Pixel Planet
I make a lot of universes and stories, so if you're interested in that, I'm your man. 2D iS bEsT bOi. i have music- color synesthesia. (Look it up...). Fanart accepted and appreciated just give credit
Requests: CLOSED
Customs: CLOSED
- Oc
- Shitposts
- gorillaz
- shipping
- Universe Development
I really need to vent, but I can't draw anything or be on my phone too long...
I wanna cry...
I'll try to find some excuse to go to the bathroom or something... Jesus I can't do this shit anymore I wish I could just die already
When are you gonna be out of school cause when you get home you can just let all of your emotions out. And don't die it's going to be okay. I know how hard your illness is but it should be fine if you find more hobbies and things to do that can put your mind off things. And be open with your options, don't think life is hopeless. I'm sorry I'm not much help.. cause I really don't understand completely how hard this is for you because I'm not experiencing it. But I do want you to know that others around you care, your family and your friends. I feel like you should also get some sort of help offline, like from your family so they can sort it out. But then again I don't know if we have the same opinion on telling adults and people things. I wish you well and I hope you take my advice. *virtual hugs* uwu
Do it at lunch? Unless luch has already passed then idk If theres anything i can do to help just say
I’m still trying to work on a suit design. maybe you peeps can recommend some stuff I can include?? Some stuff about Peri as context:
-She’s an art student at an art college
-her suit was made by her roommate, who is a clothing design and textile major
- She wears that baseball jacket every day, and she loves the color blue
-her powers include:
-all the normal Spider-Man stuff (sticking, spidey-sense, etc.)
-Frost webs (her webs are extremely cold and can freeze people)
-She can freeze stuff by touching it (She has a hard time controlling this power when She gets nervous)
-self duplicity (She can make up to 3 copies and of herself, not including original her)
So yeah, I tried to include some Frost/ice crystal patterns on her suit to go with her powers, but I need more ideas. I want to make her stand out from all the other spidersonas out there...
she's so adorable I love the frost idea. Maybe add snowflakes?? Like on the legs and maybe add fluffy boots, fluff on the rim.. snow boots idk. Owo?
>Kai how did you get to be so adorable and can you please give lessons
Kai, can I touch your head-leaf-thingies?
Ethan, how did you break your horn?
There's a tracer who is tracing SweetCommander's artwork. They have done it before in the past, but it got reported enough to get taken down. Let's do it again I guess.
> valmal Uh, they were called lps lover or something like that
can you tell me who's the author/account is? the picture was taken down
What's wrong bud?
Here’s Pixel’s current design. Some things about her:
Name: Pixel
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi or Pan
Occupation: multiverse traveler
Powers/ Skills: teleportation, duplicating herself, can bring drawings to life, general magic
-She only has one horn, and it can be any color she wants it to be.
-She always wears heart shaped sunglasses, and like her horn, they can be any color. She’s never seen without a pair on.
-She’s got a halo made of floating crystals
-She can grow multicolored crystals out of her body if she so wishes
-always wears 3 hospital bracelets, 1 on her left arm, 2 on her right arm.
Btw, second pic is just alternate clothes.
bro i thought those were pictures of real crystals that you edited in there at first, they’re really well drawn and shaded!
Don’t want to be annoying bUt could I mix and match - ish? For example take the long hair with the purple hoodie who says “fuck”?
Also thanks Peeps uwu
> tiredbloom Anything here is cool
cOughCOUGH- Please look at my recent Myspace post, it includes a piece which mentions you :"]
> CoffeeGhost I'll make a post about it later
> Pixel Planet What's wrong?
> CoffeeGhost 1 omg thank you also ur art is amazing 2 no
Pic 1- vent
Pic 2- fan character redesigns
You should get help from your parents, they'll know what to do and they'll take care of you.. I really do hope you get help
erm, you ok?
What's wrong bud?
Woah, dude, what's wrong?
I’ve been trying to keep myself distracted
It’s not gonna work for much longer
Everything is getting to me
What's wrong?
