Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I post when I am done with my homework, Or when I feel like to draw.

BlackShadowGTV16 left a comment!

oh well another B+J cuz I'm bored AJ

Betty: *watching the captain underpants movie* oh yes this is the best movie
Where's Jeff... He luvs dis movie too much to not watch it
*TV switches to another channel*
*Kelsie Vin Callous appears on screen*
Kelsie: HAHAHAHAHA!!! WELL WELL WELL IF IT ISNT OBESE-ATRICE! My old nemesis. I have stolen all the city's supply of water and plan to use it to flood the town. If you value this city, try to stop me. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
*TV shuts off*
Betty: ...oh crap I gotta stop her... Again... She's always causing trouble...
*runs to the site of danger*
*Kelsie is there looking confused*
Kelsie: how on earth did you get here so fast?
Betty: I ran
Just cuz I'm fat doesn't mean I'm out of shape
I have metabolic syndrome you know that's why I'm always fat
So... You plan on flooding the city? Not today, green-turd-hair.
Kelsie: HEY! YOU WATCH UR MOUTH I WORKED HARD ON DYING MY FRONT BANGS GREEN AND MAKING THEM STICK UP! The perfect villainess look just for our battles. Show some respect.
Betty: eh whateva turd-hair get out of here. *kicks her then punches her and knocks her out cold*
Kelsie: ugh...
Betty: time to turn off this water stealing machine *breaks the machine Kelsie built to steal water*

*Betty then wakes up on couch*
*Jeff is asleep on her stomach*
Betty: wha-- huh-- oh. It was just a dream, I guess... Aww Jeffy's asleep on me
He must have been giving me a tummy rub in my sleep or something while he was awake

Kelsie: *appears behind couch*
A dream...

The end

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BlackShadowGTV16 left a comment!

I have been forced to leave...

I'm using the family phone.
My school blocked MediBang.
I'm no longer able to draw. To write. To share. To talk.
You guys are like my family to me. I'm going to miss you so much.
It's really sad they decided to do this. They took away my everything.
This is my last post.
Please remember me... And tell everyone what happened... Please get someone to continue friends with a goal for me...
I love all of you. I will miss you.
Please keep me in your hearts and I'll keep you in mine.


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