Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Charging $2 for Black/white, $5 for colour, and $10 for a manga page!
New one-shot in the works

It's been a while.

And I'm working on a new one-shot at the moment.
The theme this time is heroism and what that really means.
Trying to get in with some publishers, so I'm planning to submit this to Saturday-AM's 'Summer of Manga' competition (if I can get it done on time), but it'd be good to enter it into the MCPO contest as well.

Saturday-AM have an absolutely crippling 22-page limit; combining that with my baffling inability to write shorter scripts and the fact that I'm limiting the number of panels per page that I draw to stop them getting as cluttered as they used to means that there's quite a lot that I'm unhappy about with the storyboard and the script.

But I'm using this to practice drawing new things in new settings, and I've especially been working on page composition and the flow of the pages as a whole, rather than as a sequence of disconnected panels.

I'd really love some feedback when it's (eventually) done, but in the meantime, here are some character designs for the one-shot!

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  • > Brojack Yeah, I think we are very similar in our workflow. Haha I definitely do my best after I've been sitting at my desk for at least 2 or 3 hours. And I will spend 4-7 hours on a single panel- just to sketch it, no less- I am not kidding you. Sometimes I start and after hours of drawing and erasing I still have a blank page in front of me. I understand that struggle completely. Makes me think I could never be a mangaka in Japan bahahaha It's definitely hard to juggle drawing with other commitments too. But getting your degree is a big thing that takes a lot of time and effort, so I think it's awesome that you're working hard doing something that important! Seems like you're not at all slacking off, but I do hope things calm down enough for you to be able to draw! Sometimes our output ebbs and flows, but if we are working on anything at all we might be gaining life experience we can use, so despite the frustration we dont need to pressure ourselves! That's how I try and think about it.

  • > Nass Thanks for the link! I'll read through it when I get a moment. I know what you mean about it taking longer than you thought, happens to me all the time. I'm not really the kind of guy that can just sit down for 5 minutes and produce my best work. Being able to sit down for hours at a time and really get in the zone is how I prefer to work. I've just got so much work to do for my degree right now that I barely even have the time to play video games, much less draw. I'm gonna work on managing my schedule a little better so I have more time. I also feel like I draw a lot slower than most people. Just drawing a page in pencil (not including things like storyboarding, inking, etc.) can take me anywhere between 4-7 hours, which seems like a really long time!

  • Here it is! Sorry if any parts are unclear, but i followed the posts pretty closely in the order i wrote everything. Ive been having my timetables pushed back by stuff too lately, and especially hard is when you have time to draw but it takes longer than you thought it would. That's happened to me a lot. So, do you only work well when you have time to sit down and really focus for a few hours, or are you able to squeeze in drawing time while eating or something? Ive carried my art on lots of outings and trips and that always helped!

  • > Nass Hey, they show up as links for me, so all good! Yeah it majorly sucks, don't think I'm going to be able to get it done in the time I wanted to (and it's only 22 pages as well), but I'm looking forward to when I'll have more time to draw. Yeah, I wouldn't mind looking at that script actually, it might help me out!


Hey there artists and fellow friends,

I've just finished uploading a new one-shot, that I've entered in the MCPO manga contest. I've been hard at work on this over the last two months, and I'm really happy to finally have it finished.
Of course, I'm always looking for feedback, so I'd really appreciate it if you guys could take a look and let me know what you think I need to improve on for the next one. Happy to trade manga reviews with other people.

All that said, I look forward to seeing what everyone else has submitted, and may the best artist win!

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New page and character designs

Hey everyone. For the last few weeks I've been cooking up a new one-shot for the MCPO competition. Still drawing everything, but here's an example of a page and some character designs.

The 30-page limit has been really crippling this time, but hopefully it'll all come together and be something worth reading. Hope everyone else is also enjoying working on their entries!

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  • > Brojack Yeah I do the same. I usually have to rewrite my storyboards so people can read them hahaha, and even then I get questions like "What does that say?" It's hard to be patient when drawing everything out. Awesome! It's seriously the best feeling when everything comes together! I'm like halfway done with the first storyboard draft, going slowly, but I'm honestly psyched about this one. I drew it exactly how I would enjoy it, so we'll see how it fares.

  • > 汀雪村 Haha don't worry about my handwriting, I scratch it out as quickly as I can on my manuscripts. I think everything fits alright within the page limit, but we'll have to see. Looking forward to seeing how your one-shot is coming along!

  • > Ran Do Oniisan I know what you mean - it can be hard to get views on Meidbang! Well if you do enter, I'd love to see it, but good luck on Welcome to the flying train project!

  • > Brojack Oh, hahaha, okay! Actually I should've figured that out. Sorry! Everything else I can read, though! ^^' Well, I hope you can fit in everything you want to! Page limits suck for me too hahaha but I'm sure I'll enjoy it!

New one-shot for Jump competition!

I just finished a one-shot for Jump's Universal Manga Competition called 'Breaking...', I'd really appreciate it if people could take a look and give me some feedback.

I found out about this competition way too late, and only had about 2 months to put together an entry, and I have definitely never worked so hard in my life.
Pulling 12-hour days drawing while my back was in serious pain is not something I want to repeat anytime soon, but let's hope it was worth it.

Good luck to everyone else who entered the competition!

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  • > 汀雪村 Well, thanks so much, I'm glad you like my stuff, and I hope whatever I make next is to your tastes! Haha yeah, I feel like there's not too many places for non-japanese mangaka out there, but someday there will be!

  • > Brojack Awesome! I'll definitely check it out! (Found your youtube too, and thought it was pretty funny some of the videos!) I don't know exactly why I love your work so much- and I know that how much I like it doesn't mean the rest of the professional world will agree, but... How do I put it? I guess it's just all really... My style. The stuff you do is exactly what I would find entertaining! And, putting the anatomy aside (because your angles an details and poses are all really good too!) I think you execute stories well! So of course I'll support you! This community of homegrown manga artists is big online, but the world doesn't seem to like non-japanese mangaka very much. So we gotta give support to each other! ^w^

  • > 汀雪村 Wow, I'm seriously surprised you found all that stuff. In all honesty, looking back at the Silver Cross op, there's a lot of lazy animation and bad art in there and I don't think there's a lot of merit in there, but you're one of the first people to tell me you actually liked it, so that makes me really happy - I spent a seriously long time making that back in the day. I can't agree that I'm a genius or anything; I'm far, far, away from being the best artist or the best storyteller out there, and even think your art is better than mine in a lot of ways! But I'm glad you've been enjoying the rest of my stuff, anyway. If you want to see what I'm like when I try to be funny, you might want to check out 'Kingdom Bros'; I don't think I've ever had as much fun working on anything as I did making that, you can find it wherever you found the rest of my animations. But, no pressure! Thanks for supporting me buddy, and I'm always happy to return the favour and help you out!

  • TL;DR You're an actual genius. I don't know what it is I love everything you work on. And I followed you on twitter.