Same thing as before. I’ll reserve one for you if you offer something for one. All are gonna be OTAS again.
C: you can have 1 Everyone else- I'm going to keep em open
@ everyone: I’ll think about it
> Pixel Planet 1
For the last one I'll offer 4 customs and a reserve on my next batch of adopts
I’ll accept customs and (MAYBE) old ocs. Once you adopt one, you have to draw them within 5 days WITH EFFORT, NOT DOODLED.
coot boi :000-- and ur customs have been posted ^^!!
Everyone is so good at character design :'>
They’re all ota. I might keep the 3rd one. I’ll take reservations, but I’ll need a good offer. If I accept your offer for a reserve, you can also suggest a pallet, but I might not choose to go with the colors you pick if I think something else would look better. The Demian is for close friends only, and when he’s adopted, he must be used.
> Neyuslie Posted it
> Neyuslie Posting em later today
> Pixel Planet oh yeah-- when will you finish yours? I'm basically done with the first custom qwq
> Neyuslie Kk
Name: Peri Parker
She’s an art student at an art college in the city. One day she was browsing through some old paints that were on sale in her favorite art shop, and she picked one up. The radioactive spider happened to be crawling around on that tube of paint at the time, and it got startled and bit her. Everyone knows the rest
I’m also working on a doc ock for her world. He’s going to be a student at a technology/ science focused college that has a rivalry with the art college that Peri goes to uwu. I’m thinking of naming him Owen Octavius or Otto Octavius, idk.
super cool! I can’t draw spider peeps ;w;
super cute!
So, I'm deciding which of my old fan characters I should revive and redesign first, and I need ur help.
1) Harry Potter fan character: Slytherin, 6th year, muggle born, good at transfiguration, charms, and potions, terrible at herbology and Defense against the dark arts. Mink patronus, studying to be an animagus.
2) Percy Jackson fan character: daughter of Hades, and granddaughter of Hephaestus (mom is a demigod), weapon is a big black broadsword that becomes a metal chain when it's not in use. (Made by her mom)
3) Doctor Who fan character: Timelord known as "The Traveler," 3rd regeneration, travels the universe having adventures. Knows of the Doctor, but has never seen or met him. TARDIS is stuck in the form of a cardboard box.
ALSO: smol comic idea:
The 3 sonas travel with the Traveler in her TARDIS, Getting up to schenanigans. The Timelord and the wizard are always beefing, cuz the Traveler is always trying to scientifically explain the magic that the witch does. Idk, I kinda want to make this happen.
Percy Jackson! I have a Percy Jackson character too so it would be cool to see yours
I like the idea of them all going to the travellers tardis in an alleyway and just going, "where is it?"
Idk, i just... I really love that movie and I wanna make one. Ik it's really late, but idgaf. So, once I finish designing my persona, I'mma make a spidersona. I also think I'mma revive and redesign my old Doctor Who self insert. (Don't worry, it was never a cringy self insert. I know how to keep it realistic)
oh hell yeah!!
Sounds good!
Thorain (Called “Rain” by friends,) is the prince of the mountain elves. He’s in a long distance relationship with prince Bulan of the Frost elves.
He’s very charming and charismatic, thriving in social settings. He’s got a great sense of humor, and he can make anyone smile.
More on the storyline and the other characters in it later on tonight! uwu
good boi
Name: Finn
Gender: None (they them pronouns)
Age: 17
-chill and laid back
-loves slushies
-into theatre
-confident and often sarcastic
BTW, I might ship them with Lotte (the OC I posted last night,) but i’ll wait and see what you guys have for them both.
I have a child thats available
His name is pronounced “Loh-teh” by the way.
Anyway, he needs a shippp
> Pixel Planet https://medibang.com/picture/131809240916035720006416158/ Usually has cat ears, lemme know if ya have any questions and/or want some head cannons
> Pixel Planet In a couple, gimme a sec
> Infern๏> Infern๏ can u send me a link to a pic of them?
@ anon probably an outgoing person to offset his timidness.
