this is the way I like it, and I have mastered it, as I think, this is an Arab way, and the Arabs practice it a lot, I added a lot of special touches to me, maybe I will keep this way

sarah*and paint
Hello everyone .
. My old 17 and born in December 13/12
I draw some professional workers like the reality I love all kinds of graphics, I love people who respect art ,,,
Everyone is able to do what he wants, and as he says (there is no impossible)
Do not look at our manifestations, our beliefs, our religion, the mind, look at our hearts,
Fun and happiness, the most beautiful thing in life, 😆
My instagram account, not the message, just comment on the"
What I do since today is the names of my special anime drawings, which I directed, Ma Rikem Basem,
Suzi for her short hair
, and Mimi for her long hair,
and Cyrus, for her violet hair
I forgot to say that, Suzi' loves the fashion and modern fashion, the mother of Cyrus and Mimi understand, the games of Gombaz and spy
> makaroni Thanks :-*
> P.F.P.R. :-( , bueno, la transferencia de Fa es un patrón de mi propio animé
Falta aún. En la versión de anime, los ojos son exageradamente grandes. Solo en algunos casos. Pero lo demás esta bien!
> Ran Do Oniisan Thank you very much
long time no, I practice drawing on paper, I love drawing young people this way, I do not think the phone clip is clear enough, I'll call it, Matthew, it's handsome, this style of art is similar to anime, '
I knew that leaving the drawing on the paper for a long time, causing loss of talent, or, will be accompanied by many mistakes when drawing
so so beautiful!
> P.F.P.R. Sí, estoy haciendo esto, gracias por su consejo
Parece que todavía le falta aprender el estilo del anime. Porque no parece. Siga practicado!!
> Ran Do Oniisan Thanks :-)
After thinking, maybe I will take this path, continue it, after training, watching a lot of educational lessons, feel relieved, to enable me, I am happy and proud, it is wonderful to accomplish what we want, and after learning this art close to the anime, The Anime itself, "There is no impossible is what I say," but if drawing anime then it would be impossible
What ...What, I hope you worry your mouth, if you did not say who you are !!! ...???
> Ran Do Oniisan gracias، thank you very much ;-)
> P.F.P.R. Con el fin, Ba acto ya que parecía pintura digital hace tres años, era mi deseo de aprender a dibujar realismo animado Agregaron, que estaba teniendo dificultades, y hay errores, Hahaha, hasta ahora
Asombroso, bueno, para mi. Porque no se dibujar ni siquiera el anime. Pero lo tuyo esta bien. Acostumbrar se a los cambios, es bueno. Buena imagen!!
There are links, you will help to acquire new ways in drawing, I hope you benefit that it is easy and simple and practical
، ، ،،،،
> P.F.P.R. Gracias, sí, hay muchas, porque amo muchas clases de arte
Muchas cosas, muchas cosas que hacer!! Buenos vídeos.
> Ran Do Oniisan Thanks for the comment, I hope you benefit from this 💕
, from drawing away from the pitch, I'm also thinking of making a new third way, but it requires a lot of accuracy. Maybe it will be "Anime", the fourth way I took it. Drawing, saying frankness, I will leave the reality of the period, because when I present the reality to Medbiang, I feel a pariah, do not accept much, I love you: - *
> sarah*and paint De nada
kawai :3
> Edu Thx 💕💕
> P.F.P.R. Sí, gracias, amo el cambio, entonces tomaré los dibujos que amo,
... I've moved away a lot from the previous period about Medbiang and that 's because I was very intrigued in the study and other things ..., I' m sorry for not commenting on your publications. I love you. A week ago I go to the river in my city. In order to take pictures of the sunset in my country in order to get a good mark ...., in the lesson of photography .., and during the week did not pick up only four maybe good because my city beautiful...I have come out from the fourth hour to the eleventh night ..., this is tired, I have one picture for the sunset and the rest is the night of. Thanks for the followers 77
> Bonnie Pinheiro Thanks ' This is for your upscale taste
woooow!! this is completely beautiful!
> Sphynia-Cat Thank you my dear for your wonderful taste
Ah these are absolutely gorgeous!!!
look at these pictures, choose one, and make sure that it will be chosen by a larger size, i will draw it, if you have the most beautiful pictures, give me the link or the picture you like to draw
I really like the first one :0
التلاته سماح بس الاخيره اسمح *•^
El de corte americano. La tercera!
i really like the first picture you chose! draw that! :)
it took a long time already, I have now relaxed after the end, and thank you for your follow-up,❤😘 and support
عطيك الصحه ع هالرسمه*•*
> Henry the dead Thanks 💓
This is so beautiful!
