MediBang ID:
Heya! Welcome ;3
>Loves to Doodle
>Has no particular artstyle (loves to run it in a life reloaf
>Can have requests (may take months maybe a year- if not that busy, and I don't procrastinate, maybe a week or a few days)
>Languages: Cantonese (HK), Japanese, English
*I'm not very fluent in Japanese but I can definetly read and speak (I can't write ;-;;)
>Loves to Doodle
>Has no particular artstyle (loves to run it in a life reloaf
>Can have requests (may take months maybe a year- if not that busy, and I don't procrastinate, maybe a week or a few days)
>Languages: Cantonese (HK), Japanese, English
*I'm not very fluent in Japanese but I can definetly read and speak (I can't write ;-;;)
- Anime Drawings
- Work Place:DissapointmenttoParents
- Gender:Female
Life Event
- 11/1999 Life,man..Justlifehappens(damnIcan'tbe15here;c)
Time spent online
All day every day, all night ;3 (tumblr needs my attention)
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