Thank you for 150 followers!
When i first started i never thought id get anywhere but im so happy now! Thank you everybody!

∆× 🖤예슬🖤 ×∆
🐢- From SK 🇰🇷
🐢 - most likely never posting art here again since the website is baisicly dead ㅠ.ㅠ miss my old friends here 💗 May we meet again in good health 😭
- Work Place:UniversitystudentYEET
- Gender:Female
Life Event
- 10/2019 Ibecameanadult*cry*
Favorite music
Favorite color
Time spent online
My life
What you eat when hungry
What you eat when hungry
Whatever leftovers there is
Favorite TV show
미스터리 음악쇼 복면가왕, 런닝맨, ASC, 주간 아이돌, 아는 형님, 인기가요
Tell your children to not be like yeseul

A bit of a shitpost..... xD ok umm im going off for a while, ill have a little sleep, then i might come back
EDIT: Shit, im gonna be real...... the real reason i left medi for so long was i just couldnt take the internet anymore, and lots of people are depressed right now........ medibang has changed alot, and i dont like it........
> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie Ikr KD
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 OMG LMAOOOO its so true though xD
> sad.kaii uwu ^_^
Guess who's back?
Yeah i was inactive for a long time, for three reasons
1. School 2. I was to lazy to come back 3. Life.
Anyways, what happened when i was gone? Anything fun? Boring? A fight? Lol idk.
Well, on october 13th ill be 19! So ill make sure to be around that time (KST).
Oh yeah, and an update on my leg, i dont need the crutches anymore or the cast, but its kinda sore to get used to using my leg normally again, so they give me these exercise to help me.
Yes and tell me if i need to draw anything for you guys (if i forgot, i dont really remember)
Ok, hello again ^^
> FluffyCat> FluffyCat No problem ^^
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 OHhhh Thanks for clearing that up for me ^^
> FluffyCat> FluffyCat> FluffyCat> FluffyCat Im seventeen in western years, but in korean years im 18 if that makes sense? We count it differently. Before i used to go by my western age but now i desided to go by my age in my country ^^
Heyyyy I thought you were 17 tho, why did I think that lol
Its ya girl
Nope, im not dead. Ive had a liitle holiday from medibang!
Im sooooooo sorry, but school has consummed my soul, things are getting so hard ;-; collage entrance exams WhY!!?? It sucksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
Anywayssss, umm what happened when i left here? And umm yeah please tell me if i had to draw something for you and i forgot to so yeah.
Oh yeah and an update on my leg, they took the cast off, but its still a bit sore, i just need to get used to using my right leg again. So i have a few story's about shit that happened to me while i was in crutches but i wont say it now bc im bursting and i cant wait so byeee frens for now atleast lol
> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie <333333333
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 <33333333 ily though ^^
> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie> BloodieWolfie 8-8 :(
> sad.kaii> sad.kaii> sad.kaii Its ok i understand.
Go vote here !:
Please do, i had to change my search region just for this so i could find one in english ^^
> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T. Thank you ^^
I have voted!!
Im sorry i was so inactive. Theres just so much going on around me between school and getting ready for chuseok holiday (i know its not close to it yet, but my family get ready to soon, aparently its "better if we just prepare for it"). And my leg is getting better, its a bit sore and hard to walk on and im getting used to the crutches, but 3 days ago in school i was trying to run but it was more fast limping cos of my crutches, and my friend was running, we ran into eachother and i slammed my hand into his chest and his hands kinda hit my shoulder, so i couldnt use my hand and it really hurts when i moved it so we went to the doctor and he said ive sprained my middle finger, so know i look like ive been in a fucking car crash cos of all these injuries KD. I mustve hit him pretty hard cos when he showed me the bruise it looked quite sore. So ive been inactive for soooo long, and i think i will be again, but ill stay on for a bit. What happened shen i was gone did i miss anything?
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 oof >W<
> ♥Wild> ♥Wild Lucky it wasnt my left shoulder he hit, i would be yelping in pain lol (i broke that from falling of the back of a highstool)
> FluffyCat> FluffyCat Ok, ill wrap myself in it 10000 times XD ^_^
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 saranghae lots, you pabo ❤
Here u go welcome_to_my_world. Somebody being possesed violently. I dont know much about demons and getting possesed so i hope its good lmao.
