插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang




☆ goodnight + good news! ☆

so many of you know I wont be able to see austin barely for a month, well I started to put a lot more thought into it. we go to each other's houses pretty much every sunday and saturday, and during school I only really get to see him for 2 hours because I have 2 classes with him. here's what i'll do at school:
☆in the mornings we have to go to the gym and chill until class time☆
I have my friends aubrey miguel cole aryanna and katona to hang out with.
☆1st period☆
I have cole and my other friend melissa
☆ break time ☆
I have cole miguel hunter cheyenne aryanna
☆ 6th period ☆
I have aubrey cheyenne and katona plus our history teacher is pretty strict about talking anyways
☆ after school ☆
i can just message my best friend ava, draw, and watch anime :3

im still gonna really miss him though..



OoF: Contest!

i need new designs, but I've got serious design block, soooo...
Make an oc design that you think I'd like. I will be keeping all designs. Human/ humanoid designs preferred although anthro is acceptable. Deadline is the 28th, and please comment if you enter so I can keep track of participants and everyone can get their prizes.
~Stuff to improve your chances:~
-powers/abilities of some sort
-interesting/uncommon theme
-possibly royal/godly
1st~3 custom dog adopts 1 colored headshot sketch, 1uncolored headshot sketch
2nd~2 custom dog adopts 2 uncolored headshot sketches
3rd~1 custom dog adopt. 1 uncolored headshot sketch
Participants: Reserved (not custom tho) adopt on a sheet of dog adopts.
(I chose dog adopts as prizes because I've got a ready made base.)




I just.... I need to vent a bit, so feel free to ignore me.
I'm always willing to help people. I want to, actually. Making others happy makes me happy.
I'm always here. I'll do anything for the people I love if it makes them happy.
and then people don't listen
people don't let me help.
It makes me feel like I don't matter.
When I ask if someone is ok
and they say they're fine
but I know they're lying...
it hurts.
I'm not that stupid.
I know something's wrong.
I'm tired.
Why won't people let me help?
Am I not enough?
that's it.
I'm not enough to help
I'm worthless.
I might as well stop.
why should I?
Who's gonna listen to a useless kid like me?




I just.... I need to vent a bit, so feel free to ignore me.
I'm always willing to help people. I want to, actually. Making others happy makes me happy.
I'm always here. I'll do anything for the people I love if it makes them happy.
and then people don't listen
people don't let me help.
It makes me feel like I don't matter.
When I ask if someone is ok
and they say they're fine
but I know they're lying...
it hurts.
I'm not that stupid.
I know something's wrong.
I'm tired.
Why won't people let me help?
Am I not enough?
that's it.
I'm not enough to help
I'm worthless.
I might as well stop.
why should I?
Who's gonna listen to a useless kid like me?




1) i'm really sorry for how much i've been venting lately. ik it upsets you and i don't want to do that, so i'll try to stop. :')
2) i got my phone taken, so no art from me for a long time. (except for traditional art in mmyspace posts) i still have a kindle, but i can't download medibang on it, i can only animate on it. but i'll still be commenting and using myspace.
3)ummmm i kiiiiiiiiinda... nvm y'all don't need to know about that, but if i dissapear for a bit assume i'm in the hospital.
4) I just watched Into the Spider-Verse yesterday, so expect fanart soon enough. i loved it, Miles is best boi #3 (#1 is 2D and #2 is Ace, so those slots were taken.)
