일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

자유로움 unless I'm gone.
can I tell you somethin?

Yes, I know I talked about my side story of what happened to my DeviantArt and why I don't want to appeal it or use it anymore...but I wanted to tell why. And admit it here...[I know, you guys don't care about it, but I'm going to retell any detail but I somehow don't remember and moved on..but I wanted to get this off my chest...]
I started my first DeviantArt account in 2017 in January or February, which I'm only 11 back, which I made a stupid decision and I didn't know anything... What was my first account, you ask? Well, I'm not gonna tell you what it is thou. A few days later, I got bored with that account, deactivated that one, and made a new one, which is TheGamePlayaMe2. *sighs* Instead of claiming I was that person, I...pretended to be two people that were the same person, which is me. I got very stupid and I just took someone's design and people called me out for art theft, which I never do but I apologize to that person...and we become "friends", which I take it way too far...and started to become obsessive..and stupider. The terrible mistake is when..I commented something mean without thinking it will damage my reputation...but I brought my account back to...*sighs* call them a bitch and I was stressed by the outcast. Thankfully, the second account I made was locked out because I somehow reset my computer and forgot my password...which I made a new one and forgot it and my fouth account was xXthesoulsrisingauXx...which was on June or July 2017. Yes, I was still stupid about almost everything and did not take any criticism (I'm not autistic...and I don't like to be called one). And yes, I wasn't in the right age back then and it DESTROYED my reputation all the way, but I didn't know until I got banned in October. I didn't know why I got banned until I finally was done. Because I wasn't 13 when I made my accounts...
I could remember being careless about my actions...and all the what-ifs came to my head when I realized I did a terrible thing...
I remembered calling myself a pariah...a bitch...a nobody...and awful things...but I was too scared to go back and admit what I did wrong. I just can't handle it anymore...but I decided to move on...and refresh myself in a new life. As an animator and artist...
If you wonder how I'm doing now, I'm doing fine. I took some medicine to calm myself down and I continue to do what I like to do. I will not look back and be terrorized again by DeviantArt and I'm done with appealing my ban. It causes many problems anyway. It fucking ruined me anyways...pushing me to nothing.
So, that's my retold version...

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  • > JemonFucious08 Yea ^^

  • > ScratchelKatty Yea...at least they stop this madness.

  • Trust me, Phoenix, I’ve been there but at least you’re moving on and started anew. ^^

New headcanon about Fizzy and Fuzzy

Since I haven't used them for a long time, I'll make some head-canons about them and their differences.
-Fuzzy is about 18 years old while Fizzy is 19. That makes Fizzy 1 year older than Fuzzy.
-Fuzzy's real name is Fuzzel. He doesn't mind being called "Fuzzy" by almost everyone.
-Fizzy's real name is "Fumio" but he doesn't like his own name so he goes by "Fizzy"
-Fuzzy has a strong dislike of violence and gore, but Fuzzy can force to kill someone if he felt panic or scared about dying.
-However, Fizzy is aggressive and he uses violence to solve everything. He won't hesitate to kill someone if he felt like he needed to do it.
-Fuzzy sees Fizzy as a brother because he looks up to him and Fizzy is his only friend that almost shared the "zzy" ending in their name and starts with an "F" as their first initial.
-Fizzy secretly likes Fuzzy as a friend. He pretended to be mean to Fuzzy, even he didn't intend to. Fizzy see Fuzzy as a soft and open friend. It makes Fizzy trust in Fuzzy a lot more than anyone.
-Fuzzy is a "weeb" fan. He mostly watches anime before he goes to sleep and talks about anime with someone who is a strong interest in anime.
-Fizzy is a fan of dark and emo stuff. He is also into literature.

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  • :000

  • That's kewl

About Danika

Danika is a high school student who is not really popular and rarely spends time with her friends (including Amulet). She mostly was objectified by boys only because of her breast size. Danika doesn't like to be touched in the areas or she just hates being touched by people. [She doesn't have autism]
Danika likes to play games, sleep, or watch TV. Her favorite food is sushi or pizza. She is about 5'5 or less. [Which I don't really know about weights, pounds, or something like that, sorry ^^]
Danika has a lighter weight or I can say she's thicker. Her breast size is maybe cup D(?)

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  • Noice UwU

New Gacha OCs info

Poette is the leader or the mastermind of her organization called "Lost Magic". She is very cheeky, somehow put herself in first, and acts mean to some of her members. She works along with her big brother, Hakai, who somehow spoils her by stealing gifts. She is 16 years old.

Hakai is Poette's older brother and "deputy" of the organization. His job is to find people who are abandoned, abused, or bullied and somehow supported them. He often gets whatever he wants by murder, theft, and fraud. Despite playing a role as a brother to Poette, he'll sometimes not support her and be there for her rough times. He is 18 years old.

Zero is a member of "Lost Magic". He suffers from abuse by his parents and chose to left them for good, but he doesn't get clinical help from a professorial. Instead, Zero uses violence and solitary over peace. He steals clothes, money, and cards from places. He is 17 years old.

Jitensha is a member of "Lost Magic". He is a tomgirl (meaning a boy who acts girlish despite his gender) or most likely a trap. He was forced to wear dirty clothes from his parents and eats dog food. But he gets used to wearing a girl's dress and gets hooked from wearing it. Most people have mistaken him for a girl. Basically, Jitensha likes someone to do the job for him, which is stealing bicycles, jewelry, and clothes by pretending to be kind. He is 15 years old.

