to your parents about your problems...its that simple

also another thing...

anons are not allowed to comment im sorry but anons just scare me okay?!

and even if any anon comments I will delete it cause I need to know who you are and what you are since I just have 0% trust in anon....

that's all and im scared to get yelled at...

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