Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Back to the usual.

I mentioned this before but I will say it again for people who missed that post:
I prefer to draw male characters from adventure/fantasy series,street wear and characters wearing darker alternative fashion.
I grew bored from constantly uploading the "kawaii subculture" girls.
Also this style attracted a few loli anime fans and obsessive people to my page.
I don't want to associate with people who are fans of loli anime nor people who harass people over who has the most likes or views.
Views and likes on Art Street posts are mostly irrelevant/meaningless.
A users can "like" a post multiple times and the views are often from the same people coming back to respond.
I don't care who has the most views or followers.
I'm not in here to compete with anyone over something so meaningless and irrelevant as views.
I don't care about stuff like this to be honest but I decided to address her and her Art Street "friends" who keep posting about me on their timelines and commenting on my page.
I saw that my notifications said 14 people commented on my post addressing that person's post about me.
I'm not in the mood to respond so I guess a few days from now when I'm done with my current schedule I will answer.
This same chick who is competing with me because a drawing I drew hitting level 1 on tending.
She and her "two friends"cares too much about this.
My art isn't even that good. Lmao
They need to get over this instead of slandering me (over my cover photo at the time) to justify her behavior.
I never said I drew that cover photo or my cover photo (that I had at the time,my current cover and profile I drew by the way)
I explained this already and she screenshot what I posted and edited out most of what I stated.
When she showed the screenshot she showed it on a editing website she has used to edit what I posted. Lmao
For now I will only upload the season themed "kawaii subculture" and "mori - kei" characters I already started drawing and coloring.
After that I will start uploading my other drawings.
I look forward to uploading my other drawings after these.
Sasuke's birthday is in five days!
I want to draw him for this occasion.🥳🎉

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  • 日本語分で申し訳ないです。 部外者なのですが失礼します。 フォロワー、likeの数、ビューの数の問題では無いのです。 正当化するための誹謗中傷でもありません。 誹謗中傷と受け取ってしまったのかもしれませんが、実際には、ルールをあなたに伝えただけではないのでしょうか。 また、「私が投稿したものを編集した」などと述べておりますが、実際の画像を見させていただいたところ、編集サイトではなく、翻訳サイトであなたの英文を日本語訳しただけのものになります。日本人の彼女にとって英文は翻訳しなければ受け取ることができないものなので、翻訳したと思われます。そこの理解をお願いしたいです。 私は事実をあまり知ってはいないのですが、最初の方に書いてある嫌がらせとは、詳しくどのようなことかを教えていただきたいです。 私のアイコンは実際アイコンメーカーをお借りしています。アイコンメーカーで作ったものをイラストとして投稿するのは著作権侵害に当たるため禁止されていますが、 アイコン、ヘッダーにすることは禁じられていません。 また、アイコンメーカー自体にも規約は必ずあります。その規約を守ることが大切です。 アイコンメーカーによっては作ったアイコンを参考にキャラクターを制作することを許可しているものもあります。規約をしっかり読んだ上でりよ利用することがいちばん正しいはずです。 先程あなたの作品ギャラリーをlikeなどはまだ行えてはいないのですが、とても素晴らしい作品が並んでいて、とても尊敬します。私はあなたの描くイラストが大好きです。アナログでも多様性な表現ができることにすごく尊敬し、憧れます。是非、技術を磨き、さらなる高みを目指して欲しいです。私は応援しています。 長文失礼しました。 できる限り返信をお願いしたいです。 フォロー失礼します。

  • What do you think when you hear our words? Are you mad? are you sad? How do you feel? I want to know how you feel now. And I would like to hear even one word of apology.

  • Excuse me. what you did is wrong But we said a little too much. If you are hurt by our words, we will also get hurt by saying various things. I would like to talk with you about that. It would be nice if we could, but would you like to have a little talk?

  • 「競争」という言葉は適していないと思いますね。自分がやったことを自覚せず(自覚してるかも知れませんが)、このトピックからは注意してくれた人のことを悪く言っている(誹謗中傷のような)と感じられました。さらに謝罪もせずにこのようなトピックをあげているのはよくないと思います。人間としてルールやマナーを守って投稿してほしいです。

This is something I need to address.

