イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

5 時間 / 日
working on a fanfiction atm.

I'm not dead

Everytime I come back I say that lol and I'm sorryyyy

But, like, school ends next week for me. So after that, I should be full swing artist again~ Just hoping I make it past these last 2 weeks lmao

So like I noticed this while talking to Fluffycat and she told me it was black magic
So i wanted to show you guys and ask if it was? Idk xD

The first pic is from (this!!) January 16th (sorry for suckiness lol)
Second is from February 2nd (also, most of my pics on here are from February o.o I had a lot of free time then. This one is posted, tho.)

So that was the progress made in a mere week. 7 days.

Did I do some black magic? XD



  • > BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie Pinku Chan and wolfie kun are a perfect family because........because........HALPEU I NEED MORE LYRICS!!!!!

  • > ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ XD omg... You can make the song, I'll sing it with you ^^

  • > BloodieWolfie I wish there was a song called pinku and wolfie are a perfect family becuz I want to sing that XD eXcUsE mY rAnDoMnEsS

Why I haven't posted--

Hey guys.

I actually haven't posted anything in 3 weeks. Sheesh.
I've been wanting to post something- I really have been. However I've been busy with certain stuffs and, well, anxiety? I really don't want to post anything because of that. I don't even know why, I've put up a bunch of random and not good stuff.

I have a couple of unfinished stuff that I'm working on. So I have stuff in stock-- I just don't know if I'll be able to post it. And ontop of that they might just stay unfinished cause my motivation at the moment sucks.

I'll try to post soon, however. Please hang in there lol <3


  • > ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ sheesh pyromaniac sacrifice the art to the gods

  • > BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie Nah XD iT cAn BuRn FoR aLl I cArE :D

  • > ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ Omg smh You shouldve kept it so u could expose urself :3

  • > BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie Yes.......XD

Wip!! + Name choosing

So about that yaoi....

Oh look!! I ACCIDENTALLY made one of the characters!! Whoops!!?


His hair is based off of the short-haired version of Levka from Midnight Coffee (if you don't know what that is don't worry about it lol)

So he's gonna be the adorable one lol
He's quite obnoxious, but he's pretty passionate.
He's carefree and is currently flunking school lol (though he's trying to get his grades up!!.. pffftt)
He's pretty oblivious too.
Idk i'll develop more about him later on lol

Howeverrr I couldn't decide between these two names.. so help pls lol
1. Hoshi- Star (prolly means more but im too lazy)
2. Kenneth- Born from the fiery flames (awkward meaning lol but seems cool)
If you can think of any names, those are appreciated tooooo

Also i didnt kno what clothes to put on him so he doesnt have a shirt on rip


  • or aki

  • hoshi is nice

  • > BloodieWolfie *sigh* I honestly don't know... UuU <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

  • > Fluffycat Why are emoji flowers pretty tho;; <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

yaoi trash

I'm yaoi trash lolol
Pls send help x.x

I'm totally over the age of 19 so yep

who am i kidding lol im like 8

Also, yeah im alive
Soon I'll maybe post something idk
I dont feel comfortable posting what I'm drawing atm (its nothing inappropriate tho xD)
maybe i will tho


  • > ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ Thats so legit lmaoo

  • > BloodieWolfie♥> BloodieWolfie♥ Its like I'm almost an adult but I act childish but I'm a teenager? (my international age is 17 so I go my international age here on medibang to avoid confusion so really my real age is 18 BC we count age differently here)

  • > BloodieWolfie♥> BloodieWolfie♥ Same I'm a childish teenaged adult if that makes sense 😂

  • > ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ nah its fine lol i act like an 8 yr old anyways xD

Meme? Who knos (shitpost)

Me: ok ima take a break and not post anything. i dont even like my drawings... blah blah i succ not gonna draw for a while
*talks to Fluffycat*
Then Me: Wow i can make a meme outta that!! All i have to do is draw a potato! That doesnt count as drawing! (Cuz its a potato duh) *Spends twenty minutes trying to make a weird looking potato* Yeah booiii i feel much better after drawing! Even if it was just ONE potato! :D

Well yeah this is what happens when I realize i have to draw or i'll die, and talk to Fluffycat 24/7

its not even funny but at least u can make fun of it (and Fluffycat >:3)

P.s. She rlly does look like a skinny potato. shes a potato alien

P.s.s. who knows, i might've traced the potato too. :) you better watch out.


  • > BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie XD probably So long as they don't go on my space lol

  • > Fluffycat I think all the kiddies have already left lol xD They went to u cuz ur e for everyone

  • > BloodieWolfie XD alright For the kiddies lol

  • > Fluffycat XD ima delete my messages

break? idk lol

so yep
idk what im doing anymore lol

ima take a break
dunno how long for
maybe just a couple of days, idk
maybe longer

i guess i'll still be on here occasionally
but im not gonna post anything

not gonna explain why because none of you care about my personal life

this is very selfish of me
and this may be me being irrational and tomorrow i may take it back but for now

thanks and bye


  • > Wild Pinku Pm me.

  • Ehhh Could you atleast tell me? I'm a curious bun

  • > BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie XD Okie Potato shush for now

  • > Fluffycat Shhh u potato

Ayato's words of wisdom!!

This was intended for Fluffycat
But then i realized that some of you need it too

Looks like crap but i did it in 2 minutes so spare me


  • > Wild Pinku lmao he doesnt really like ppl knowing that he's blind so if he knows the way around then hes fine he does has a dog tho. him and the dog are arch-nemeses. maybe i'll draw them two one day lol

  • > BloodieWolfie Has a guide woofer? Idk i'm not blind but i saw blind people with guide woofers and guide sticks... so i'm assuming thats what he uses.

  • > Wild Pinku o.o like every blind person does lol

  • > BloodieWolfie Aaah How does he walk?




Also Catnip here's the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7tCjmdyjyoo
^^if u havent watched/heard that it is hilarious and amazing so go watch it


  • > TheWizard then make it the main focus .-.

  • > BloodieWolfie Those I have a ton of. A point a and point b is what I like to use for that stuff, but it's hard when writing isn't your main focus at the time-

  • > TheWizard I can write lyrics lol, i write poems ;p But i'll need your help to do it ofc lol As long as we figure out the main focus of the song

  • > BloodieWolfie Yessss I can get concepts and character design down, just not writing the actual song- I'll mange a line or something, but that's it.


Welp I'm back
Nothing really happened lol
But I'm a procrastinator so I didn't really do anything
Well except for make a list... of the things that I need to do xD
Since I don't have anything look at my list of things I have to do and will probably take forever to do but oh well. At least you'll know whats coming lol

Also my friend Kouchu did some cool art that includes Ayato and when I saw it I was really happy lol so I just have to throw that out there. See it here >> https://medibang.com/picture/ej1803170042020090002856976



  • > TheWizard Oh my god noooo we need that Flower shrine back!!!

  • Dude Yohio is yodeling Look up yodehioloid on soundcloud omg I need to be converted to flower again help

  • > BloodieWolfie No. I can't select more than one weird manually and I don't have an actual internet browser on here. Medibang is something that cheats the parental locks-

  • > TheWizard have you not learned the wonderful art of the copy and the paste?

Vacation + WIP

Hi lol
For the rest of today, tomorrow, and most of the day after that I'm going to be gone. I don't post everyday, so there isn't really a need to tell you guys, but I just wanted to let you guys know in case of anything.

I was supposed to post the chibi's of Lucas and Samael two days ago, but surprising, it's taking much longer, and I'm working on 2 other things at the moment.

When I get back I should be able to post them, so be on the lookout then^^

On the other hand, when I woke up at 5 am after getting 2 hours of sleep, I thought, "Hey, why don't I start another piece about this song I really like?"

