Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

venty wenty

hi im rlly sad cause im single and whenever that happens people start fighting over me and asking me out like crazy and it hurts rlly bad. im not a trophy for people to just win :((
im a human being too, i shouldnt be fought over
and a lot of the time these people just slide in my dms with a "wanna date" and i dont even know them
those people could care less about me entirely and just want me cause talent
theyre the people that hate my jokes too >:(
im funny god dammit fuck you if you think otherwise [literally ;)]
okay this was a m e s s but im sad
ily guys
follow chai

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  • im sorry :( i hate it when ppl dont even think about how u act and they want to date u.. and thats right. you are a trophy to be won over. im really sorry this is happening to you... <3


Hewwo UWU *nuzzles you*
Ight but back to the real shit I'm not a closet furry I swear
I haven't been active
Why may you ask?
(Well you didn't ask I'm just forcing you to join my Ted talk 🔫)
No one's giving me requests >:(
Let me draw you shit you handsome ass god
Yeah I'm taking requests
Yeah my arts styles changed
No one's gonna see this so teehEeHee
Also doodle

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  • Oo you should draw Dorian halliard from throne of glass

  • can you draw Brett Dalton- hes hot dont ask :')

im sorry

im so worthless

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  • > •♡✨Loli✨♡• lots of people here love you and are willing to support you

  • > A_Worrior_Fox oof its okay...

  • > •♡✨Loli✨♡• Wait, I did not know THIS was going through, I think I made you feel worse, oh sheeeeee..... Oh how do I solve this? Oh, I made things worse again!!!! I'm sorry, please I did not mean it. I thought that only I was going through this... But of course not.... Oh, friiiiii..... I really am a sense-less bi**** Ummmm, how do I make this up? Ummmm, what about fan art?

  • > A_Worrior_Fox my family makes me want to harm myself... and i do think im a jerk, and a bitch ik that im a bitch and ur right i shouldnt be complaining i shouldnt ever complain

im sorry

sorry for not being very active on literally all of my social media accounts
i havent pOstEd hErE
i havent MaDe a mYsPaCe
im nOt pOsTinG yt vIdEoS
its taking me yEaRS to reply to messages-
idek why i have instagram xd
im like not drawing as much anymore
making me omega sad and dissapointed in myself :(
so like the purpose for this was to egt ideas from yall
please gimme sum im so pathetic and lazy pls i beg

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  • > •♡✨Loli✨♡• Just make sure that you are beautiful and thicc not fat, pathetic, lazy .... :D Btw I'm lazy fat useless child :P

  • > MayaTheLazyUselessChild lmao okay-

  • If your interested in an adoptable .. I have one here for you :P

  • .... Make the ship again .... Please °:D (MayaxLoli)


i have fire works
they scare me so bad
and i hate it
i get made fun of caus eof it
but its fine ig
never found them fun :(
just scary
anyways, happy 4th of july me boyes

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  • > ʙɪʀᴅɪᴇ™ spam me do it xd

  • > Hooded Anonymous That's correct, but just because they do not normally bite humans, doesn't mean they are not dangerous. And I'm well aware what happens to someone if they get hit by a firework. (I'm going to stop talking becuase I don't want to spam Loli.)

  • > ʙɪʀᴅɪᴇ™ pHeW

  • > ʍʏǟʀȶɨֆȶʀǟֆɦ I wasn't going to.


ill never be as important as someone born the opposite gender as me (male)

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  • > ♛☽ᎠᎪᏒᏦᏦᎥᏁᎶ☾♛ Let women rULE-- Jk- thatd mean getting rid of 90% of my friends

  • See? Men aren’t very important so it’s gucci to be you, because you’re the best you there is!

  • > ♛☽ᎠᎪᏒᏦᏦᎥᏁᎶ☾♛ Okay that is awesome!!!! I didn’t know that but that’s definitely a game changer

  • > 🦊匚ㄥ乇ㄖ丂尺ㄩㄥ乇丂🦊 Dude I’m totally a chimpanzee I’m with you all the way

I saw a lot of other people doing this-

(ik y'all will choose 🖤)
❤️- you're the yee to my haW (idfk xd)
🧡- you're a coolio broski
💛- not too shabby of a friend
💚- I'm on the positive side about you
💙- idk who you are get out of my house
💜- I'm on the negative side about you
🖤- you're a disgusting excuse for a(n) person/friend/artist
💌- other???? xd

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  • Cus I'm not sure if I am a orange or red

  • 🧡__________♥️ ..............^ ......….....|| .............||

  • 🧡

  • > Cresentcat123 Oh my xd