I never claimed anyone's art was my own nor have I ignored this person's claims.
I also never heard of the website Icon Maker and I don't know what artist she's referring to.
She never listed a artist.
She has a background photo with the similar art style yet she was upset about the icons I uploaded.
She makes no sense.
Second,I already stated that this is avatar I made inspired by a manga I read.
People often draw a image and let their friends recolor or design on here.
I have few AS friends on here who do this all the time.
The rest of my drawings I drew and colored myself completely.
These three images was designed and colored by me but draw by a different artist who I mentioned before.
There is nothing in rules against fan art,collaborations or re-designs as long as I state if it's a original or a derivative illustration first which I did.
She has deleted her comments that were complaints about about my "Sweet & Sugary" drawing.
I noticed she left her comment saying I don't have any "pride" in my work when most of her post are random unorganized images and memes. LoL
I already stated that this was illustrations I redesigned and colored for fun.
She claimed that she liked my art even though she's never interacted with me before and even admitted in a deleted comment she never heard my page.
Art Street sends me notifications when I receive new followers,views,likes,favorites and views.
I never heard of her till today yet she went around slandering me because she doesn't like "rookies"
I put a lot of hard work into my drawings and the stories I write.
My drawings sometime take me five to six hours to finish.
I practice every other day despite my packed schedule to be at least at decent level at drawing because it doesn't come easy for me.
I am not a professional and I'm not claiming to be.
I know the anatomy on my drawings aren't perfect and that the faces need improvement.
Regardless I still have fun drawing them even if she thinks they look awful.
I changed my username is my other name on here because I was bored of my last one before after she came after my page I decided to change it today.
The icons I uploaded are now longer available to view till this situation is dealt with.
Please beware of this person and her "burner" accounts and friends they often go after rookie artist particularly people who post about shoujo manga art.

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  • こんだけの人がちゃんと注意してくれているのに何で一言謝罪しないんですか? 謝罪しないで逃げないでください。。 著作権侵害は犯罪です。本来ならば罰金や逮捕されることですよ。 あなたのために注意してくれている人がいるんです。自分の大切な時間を使って。こんなことはもう二度と絶対にやらないでください。しかも、愛夢さんやナツリンゴさんは優しいし、とっても親切な方です。 お二人のイラストを見ているこちら側も、ご本人もすごく悲しい気持ちになります。もうやめてください。

  • それと、私の友人を侮辱することはやめてください。誰かを批判することは、その人も、周りの人も嫌な気持ちになりますし、自分も嫌な気持ちになるんです。 愛夢さんもなつりんごさんも、とっても良い方です。イラストも素晴らしいです。 私は、自分の大切な人、誰かの大切な人を誹謗中傷するのは一番やってはいけないことだと思います。 ですから、もうやめていただきたいです。 急にこんなふうに説教のようなことをしてごめんなさい。でもこれはあなたのためです。あなたに私達の言葉が響いてくれますように。

  • 部外者ですが失礼します。 アイコンメーカーで作ったイラストを『自分の絵』として投稿するのはいけないことです。 『アイコンメーカーで作った』ということを載せ、トピックなどで投稿することは、他の方もやっていることですし、利用規約には反さないことです。ですが、自分の絵として投稿してはいけないんです。私はあなたと関わったことがありませんが、ARTのクリエイターとして見過ごせませんでした。私はあなたが描いた絵の方がするアイコンメーカーで作った絵よりも素晴らしいと思うんです。どうか、もう二度とこういった行為はしないでください。そして、自分の絵を描き続けてください。

  • Are you going to run away?

Art Street needs an app for phones.

If Art Street had an app this website would be easier to scroll though on my cellphone.
This website glitches often and each page is filled with many advertisements that has nothing to do with art.
I had accidentally unfollow people on and click on advertisements just by scrolling.
Earlier I was looking for a comment I wanted to reply to but as I clicked "show more" a glitch happened and I accidentally clicked unfollow.
If you see in your notifications that I recently followed you when I was already a follower before this is what had happened.
Also when I click on a notification of a reply I still have to scroll though comments instead of being shown the exact reply automatically.
I hope Medibang fix these problems.

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The rules are here are confusing.

I mentioned this before and I will say it again:
The rules in Medibang is confusing.
They only seem to pressure people from certain regions on what they can upload and what they can't.
My drawing of the Colossus/Colossal Titan isn't violent but because he has a creepy face I could be flagged for "gorey/anti social content" so I put him under 18+ to avoid being banned.
Urg I didn't want to tag any of my art this but I wanted you guys to see him so I took the safe route.

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