已经试着上传四天了(╥ω╥`) 不知道为啥老是失败……还想趁着寒假上传的啊!!!开学就上传不了了啊!!!(土拨鼠尖叫
顺带一提:电脑色差真的可怕(இдஇ; )
MediBang ID:
hello~this is RESET(´▽`)ノ(你好,我是RESET)
I don't often use online epsilon because of study(๑-﹏-๑)(开学失踪人口www)
i want to make friends with you.(。・ω・。)ノ♡(如果可以的话...想和你交朋友)
i think...i'm not very good at communication, interpersonal and presentation skills,so...please forgive me.(。>ㅿ<。)(我可能有些不善交际,请多包涵)
My work seems difficult to upload to medibang.So if you can, Please add my QQ:536583115
o( ̄▽ ̄)d(我的画似乎传不上来,所以可以的话,我想扩个列诶嘿)
over....?(perhaps)ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶ з
I don't often use online epsilon because of study(๑-﹏-๑)(开学失踪人口www)
i want to make friends with you.(。・ω・。)ノ♡(如果可以的话...想和你交朋友)
i think...i'm not very good at communication, interpersonal and presentation skills,so...please forgive me.(。>ㅿ<。)(我可能有些不善交际,请多包涵)
My work seems difficult to upload to medibang.So if you can, Please add my QQ:536583115
o( ̄▽ ̄)d(我的画似乎传不上来,所以可以的话,我想扩个列诶嘿)
over....?(perhaps)ε٩(๑> ₃ <)۶ з
> nekoneko222 ???传网盘方法?!涨知识了我去试试www
噗我都忘了2333 所以说还是用原始的传网盘的方法吧233
> nekoneko222 原来是这样子的吗..?之前有上传成功过所以以为是电脑问题,看来最近管的比较严。(哭泣) (抱歉这么久了才回复(> <))
你为你在大陆。。 用 VPN可能会好些吧。