I tag: (in no certain order)
♥wild pinku♥
Fluffy cat
East is up
Dandalion T.
Aahh i cant think of anyone else im sorry and most people i wanted to tag have left or have been inactive for a very long time :/
> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥ Start school? Good luck dongsaeng
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 well when i saw that it was like 10 or 11 and my mom wouldn't let me sit on the computer because my sister and her boyfriend were sleeping in my room >w< can't even sleep in my own bed ;w; now i can, i'm so glad, but tomorrow (10th sept) (i think it's today for you) i start school ;w;
> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥ What happened?
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 i didn't have my computer back then but hecc i got it back
So me, yeseul (or just write 예슬) started this, so my followers have to tell me what to draw and ill chose one from all your comments on this and ill draw it, post it here and then ill tag people on that post and whoever gets tagged has to post this image on their myspace and do the same. (image from google)
let me kno when its done :)
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Ye boi!
Oh. >//_\\<
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate)> Jeff2kgamer (alternate)> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) I can only do one, im sorry!
Happy birthday jungkook! Its sepyembef 1st here so its his birthday, happy birthday to the cutest maknae ever.
(the last picture is bts ages ago, they where so smol :") )
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 that thing from rap monster lol "it's R A P monster not D A N C E monster" that is a solid case of NAMPRUNE
> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥ OH MYY GAAWWD I KNOW RIGHT???! 8-8 WHEN THEY USED TO SAY THINGS LIKE: (Milk) Mok?? Turn up! 3 dollar Its R-A-P monster not D-A-N-C-E monster Beach? Bitch? Ditrty water You got no jams etc.
> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥> ♥Wild Pinku♥ OHH MY GOD THEY LOOK SO SMALL IN THAT PICTURE 8-8. can we just go back to then? I miss the small them :'((
So whats so terrible about it?
Well u see. We where staying in a relatives house for 3 days, they live in incheon. So it was around 2am when this happened. I usually wake up at night from my sleep paralysis (im so used to it now i dont care anymore lol) or when i get awoken from thirst. I went down stairs from the room we where in to go get some water, my relatives have spiral stairs, but at my house we just have straight up atairs, not spiral stairs. It was all dark so i forgot i wasnt at home. So used to my stairs i kept walking in a straight FUCKING line on fucking SPIRAL stairs. Walked into the banester and fell off the dumb stairs, woke up everybody by falling off the highest point of the staircase. I broke my leg and i need to use crutches. I would show pictures but its to dark so i cant. It hurts!
Im used to getting hurt. I broke my leg as a kid from jumping off big rocks at the beach and severly broke my left shoulder when i was fourteen from falling off the back of a very high highstool. So im not new to breaking bones. But as a kid, that was my left leg (i almost spelt foot with ph oml XD) im right handed and right legged, so this time i broke my good leg!
Great yeseul! You hurt yourself again for like the ten billionth time, why am i so clumsy?
> ♥Wild I will 사랑해~
> FluffyCat Im trying to get as much rest as i can so it can heel faster ^^
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Omg I'm trying to imagine that and I'm ded XDD And get well soon, alright? ❤
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 I HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS TO WORRY ABOUT MY EONNIE! >w< but seriously, be more careful you klutz ^^" saranghae~
Mess the place up as much as you want lol
lmao wtf XD
> welcome_to_my_world ----------------^ ; 0 0 o o 0 0 __________^ Thats my attempt to make cheese
> welcome_to_my_world Cheeeeeeese
someone gave me cheese im happy
SOMEBODY GET ME PAIN KILLERS, AND SOME ALLERGY MEDICINE I CAN OVERDOSE ON. So more drama is happening, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmm, HMMMMMMMM. #lawdsaveusplzz.
Ya see, yar bitch right here that is named yeseul, is confused *clicks fingers* ....#STOPMEDIBANGWORLDWAR1000000000. I dont know what to say.......should i leave until all of this drama gets sorted by some angels #THEDRAMASTOPERSAREALLANGLES and come back like nothing happened, or should i stay and stop it? Im getting dizzy from all this....
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 exactly, i hardly ever vent to someone and i just try to forget what is depressing me out, like it's not necessary to tell everyone that you're feeling blue, like, there's ppl that is even worse and they don't say anything because it's not something you HAVE to do.
