일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

8 시간 / 일
구직 중 https://www.linkedin.com/in/sonia-ran-do-oniisan-rondina-b2a78a1b8
My first exposure. 私の最初の露出。

I am very excited because on 19 May 2018 there will be my exhibition. Some of my illustrations will be exhibited from 19 to 27 May 2018 within Vergato Arte 2018 (Spazio 10). The exhibition will be open only on Saturdays and Sundays.

私は2018年5月19日に私の展覧会があるので、とても興奮しています。 私のイラストの一部は、2018年5月19〜27日にVergato Arte 2018(Spazio 10)で展示されます。 展覧会は土曜日と日曜日にのみ開かれます。

Sono molto emozionata perché il 19 maggio 2018 ci sarà la mia esposizione. Alcune delle mie illustrazioni saranno esposte dal 19 al 27 maggio 2018 all'interno di Vergato Arte 2018 (Spazio 10). La mostra sarà aperta solo il sabato e la domenica.

I feel like that.
Mi sento così.

다음화을 보기

  • > Ran Do Oniisan I think it's good to connect physically with other artists too and other people that can give you opportunity to expand. Networking is amazing in any industry

  • > yayoi コメントしていただきありがとうございます。XD

  • > しゃぽ。 おんとに ありがとう ございます。XD この展覧会は私にとって大きな成果です。

  • > MortalMangaka Thank you very much! I appreciate your comment ;) Exposures, even if tiring, are important to establish a direct relationship with people and not leave behind those who can not access the internet, I think.