> Maria-Senpai Thanks dear 💕
In fact, I was really ill, and I had a cold all the time, and I was tired of waiting, so I picked up this picture, it was in my eyes, but it was beautiful, it would be my personal picture, the phone filter helped me, and some cosmetics creams, The girl himself, even if his patient
> Miso *•^ تسلمين حياتي
طهورا انشاءالله ياسرو ^-^
> 🔥Pyro_Charisma🔥 Thank you, and to your attention 💞
I have painted a girl with a dark skin, and happy with the result, even if it is far from reality, and I have done all this because I love the girls dark skinned, ........... Followers Thank you, ..... If you want to learn my art, what do you have to do?
> Edu Thanks
> Miso *•^ انشاءالله تكوني افضل مني في الرسم
> ✨Willow Thyme✨ thanks ❤💓
> amatheia_v 😊😉
My older brother asked me to draw him, to rely on these pictures, and I took this time, there are some mistakes
😩 around the eye, and he answers me I draw another picture
> Edu 😉❤
> Fandom-Trash-Girl:v Thanks 😁
> Friiee Thanks
Amazing job!!!😄
I'm about to end this cake, I have the idea when I was hungry, hehaha, and I started drawing it today and it will tomorrow, it will be very realistic, and all my drawings I take these steps that you see
> Edu 😉😉😉👍👍
> sarah*and paint That sounds amazing...Yes please!!! XD
> ✨Willow Thyme✨ I'll give the whole cake to you when you're cooking, 😁
Geez now I want some cake XD
This is the first time, I do not draw a drawing not for me, but for my friend dear ❤ P.F.P.R , and I want to see him, tried hard, but I did not appreciate, because I did not used this kind of art
Uhh bueno. No importa. No es obligatorio.
I have painted this idea, there are some mistakes ba color hair and crown flowers, actually I have taken four days, you draw a penalty part
> Edu Thanks ❤
> Fandom-Trash-Girl:v You do not have to finish everything in one day, you have to take steps,
> フランシスコ・ペレス 😉
I am really tired and I suffer from depression. I do not know that it was at its beginning or that it exists in advance from the night to the day. I just cry. I do not speak much and loneliness, and this is not known about me. I want to go back as I have many laughs and fun, sadness without any reason controlling my heart.
> 🌈rainbowsrnoice🌈 Thank you for your interest, as much as you can
Think highly of your self but not to highly Tell ur self u can do this Ur enemy is depression Don't let it win
I think you should get help to get over your depression. I myself went through it.
I have finished drawing the girl for a while, and try to finish drawing the young man 👉
> Black cat *^ شكرا 😘
> Fandom-Trash-Girl:v Thanks 😉
احسنت العمل .انه رائع^^
The Indian actor, Barun Sopati , started on Sunday and ended today, painted by Banan at my friend's request
> Pyro_Charisma ☆ミ(・ω・)ノ Thanks 😘
> フランシスコ・ペレス 😉
> ⭐️ 🐭 Anonymouse 🐭 ⭐️ It's easy to take steps and good planning, thank you❤
> ~《Sako》~ Thanks Sako 😘
Some of my personal photos on trips, school and also for school trips, contains some of the photoshop for lighting 🙊 one of the pictures I put colored lenses of the eye
> Maria-Senpai Thank . you are the most beautiful 😍
You look so pretty ☆○☆)_
> Pyro_Charisma ☆ミ(・ω・)ノ 😍😘😘😘
> Lunae Lumina Thanks😉
Hi guys I need your help and opinions in this Anime Is it 👍 or 👎 or needs some correction
I like it,except the you colored in on the whites of the eyes!
> Pyro_Charisma ☆ミ(・ω・) I feel too , I will make him good😉
> ♠Pastel cloud of depression♠ Thanks for comment 😍I will try to improve
Its so cute I'm not a pro at this, but I think u should make the torso a little wider
It took three hours to clarify facial features and wanted everyone to see whether they were good or not
> Fandom-Trash-Girl:v Kkkkkkkk 😁
They're great! 😄
> Pyro_Charisma ☆ミ(・ω・)ノ Thanks you dear
> Pyro_Charisma ☆ミ(・ω・)ノ Realy
In the last few days I lost the program and did not know what the reason was but I managed to bring it back
> Night T. Thanks you
How to draw a drop of water in just five seconds
> BriarQuill Pardon me, because I love your drawing
> sarah*and Thanks for following me! :)
> Night T. Thanks
I've finished, and title sports are boring
> hirumei Thanks
Nice details for the face! :D
Oh. Bueno, cada quien su estilo. Y esta bien. Buen trabajo!!