> momokaii Yeah! Same like i rarely vent and just act like im happy but i just keep my feelings and when im depressed to myself and not tell the whole world. What can the internet do? Its not going to help everybody unless who their venting to is right infront of them.
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 what the hell? like i vent too but i just act like im happy but im dying inside actually
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 what the hell? like i vent too but i just act like im happy but im dying inside actually
BTS dropped IDOL!! Finaly!!! Ive waited!!! Damit they make me proud to be born in the generation and race i was, theyve used traditional korean stuff in the mv and the music and its freaking amazing!!
Go listen to it, its so colourfull and beautifull!
And their going to release a single featuring nicki minaj, the audio is already recorded and its so good like oml. And their visuals are on fire 🔥 they look so good im peacefully dying 🎉.
Its only released on august 24, and as of now it already has 38m! Go watch it
> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T. ITS OK, IM IN LOVE WITH MA MA MYSELF, ITS OK, IM IN LOVE WITH MA MA MASEEEEEELLLLLLFF :D !!!!
> 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸 >:DDDDDDDD
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 >:DDDD
Theres going to be a typhoon so no school tomorrow! Im so happy! :D
> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T. Its calmed now i think
be careful!
> Tealtea550 I will~
Please stay safe!!!
i actually fineshed this lol, its one thing off stuff i have to do, but i get distracted really easily. Id be like "time to finish this", then i see something outside the window and continue to look out the window for the majority of the day, then i get super lazy and end up sleeping, but other times im at school so its another reason why everything i need to do takes so long, i have to take the subway to school and one day these foreigners where making so much noise, talking and laughing and all of these old people where shushing them, its not really funny tbh but i was sorta laughing, i just covered my mouth and started coughing so they couldnt see i was laughing lol
Mu list:
- finish the designs and info card for new oc's im working on
-finish my miyeon picture (i might post it in english this time, idk)
-draw bts in chibi style for wild pinku (dongsaeng im sorry that its taking so long)
-finish something (secret, im not saying what >:) )
> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T.> Dandalion T. Nice to meet you too ^^
Nice to meet you!^^
> Tealtea550> Tealtea550> Tealtea550> Tealtea550 Aww thanks!
Looks really cute ! :3
Hell happened when i was gone? I seen all these myspace posts about people complaining about something that went on but i havent read much of them so im soooooo confused, can anybody tell me? I get really curios im sorry and i know its best if i dont get involved but im so confused, if it doesnt cause more trouble can anybody tell me? If not then its ok i understand.
> Fluffycat Yeah, i think its over XD
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Yeah, altho I guess the drama's over now, I think? XD I hope
> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat Something about anons sterring up trouble in somebodys myspace post i think? I dont even know lol
Im rim very confused about tiny being angry
When you have heartburn but you cant sleep on your back to stop the accid coming to your throat because sleeping on your back triggers your sleep paralysis :"). My situation right now
> ✘ Δcid Trips ✘ Ikr, it stings so much, it drives me up the wall
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Dude heartburn is so horrible, mine lasted the whole damn summer
> 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸 I hate heartburn, id eat dirt to not get it
G O A W A Y H E A R T B U R N *poof*
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) The song? Yeah its like drugs to me tbh, i LOVE IT and im addicted to it
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 That is cool
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate)> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) Woah?
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Woah...
