Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

oui im up for art trades and if you want free commissioning, go for it
I'm sorry.

I haven't been there. I'm sorry. I'm thinking about some stuff and I'm physically ill so I just don't. I don't want to be online. I'm trying not to do the things I'll regret. I need to be here for everyone else. And I haven't been talking to Dannie and Viccy. I'm so inconsiderate. I don't deserve friends when all I fucking do is get pissy and treat them like shit. I am pathetic, sincerely. So inferior to everyone else, I want to laugh. I deserve it. I know I do. I deserve it and I'm scared. I'm scared of what I might do. I don't feel safe and I want to cry. Not that I deserve safety. I am aware people love me and I'm grateful. My friends, family, and my dog are there for me. I know. But I'm selfish. Horrendously selfish. I'm sorry. I always say I'm sorry when I leave for random periods. My friends know that, and I am so fucking angry that you have a friend like this and you don't stand up for yourself. You deserve better. Please stop letting me hurt you like this. Please. You always deserved better.

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  • i love you tiny and hope everything is going well you do deserve to be happy and i hope you seel better soon <3

  • i cant believe i was dumb enough not to check here sooner....dude please be ok please please please come back soon...

  • Duderino youre not selfish justvtake your time is all I can really say bc I'm done with you leaving or whatever being offline as long as it isn't forever and like. This message is enough for me not to think that you just magically disapeared or threw your phone into the ocean. So get better soon bc I love you 💖

  • Mmm... Bueno, ero es malo. Yo a ves me siento así, pero solo se lastima uno mas, tanto psicológicamente como físicamente. Yo se que muchas personas siente eso. Sienten mucha pena y culpa de el mismo y no quiere que nadie le moleste en lo que esta haciendo o pensando. Se feliz y nada mas. Esta es una prueba que tiene que superar y la victoria sera una vida tranquila y cool. Pero si se deja derrotar, lo lamentara mucho. Vive, porque es el regalo que no lo recibe usted dos veces.


Today, my therapist told me to make a Hope Box. In summary, it's a box full of hope paraphernalia. Whenever I feel a certain way, I can dig through the box and remind myself of happier things. It's probably going to be filled with printed memes and index cards with the names of my friends ;) And rocks. I have too many rocks scattered in my room. I cannot explain my strange behavior to keep rocks.

So cool.

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  • i have these weird rocks that i keep as some sort of sentimental value, and i cant throw them away. Just boring stones that i probably found lying around somewhere and decided that they are worth collecting (along with my other oddities) I can't explain it either other than throwing it away makes me feel sad.

  • Ooo that’s a cool. Honestly tho I’d probably have the same things

  • Tiene razón, las cosas bonitas y bellas hay que guardarlas siempre. Qué te hace pensar en ello?

  • Rocks are niceu


Attention parents and grandparents of young children. Have you received this special notice from Gerber Life? If not, you're urged to call this toll free number now. Because Gerber Life is accepting applications for its affordable Grow-Up® Plan. It's easy to help your child get off to a good financial start - for just pennies a day. Free information will be sent to parents and grandparents who call now. Or, you can apply right now over the phone. The grow up plan gives your child 10,000 dollars in whole life insurance protection now, then doubles automatically to 20,000 dollars later - at no extra cost. Later on your child can buy more, up to 100,000 dollars in total protection, regardless of their health or job; 10 times the original amount. The Grow-Up Plan also builds up cash value over time, that you can borrow from later. Help give your child a head start. For just pennies a day. Don't wait! Call now for free information! Call 1-800-425-4210. Call now for your free information, or go to now!

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  • No we r in "Death in Medibangpaint Island "

  • > Vividncity Hell

  • > tintflintdownywoodmint HUE YES

  • > Hue-Child HUE WHY


I'm starting to feel better, and I've begun to do things that won't physically harm me. I genuinely feel myself improving and I fucking love my therapist. She is so nice to me, it hurts. I went to our assigned office after class for the Monday session, smiling like hell, and she said I have a lovely smile and YOooOoO, I LOVE HER SO MUCH. platonically though; please don't get the wrong idea.
Overall, she's great and I appreciate this woman.

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  • > tintflintdownywoodmint RAAAGHHHHH!!!!!! FITE ME YOU CEREAL SNORTER!!!

  • > Wolffy36 victor nO And no, I meant it was hard to talk to her about some of the things I did. That's hard. But I can talk to her about some stuff.

  • > FallenArrow22🐾 FOR SHAME, ARROW FOR S H A ME

  • I didn't know you were into older women. Also I thought you couldn't talk to her ?????? Binch w hat


Friend was talking about a crush she had. The dude was in our class, so it was kinda awkward. But uh, after the conversation, it made me realize I've never had a proper crush. That makes sense, of course. Am I unable to fall in love or am I just really dumb? Who knows. At least I have my dog.


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  • Es verdad. El amor es ciego, puede que su "crush" no lo valore. Tu sigue con su vida, el amor llegará muy pronto. No se preocupe, de que llegará, llegará.

  • > tintflintdownywoodmint Yaaas

  • > WisteriaPhantom Ayeee, the loveless club!

  • > Wolffy36 true, but no one sucks, nah


I've been drawing from my imagination. It's super messy but drawing it relaxed me.

I don't know what it is. I'm calling it a Sludgie, because that sounds cute. Meet Sludgie, the strange telepathic creature. It doesn't speak in tongues and is physically unable to open its mouth. It just has a mouth - thank god it doesn't need to eat to survive. It, instead, speaks with other organisms telepathically. You may not know it and will probably mistake the voice of a child as your inner subconscious, but it's just Sludgie. I don't know. This little creature is probably going to exist in the town of Nightvale.

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  • :D

  • Wow look maybe 60th or more fur child, thanks