Clipton is a member and servant of "Lost Magic". He is not really blind, however. He and his sister, Anita, were just normal people until Hakai scammed his parents to sell them to the organization. Clipton was forced to wear something that blocks his eyes, (blindfold or something) and he was targeted for Poette's bullying and harsh words. Hakai, however, "loved" him like a pet instead of a human being. He is 18 years old.

Anita is a member of "Lost Magic" and the younger sister of Clipton. Like Clipton, she is a normal person until she and Clipton were sold to the organization by Hakai. She was strongly supportive of Clipton and she strongly dislikes how horribly the members were treated and always gets threatened by Poette's orders. She was forced to commit murder and theft, which she really hates. She is 16 years old.

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  • :000 cooool

  • Kewlllllll


Since I'm gone, I gonna write ArtsPrize one shot.
Arts was sitting back in his plain white sofa, letting the brown haired boy, First Prize, doing the job as massaging his lithe shoulders, covered by the shirt and the jacket he always wore.
"Hmm...you're doing great, Prize.." Arty said as he closed his eyes, loving the touch of the other's hand.
First Prize giggled and his hands were rubbing and pressing on Arty's shoulders. "Thank you, I have been practicing this since you were long gone, Artisan-kun."
Arts lets out a sigh of relief, letting his head up a bit. Prize once again giggles and press a kiss on his cheek.

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  • Ooooo, kewl

A writing, I guess (late easter)

Jeb: Hey Wilbert, can we find some Easter eggs?!
Filename2: Sure, Jeb.
Jeb: Yay! ^^ *picks his basket up*
They go outside where nobody's even here.
Jeb: Hmm...*tries to find some sggs*
Filename2 was just standing, smirking at the gray boy like he's up to something. While Jeb is finding eggs to collect, Filename2 then creeps up to him.
Jeb: *jumps a little* Ah! You almost scared me to death!
Filename2: Sorry sorry, it's just that I cannot really let you find it yourself..cuz I'm lonely..
Jeb: Aww...don't be sad! *hugs him*
Filename2 smirks again and hugs him but pulls him closer with his invisible hand.
Jeb: Uh...Wil...Why you're –
Filename2: *kisses his cheek* Don't worry. It's just us.

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  • Oooooo

Some writing

Wilbert and Jeb had some time "alone" in the classroom.
The brunette was bored and the gray boy was drawing. He wanted to do something "fun" with Jeb, even that means to do something unexpected to him.
"Hey, Jeb!" Wilbert said as he approached Jeb.
"O-Oh hey, Wil! I'm just drawing me and you hehe!"
Jeb smiled happily as he was putting up his crayons in his box.
"Oh alright. But I'm bored T_T"
"Well...do you wanna draw with me?" Jeb asked.
Surprisingly, he shook his head. The tall boy then press his lips on the other's lips, making him blush. Jeb didn't expect a kiss and has no idea of what's going on right now.
Wilbert broke the kiss and smiled at Jeb who was blushing but not embarrassed by it.
"...Did you like it?"
Wilbert gives Jeb a hug.
"I'm glad."

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Testing Out (more weird) :/

"We both know that you want this to happen." Arts then smirked while saying it.
His hands then lower down to his hips.
Prize can't help it but blush harder, even the other's hands are cold as ice. He could feel his wires being messed with.
"O-Oh...f-fudge Arts..." Prize almost swear under his pure breath, Arts loves how he's still holding on to his shoulders so he can hear him breathing harder. How will the others react to this while they're doing this?!
Then Arts stopped the fun. He tilted his head sideways for the robot boy.
"Nibble it." Arts commanded.
Prize nods anxiously and leans to his shoulder.
"Y-You should take your scarf off..." Prize said.
"Alright." Arts agreed and takes off his scarf and tosses it to the floor.
Prize then lowers Arts' collar that shows his exposed neck. He leans a little forward to his shoulder and starts biting his neck gently.
Arts bits on his lip when Prize is nibbling his neck.
Mr Baldi took a pic of them and he was smirking, Jeb screamed like a girl and ran off.

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  • > TheNightLight That's what when I got finished writing :D

  • Holy fak-

  • > CoffeeGhost Yup X3


Testing Out (well kinda weird)

Arts and Crafters x First Prize
"Pretzel, I need you for something." The sock boy said to the robot boy.
"A-And that is?" Pretzel stuttered, his face is a little red.
Arts and Crafters then sit down in his seat. What is going on right now?
"Sit on my lap, Prize." Arts said bluntly.
Pretzel gulped, he never done this and this was kinda weird...it's like Arts wants him as his rabbit.
He did what he was told, he got on the older boy's lap and rests his hands on his shoulders.
"S-So weird..." Preztel lets out a nervous chuckle as Arts stared into his eyes. Arts' blank expressions didn't change for a while.
"How is it weird?" Arts asked.
"T-That we're in a classroom and Mr Baldi wasn't even here..." Preztel replied, "And I don't t-think we can do-"
He was cut off by the boy's finger to his mouth.
"Quiet, Pretzel." Arts whispered to his ear. The robot boy starts to blush harder when he could hear his breathing.

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  • > CoffeeGhost sweep that ship!


Sharing and Caring - FilePlayer

Jeb was alone in a classroom, doodling a picture with an unknown boy named Filename2. Well, Mr Baldi nor the other never know that Jeb has a pretend friend or he was just acting so strange. His friends also never know that Filename2 ever exist to him and it's like a weird thing for a boy to do.
When he was doodling, the boy hummed a song that he made himself. Filename2 doesn't mind if he's humming, he likes him, right?
"Is this great, Wilbert?" Jeb said in a calming manner as he traces the crayon to the paper.
"Yes, it's good when we're only here."
"Yea...I kinda want my friends to see you." Jeb said in disappointment, still looking at his paper.

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  • Oooooo