He's so hardworking, he's from here, but he was brought up in virginia in the united states, he was working his ass off as a trainee while his parents where so far away from him, that must have been really hard, he missed his parents so much. All the money he made, he doesnt keep one bit of it....he didnt even think of it as his own...he gave it all to his parents, he bought a house for them in korea so they could be close to him, his parents really love him and he loves them. Hes an amazing rapper, vocalist and dancer. He really does work, so dont get why half the people here and most international fans think hes ugly and untalented ! I was reading a thread once, and the original poster started the conversation with "do you think bobby from iKON is ugly?" Most people said he isnt but the rest where saying he is and that he has a shitty personality, since when did bobby have a shitty personality ? The members said it themselves, they described him as a light bulb, as he lights up their mood and is warm to them. hes extremely kind and you can see it from the way he smiles, so i have no fucking clue where they got the impression hes got a shitty personality. (and a message to some people on thay thread even tho it was old, please stop calling EXO 'plastic blow-up dolls', and saying shit like "oh, everybody here is mad just because he doesnt look like those plastic blow up dolls called EXO" (Refering to that their plastic and come from SM Entertainment, as everybody says everybody from SM look really good, like BOYYYYY, look at irene for fuck sake, shes from SM, the leader of one of their top girlgroups, shes not plastic and you can see from her pre-debut that she didnt, nobody knows exactly if EXO have got surgery done, so why persume they did? You cant judge before you know what actually happened)
What do you think? Personaly, i love bobby and i think hes not ugly. He doesnt fit the beauty standards here, but something about his face makes him attractive to me, i dont care if he has crooked teeth, i think his teeth are adorable. I have a gap in mine and one looks shorter than the rest and some look sharper than others, so id be a big hypocrite if i said i hated his teeth, i love them, their cute. And his eyes, i love his eyes. again, if i said i hated them id be a huge hypocrite, ive got small eyes with monolids aswell. I really like his eyes, they fit him well. I have nothing bad to say about kim jiwon. Off-topic but i teally like his stage name, bobby is a good stage name for a rapper i think
> omystress Me too 💕💕
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Yeah! Idc if he doesn’t fit korean beauty standards, he’s gorgeous and I love him 💕
> omystress> omystress> omystress Ikr! I think people who say hes ugly are blind
??He’s literally one of the most gorgeous idols out there??
All the people who say jooE from momoland is ugly.
Shut the fck up, i think shes beautiful and i dont give a crap if she doesnt fit in with our countrys beauty standards. I still love her because to me shes beautiful and shes a nice and funny person.
> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc.> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc. True
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 they only want to be the same, they're afraid of being different but they also laugh at those who already are, that's a shame though
> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc.> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc.> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc.> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc. Yeah! The miss korea thing is ubeleivable tho, they look like clones of eachother but with just different hair styles and dresses
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 at least she is different and unique
Take these, im bored af
> momokaii> momokaii> momokaii> momokaii> momokaii> momokaii> momokaii YEAH IKR I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AAAHHHHH
I had the most weirdest dream EVER.
So i was in university in it, im not in university yet so its really weird. I was studying but for some reason it looked like france. Like the streets and stuff. But then i was eating and my friend grabbed my hand and said "come with me" and started showing me some place at the back of the university building, and she was with somebody i dont know, and this person had long blonde hair. Ive only seen blonde hair when people here dye it blonde, but ive never seen anybody with natural blonde hair so i was like "wtf?". But then i was suddenly in a hospital working there, i had one patient who was wonho from monsta x, so he looked at me scared and asked what was this for, then taeyon (yes, the taeyon from girls generation) butted in and said "its to get rid of acne" and he doesnt have acne, his face is clean so that makes it more weird, i fineshed this wierd ass hospital shift and got into a taxi with taeyon, i sat behind the drivers seat and she sat behind the passenger seat and hyungwon (another mx member) was in the middle seat and he was argyuing with the driver, i didnt know who the driver was, but hyungwon was still argyuing with him. And he told hyungwon "wow you never stop talking do you??", then hyungwon lost it and started shouting at the man, the three of us got out of the taxi (me taeyon and hyungwon) and hyungwon started swearing about the driver saying how much of a dick he is and that he fucking hates him. We walked into this house then i woke up. I have the most fucked up dreams, wow.
i honestly think your dreams are weird but they're amazing too yeseul-noona i mean,,, i just dream about monsta x and others and some weird aus or fluff or angst or smut and shit idk nan molla im terrible explaining things
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Hrmm, I don't think so, but I have had dreams where I flew off of things before XDD
> ♥Wild> ♥Wild> ♥Wild> ♥Wild> ♥Wild OH MY GOD
> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat Dreaming is just so strange XD Do you ever have dreams where you fly off a kitchen counter top? I had a dream once where i was standing on it then i flew off it XD
SM: Beauty
JYP: Girls
YG: money ₩¥€£$
More Accurat names:
Tinder entertainment (cube ent.)
Beauty town
U all succ 😎 ive got money ₩₩₩₩₩₩₩
Infinite's house only *COUGH* I mean woollim intertainment.
