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Surface Pro 4
Clip Studio Paint
Future goals
see hamilton in Chicago uwu
What you eat when hungry
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Since I almost have 40 followers I decided to do this. Draw dragu in anyway you want! Winner will get a realistic headshot drawing! Keep in mind the circle things are smaller and wings are disconnected and glow!
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Here is the corroma. They come in many sizes and types. They can be longhair, shorthair, even in between. Corroma is from the Spanish word meaning corrupted. Why you may ask? Well the flowers have corrupted their body leaving them with the flowers forever. There is also a disease where the flowers will completely take over the corroma and take its life (sad I know). Preferably the corroma’s fur patterns will be semi realistic to cat pelts... and the flowers the be a mix between white, pink and maybe yellow. Since it’s closed for now you cannot make one unless it’s an adoptable... btw the corromas are normally shy or calm. Babies will be named cormitas. Any extra questions? Ask in comments!
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adoptable (OPEN, DTA ONLY)
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adobtables (CLOSED)
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adobtables (CLOSED)
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adobtables (CLOSED)
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when you're general but you get shot by laurens
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when you're general but you get shot by laurens
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when you're general but you get shot by laurens
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when you're general but you get shot by laurens
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