Well it looks like crap lol
But I'm still going to show you guys because I like embarrassing myself.

It really does look bad, I don't know what my half-asleep self was thinking. I'm so sorry, Flower.
I've degraded about a whole year of my drawing life by making this lol
It's still technically a WIP, not even close to being done, but let's all roast it together, will we?



  • > BloodieWolfie Ghost is like..... creepy carnival ish??? Idek how to describe their music except for cool.

  • I friggin love this

  • > BloodieWolfie I just want them gone so let her eat them.

Yes (shitpost)

Kaito totally made me gay in this >> https://m.soundcloud.com/circusp/talk-dirty-to-me-doo-doo-d-doo

I listened to it over and over for like 30 minutes and now it's my ringtone.

I should of been drawing what I was supposed to post today, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it.



  • > TheWizard YES LOL

  • Have you heard the buttermint song Omg It's with Fukase, it's on soundcloud and it even has a sequel with Cyber Diva-

  • > BloodieWolfie I might still have it

  • > TheWizard XD now i wanna see it

A Question + WIP

Recently I've been wanting to live stream myself drawing lol
I wanna do it, but I don't use a computer to draw, I use a tablet x.x
I've been looking for sites and apps but for all of them I have to use a computer (or they're just hopeless)
Can any of you guys recomend a site/app to live stream? I would greatly appreciate it ;p and the sooner I find one the sooner I can actually live stream myself drawing (if any of you guys even want to watch that lol)

For taking up your time here's a >>terrible<< wip of V Flower (who is best vocaloid btw).

...yes i am working on several pictures atm and hopefully they'll be ready to post soon. :)

Thank you!! <3


  • > Wild Pinku Lmaoo its fine. And girls are the best tho ;P

  • > BloodieWolfie Oh! I wasnt sure about your gender, i dont like misgendering... Also dont be upset that you're a guy.. most of my childhood frens ARE guys. Cus girls are becoming shitty for me.

  • > Wild Pinku Urrgg rip my livestream dreams lol And yep.;; rip my masculinity

  • > TheWizard Omg I'm sorry i was trying to stay awake but i died x.x


I'm slowly falling more and more in love with this character...
Then I realize that he's not a main character and I need to plan out my main characters (besides Lucas) x.x
But ah well... Here's my excuse for not doing any actual drawings lately. (I've been too busy planning out this story and doing ref sheets)


  • > Vividncity XD shhh i'm keeping them coming, though

  • Was it like that moment when your like "Not again.."

  • > BloodieWolfie XD

  • > Hue-Child Oh yaaasss I'm like dj Khalid "ANOTHER ONE" B) XD


A mini-ref sheet for an upcoming story that I wanna do. He's one of the main characters..
It's gonna be like a romance-drama lool.
But yeah, he's an angel. Since I just drew his face you can't really tell, but more ref sheets of him and some other characters will be rolling out soon.
Tell me what your initial thoughts are ~


  • > BloodieWolfie Haha! XD *wipes cheek* LOLOL you too! <33333

  • > Fluffycat <3333 i love you *muahhh*

  • > BloodieWolfie Lol, that's okay! I may adjust them a little to fit my style more, anyway! :)

  • > Fluffycat YAY OMG they might not be his offical colors for sure but oh well xD


Thank you guys for 40 followers! Here's a messy Work In Progress ~!


  • Thanks!

  • ALSO for that anon down there.. you need to be on the computer version website, and when you are on there, you go to edit profile. You should have your current header on the top, and you just need to click on it and change it. The recommended size for it is 1024 by 280 px^^

  • > Shelby Thank youu :)

  • > Kouchu Rosuke Aweee thanks!! I bet your art will get in popular way before mine, but I am striving for that!^^ <3

  • > 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子> 坏了裂子 Thank you~

  • 很厉害

  • > Fluffycat Omg... ;))

  • Aww, cute! I love the look on his face, like something screwy's been going on XD