Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


I read the comments to my newer posts

Thanks for telling me that you care. You guys are nicer than the people irl and anons. Im ecstatic! I mean, after reading them, i felt a little part that was missing came back and that makes me smile. Sooooo yeah!

Thank you guys for making my day, i mean it, honestly!

Side note


Rip peachy

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  • > MysticAnimations The best part is i got the rose thing sorted out so if dis happens again I will sacrifice anonbow

  • Glad ur feeling better!!! :3

  • > peachy Time to put the fun in funeral amirite

  • > peachy Its not that, its just that uhhhhhh Am i invited to the funeral


The reason why im suicidal is because im hated by popular people irl
The reason why this is a problem is beacuse then others start disliking me too

I cant walk past my parents without fearing that ill get beat
Hate comments ruin my self esteem more
I wont commit suicide because there might be a brain damaged lad who cares
But that wont stop the thoughts from going away
A method that helps me cope is cutting
The scars wont go
So i minimise that

My place is bringing joy when told to
Then put away until next use

I know i could have had it worse
But i wish i could have had it better in the start

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  • No please don't do this to yourself it's only gonna make u feel worse just say the word and we'll all be here for u I know you've been through a lot and I've thought of suicide too but I'm pretty sure you have a friend to help you just like I did

  • If someone bullies you again I will fly to their house,kick down the fucking door and attack them with an umbrella Those people are little shits who only care about kids like them and themselves,oki? Don’t listen to them

  • Fuck those people.They shouldn't be the reason you're feeling this way.Hell,nobody should make you or anyone in this world feel this way and if they find pleasure in doing that,they can kiss my ass because you don't deserve to feel like this.Nobody deserves to feel like this.You deserve to be happy.Everyone deserves that.I don't know if this would make you feel better or not,but I really hope it does.

  • > TitaniumPegasus Thats similar to what i tell myself

Other rose stuff

Im going to keep my relationship with rose strictly professional

Thats really all i needed to say

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  • > M.E. Mirrored Echo This isnt about the drama Im tired of being bullied

  • Everyday, I get confused on who is "right" or who is "reasonable" in these situations. I try to help with whatever I can with whoever because I care about everyone. But, sooner or later, you've got to find someway to contact her privately like sing sing said, just in case you know?

  • > sing sing I cannot contact rose so my only luck is if she reads it Also i dont want peeps to get the wrong idea

  • This goes for both of you I think you two should sort this out yourselves, over pm or something since whenever you post it publicly people are going to think less of someone, and if you really care about each other you wouldn't want that I don't know about rose, but from what I've seen i know that you care about her even in the smallest way, so don't say anything bad about each other. I'm also sorry for commenting , this isn't any of my business :')

The sentence

The sentence i was talking about was
"This is why rainbow left you"
But i dont need it anymore
The drama is over and all the damages is on my part

Now all of her white knights continue to hurt me
Without thinking there is a real person
Suicide is the only answer for me :D

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  • Please don't do that, please..

  • No, Catato! Suicide is not the answer! If someone makes you feel like that, then they shouldn't be in your life! If you are seriously thinking about this, stop. Please.

  • Please don't do that

  • Don't kill yourself.Not only you're taking your life away,but you're hurting everyone that's ever loved and cared about you.And you have so much to live for and that's a fact

This is mu fault

I made rose sed
I was waaay to honest
I commit seppuku now

Kill me plz
I never wanted any of this to happen

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  • no it isnt sh

  • > MysticAnimations I wouldnt actually kms But i have suicidal thoughts Sooooo Im just gonna stop rite there so i dont cause any drama (The anons will think im doing this for attention)

  • Psa Stop calling rose a squeaker I know youre trying to make me feel better But it hurts me more Because im a squeaker compared to rose WHY WONT ANYONE TAKE ME SERIOUSLYYYYY


Thank you so much :D

Thank you rosy for telling me you hate me
Thank you for dating me for attention
Thank you for making me suicidal
Thank you for making me feel like the worst person ever
Thank you for being triggered over the littlest things
Thank you for expecting me to be the best gf in the world

Thank you for ruining my life!

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  • > M.E. Mirrored Echo Im nevah leaving medibang, Lol jk Im probs going to just forget this all ever happened so i can do my speedpaints And occasionally lurk

  • Remember how I said that if you ignore the things that Bagel girl was saying, it would not feed the attention? I think you need to ignore the "negative comments" (I say this in quotes because I don't know who is being mean, who isn't who I should be "siding" with, who I shouldn't or what the heck is even going on. It just seems like a misunderstanding...? I just click "Select all as read" because there are so many gosh darn spaces to cover!!!) she or ANYONE has been giving you. This goes to anyone in any negative situation. I think if you ignore it or they you will stop feeding whatever it is being fed. Whether it is attention or anything else. If you just can't, then take a break from MediBang all together. Just for a bit, maybe work on some WIPs. Hope this helps. Idk what I'm doing. "Friends are therapists you can drink with"

  • > sing sing Its not just her, ive been having depressing thoughts for a while and rose was the trigger for these new ones

  • No... Please don't let what she did to you get in your head, I don't want you to do anything to yourself or think less of yourself. She's not worth it, you shouldn't feel this way over her. Just please don't let any of this effect you

The last post before the drama ends

The only reason why i dated rose was because i felt bad that rainbow left her
What i wanted to do was break up with her so that someone who really cares about her would date her
But now that i know what rose is really like i take it back

Begin the debate

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  • Hopefully u sort this out in the end but it is her fault she acted like this

  • > friiee~ Oh! No worries! Your English is fine :3


  • I think that arose would be wonderful at dating if it wasn’t internet dating People can’t be on their phones every single second of the day and she needs to realize that instead of calling it neglect

Fuel for the fire

I dont care that you hate me
This needs to stop
You know how petty your being
Stop trying to attack me with your posts
In fact
Im telling the truth
Hey guys
Did i mention how rose broke up with me for her own selfish means
And how when we started dating we never talked
All she said was lovey dovey crap and im tired of it
I wanted to talk not inter cuddle
But did she ever listen
And she always wanted me to be there for her
But was she there for me
Only when i told her someting was happening
Give up the act
You are doing this for attention
Every time you say youre "leaving" you never leave
I didnt mean to hurt you
But you left me no choice

Toodles :3

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  • Sorry rose, IVE BETRAYED U I agree with te others ;-; It’s painfully true for me

  • Hmmm...true UnU

  • I honestly hope this stops sometime soon... You don't deserve to deal will this and Rose should just learn to get over it, but I don't have the right to say those kind of things

  • FUCKING FINALLY SOMEONE SPEAKS OUT! im sorry rose its true