Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Open to negotiation
Submission for Partner Program

Slowly but surely working on the revamped chapter 1 of BROKEN for the MediBang Partner Program. Right now I have to rewrite my script that I had already rewritten due to wanting to make it better and to elebrate more on Hikaru, since like the original webmanga (which I plan to continue if this story doesn't make the partner program.), the first chapter is told from Hikaru's point of view.

I feel like his true personality at the time didn't shine through in the original version, scratch that, I KNOW it didn't shine through. That's one of the major things I'm redoing in this chapter. Hopefully I will make at least the 24 page mark. I should actually have that no problem, but it may go over the 30 page mark by 2-4 pages or so, which I hope is okay. Manga is mostly story driven.

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  • Good luck!