I’m also working on the prizes, but I don’t want to show them yet uwu
When I finish Pixel’s design, I’m gonna have a pfp contest uuuuuuwuuuuuu
God I love you-
Oh my gosh uwu ,, such cute drawings
I took u guys advice.
Name: Pixel
Age: 17
Pansexual, closed for ships.
Hospital bracelets cuz I always seem to end up in a hospital
Blue crystal horn and tail cuz I like it.
White hair cuz I like it
Heart shaped sunglasses cuz I collect them irl. (I have 7 pairs already, and my parents are trying to get me some heart shaped prescription glasses to wear every day, since I don’t wear my glasses and I need to)
The word fuck on my hoodie cuz it’s my favorite word uwu
And the boots I have irl and I wear them every day.
I’ll probably change a lot of stuff, but this is it so far.
I’ve decided that I’m using irl me for vents, and pixel for everything else.
I’m looking at god
:0 super cool!
I've been wondering if I should should for a while now... It'd be helpful cuz I change my hair a lot and I have to draw it differently. Idk
If I do, what should I include?
Maybe your favourite colour?
You should do it. Uhm maybe add your favorite clothes or add one of your most liked hairstyle you had or have.
You should! And, if your gonna add anything to represent you, add your favorite items like clothing or a backpack, pins, a hat, etc.
Does anyone know what the doctors do with organs after they're removed? Like, do they have a special trash can? Or do they keep them around or something? (Basically, I'm just wondering where my gallbladder ended up.)
top 10 questions science still can't explain-jokimg joking but really now, i read somewhere they keep it frozen(if i remember correctly) until they are sure you're ok after the surgery and then dispose of it
No idea
Maybe it depends if your an organ donor or not
> Artsy Styles Mmmm crispy
Anyone wanna join?
I'll join!
Thanks to everyone who made an entry!
Frosty byte art, you get a reserved adopt for participating.
Malice, coffee, and pok.io- tell me what u want for your dog customs (malice gets 3, coffee gets 2, and pok.io gets 1) using the format below, and which ocs u want for the headshot sketches (malice and coffee get 2, pok.io gets 1)
EXTRAS (horns, wings, etc. no clothes)-
> CoffeeGhost Kk
Fred: https://medibang.com/picture/0w1901280312062720004344027 Dawn: https://medibang.com/picture/lt1809200641188640004344027
ididnotexpecttowin First doggo: Colors: Teal, Indigo, Yellow Pattern: Splashes Collar color: Orangish Yellow Extra: Two tails Second doggo: Colors: Pastel green, orange Pattern: Stars Collar color: Dark green Extra: Tiny pair of wings Headshots: Fred(the adopt I got from Patchit) and Dawn (I'll get the links in a bit)
Prince Bulan of the frost elf kingdom.(pic 1) More stuff about him later. I got him from Malice. I’m also working on a drawing of Thorain, who’s the prince of the mountain elves.(pic 2) He’s my boi from the emoji design trade with Ney.
This is just a quick one, since I have nothing to do rn. If it dies, I'll probably start another one when I get home.
aaA-- shEs adOrAblE
> savior Awe ty
That’s coot
so, i'm home now. i got a blood transfusion. i got to go in an ambulance cuz i got transferred from one hospital to another. i've been feeling a bit better now tho. Total needle count of 4. (2 IVs 2 blood draws.)
i'm just gonna have to color the oc trade i made for u traditionally. too much stuff going on, i don't have enough time to digitize it. (that is if u even still want to... i feel really bad about not getting it to you sooner, i'm sorry.)
> Pixel Planet Its alright m8 👌👌 I just wanna see
> Neyuslie oof, sorry i already started coloring it hhhhhhhhhh idk if u don't like her when i post her i'll make you a new one
Its alright kiddo, but mind posting the sketch so I can see it?- im curious honestly-
> Pixel Planet 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
>Anon Kk
Hey,, are you ok man? You haven’t been active that much and I’m worried about you. If you ever need to talk about anything at all, I’m here to listen to you
What's happening?
Yo, what happened to your art??