BTS only entertainment (BTS is their only group, but bighit is best 👊🔥)
How to get into the top 3?
SM: As long as your attractive, the rest doesnt matter, even if you killed some1, if your attractive theyll like you
JYP: Be a girl, a pretty one
YG: if he gets good profit off you he'll love you *cough* g-dragon is the only reason hes rich *cough*
Jyp is a nation, yg is a family, cube is united, sm is a town where people come and go.
Im actually laughing making these lol
Jinhwan and junhoe's height difference makes me cry~ Their so cute omo
you probably wont beleive me when i say this, but jinhwan is older than junhoe by 3 years, junhoe is 6'0 and jinhwan is 5'4. Jinani is so smol im going to die of exposer to cuteness, and im gonna dye of exposer to cuteness again because of juneyaaaaaaaaa. My heart is ACKING lol
> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc. Ok ^^
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 it's okay, don't worry :)
> kaii's> kaii's> kaii's> kaii's Ah momokaii-ssi, im sorry that it doubled your name in my reply, i know it gives you lots of notifications, i apologize
> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc.> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc.> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc.> kaii's fantasy illusions, inc. Yep uwu
I dont know wether to kill her or not XD
My friend just gave me the nickname "slender man", because im really tall and pale.
Nuuuuuuuuuuuu, now thats going to stick with me forever >-<
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 😂 lol
> arty_boy> arty_boy> arty_boy> arty_boy Oh
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 its a reference to creepypasta. “i eat pasta for breakfast” is a series of comic strip about aittle girl found by slenderman who is this demon thingys kid and eat ppl
> arty_boy> arty_boy> arty_boy> arty_boy Pasta for breakfast? Food makes me sick quite easily so if i ate pasta for breakfast id be vominting for hours lol
> ♥Wild Pinku♥ It’s a joke
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 I honestly did Only large women arouse meh... 🙃
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate)> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) Im joking XD wait you actually thought i was being serious?
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 What no I was kidding
Pentagon have got into a BIIIIIIG mess.
Lol their having a huge dating scandal rn. Theyve been dating girls left right and center. But im just happy cube lets them date, other companys ban it.
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 loooll
> momokaii's> momokaii's I have a new name for them due to these dating scandals... - Tinder entertainment!
and also there's something happening with cube there are so many memes about them
> ♥Wild Pinku♥ Fans are pissed off bc pentagon are dating girls, the matority of them are tho, not the whole group
I will make the world hungry
(pictures are from google)
> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat> Fluffycat I find American food has lots of sugar in it. Ive only eaten it once or twice before, i dont eat western food much, but we do have western food resturants in korea too tho.
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Oof, I just love Asian food in general, omg So much better than American food, everything here is either way too favorful or bland lol
> Fluffycat Same. Im not good at cooking so i dont want to try make anything. I want to eat spicy Singaporean noodles, their so nice :")
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 *sniff* I-its fine... I'll just stare at these pics some more :'''''''') Gosh dangit I wish I could order takeout or somth rn--
I just kickeed allllll of my markers off the bed without realizing
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Yeah Why did I think I could win
> Jeff2kgamer> Jeff2kgamer YeSeul never looses, they say. Looks like its true >:)
> Jeff2kgamer (alternate)> Jeff2kgamer (alternate) Im not picking them up...... THATS A SIGN U GAVE UP, AND YA DID....HAHAHAHA
Tame these glorious photo's!
> sorarugothic> sorarugothic Soz
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 no it's iTs YaA BoI jOOHEon YUp
> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness> momokaii's sadness Lol XD ItS yA bOi, TwO hAwT More like its ya boi to cute lol
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 he's te s o f t i e s t of the rappers loool
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Oh my goshhhhh Yes, that's so annoying! XDD
> FluffyCat Oml Ikr xD Or when you comment on a place where lots of people have also, and it does that and your comment is the only one whos done it, and im like "bish waaaaaah- i just look st00pid now" xD
> □•°Ξ예슬Ξ°•》 Same, I'm always just like "shoOt, I hope I didn't just spam someone!" XD agh Medibang needs fixing
> FluffyCat> FluffyCat> FluffyCat> FluffyCat> FluffyCat Its a funny glitch xp your like when it hapens "wow, wtf!?" Or atleast i say that when it does idk xD