I just remembered
I know it’s late but sometime around the 4th y’all need to watch 1776 director’s cut! (And don’t forget director’s cut, that’s the best version)
Pls! For me! *cris because my favorite fandom is still little known*
The movie is pretty historically accurate, which means intense sexual tension and extreme savagery (history had that and this movie is a good reminder). There are swear words, like, pardon my language, God, Hell, (those recurring quite frequently) and a lot of the other language is from then quote:
“Dear Sir, you are without any doubt, a rogue, a rascal, a villain, a thief, a scoundrel, and a mean, dirty, stinking, sniveling, sneaking, pimping, pocket-picking, thrice double-damned no-good son of a bitch." and you sign your name - what do you think?”
That sample should be good enough to make you interested right? XD

Yo been rly inactive I just don’t draw as much as I used to and certainly not as well.
***Please, let me know if/when I do something wrong!!***
- Discord : GremLin#4923
- Fantasy
- History
- Writers
- Grimmore (Yes
- shoutout to CreativeLiz for her book!)
- 活动地点:Literallyanywhere-
- 性别:女
improve art style, and get new techniques.
The Titans Goblet/ Selma in the Garden
Light bright green and any shade of gray
Ya bet it be Scotcharoos boi
It is my dream to animate “The Unalterable Soldier”
Celia Pavey’s “Feel Good Inc.” cover

I loved her for years
I fell in love with her
And I know it’s not smart of me, to continue and return to that love even though she won’t return it but I think she’s the only one that keeps me going rn... besides the thoughts and respect I have for her...
I don’t care if she ever returns my feelings
All I care about is given her the ones she deserves
If it destroys my health, so be it, at least I can improve hers.
That’s how much I love her.
And I know you all don’t know who I’m talking about but, I will be drawing moments in her and I’s relationship that will make sense...
for now... plus I’m out of normal art ideas ha
I’m sorry this is random, but while, it has been affecting my art for the last few months, and I’ve just exploded...
Also little known thing about me I have a headcanon Kakashi secretly is overly fond of cats- *cough* I call it the CrazyCatKakashi AU, I can draw it if you wish
When you’re concerned for someone but don’t know how to help them 😕
Hhhh I know that only to well sometimes
oof been there done that...
> 💙💜💖🌈Quini-bi uwu🌈💖💜💙 Is it the same person? Kawaii Pocky?
agh same ;~;
So y’all... how have you all been I’m curious? Is everyone alright? Everyone alive?
I’m working hard over the next few days on checking up on my 94 notifs... I got about halfway before getting frustrated with how slow it was, the site has been so for me for the last few weeks. I haven’t been able to post form the app for a month now, actually. So I’m asking the above because I have little clue XD
Anyway, I certainly grew a lot of Camp CovFamikoi in Kentucky. It was amazing, and I’ve certainly decided to try turning to Christ again. Idk if it will work. Still. This doesn’t mean anything more here tho than an occasional drawing of a reformed church hero or two from time to time.
Then, on the way to Illinois after briefly coming back to Indiana: My great grandmother was a professional artist during World War Two, and I got to meet her and inform her about digital art. I’ve never see someone so shocked. 😂 (She’s 90 but is in excellent health and all senses are functioning extremely well). I’ve bonded more with her in three hours more than I have with my grandparents or cousins in 14 years- funny how things work out.
Anyway, after going to another part of Illinois and finally back home in IN, have a Laurens Carologue portrait redraw, with Martha Manning Laurens and Franny Laurens in the shadows.
Sorry for the ramble, the week has been very stressful and typing helps me unwind? Still sorry lol
He literally looks like he could be from the Billie Elliesh Bad Guy video, does he not? For some reason? Help?
Guys I freaking almost got killed today on the camp, I wanted to talk about it for a moment. I’m not kidding.
Two of my new friends and I were rushing to soemthing, we were like the last people around. I look to my right and there’s a red car, five or six men around it. They look up st us and call out to us, trying to get us over and claiming they locked their keys in the car.
One of my friends thought it suspicious and hurried on, and we trsuteed her judgment. I talked to them for a second so as not to be rude because I believed them to be other camp people, telling them the director might be able to help them. We hurried on.
A couple hours later. Now. We just got word about a half hour ago that those men were attempting sexually attacking a woman, who had locked herself in the car for self defense.
They were so close to us. And since no one was around, and if they hadn’t been so focused on the woman, they could have... done... stuff to us... ack
My main friend and I talked about to and just ended up hugging each other because how dangerous the site we are on is. We have had a story liek this every day. There’s a man going around the buildings hoping he can find a way in. There’s a man who might be planning to set the building I’m dorming in on fire. Not to mention they’re still another unknown person throwing rocks through my building’s windows. And it doesn’t help one of my roommates keeps leaving doors open. I have no idea if I will make it through the week. And why are we still here? Oh, to grow one another.
Only God’s Providence saved us I guess... anyway... see you all later, Saturday I believe
Here’s a picture of the camp we are on, LW college.
wow... that's something... I hope you're ok
> 🌱 vixiom I am fine thank you for your concern
> Jeffy Hey don’t blame yourself for what some people do. Honestly men aren’t terrible, feminazis may disagree, and yes there are terrible boys and men out there, but you’re not one
You good??
Not ready to leave tommorow for camp
But hey I finally finished school for the year today-
Still won’t get freedom for another week tho ha
I don’t have any friends still my church I always end up in a near fist fight-
And the thing is, I’ve never been to this camp before, so I have no idea what to expect, which makes my anxiety automatically increase... heh...
But yeah, I’ll be in Columbia Kentucky for a week if any of you live there....
and then traveling to a lot of other places too to see family I guess
Ahhhh stress
> SoulKaze Oh I see heh
> RightsNighty yeaah if im forced to go somewhere or something i stress out, although that rarely happens anyways lol
> SoulKaze Oof rly? Ill be thinking and praying for you And yeah heh I just hope my hero Durbin from Texas is there tho it’s a low chance
ugh i'll be stressed out as well lol however, dont let that bother you, wished you had a choice of not needing to go there D: But all of us are here for you, you aint alone *^*
Am I doing a good job here? I know I’m extremely unprofessional XD
> SoulKaze Thank you so much you’re very encouraging
> Artsy Styles ☺️
> Loobydoo Poppycock Thank you so mych!
Anon thank you, I have serveal art styles tho depending on my mood, it’s not too much improvement per say but thanks!
Editing myself as an Oc and as Laurens because I was bored XD
Yes I have no self control
Yes I need to post actual art
And no I can’t freakjng because the app is picking on me it barely lets me draw anymore
> 𝕞𝕒𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞 Thanks u 😊
Got a 53% a math test that’s 50% of your grade
*well shoot guess I’m gonna get beating tonight*
> John Laurens Thank you, I’m fine( I just had a moment. There’s a lot of stress from a lot of epopel right now to have my life figured out even tho I’m only 14. I try not to make rash decision, and take Caden of things myself.
also if ur suicidal get help, please.
I hope you're ok.
> max.com Ha.... I’m just ready to quit existing but I hope you aren’t
Anyone doing my challenge from the last post? I’m curious?
Also guys, a couple updates.
From Thursday to the following Thursday I will be gone, there’s a religious camp I’m required to go to, yaaay...
and when I come back, I may be hooked up with a boyfriend against my will (my church is sexist remember), and I can only hope it’s someone from another country (this is a big camp heh) so it dies off quickly.
I also hope, though there’s a low chance, I get too meet my hero, he’s from one of the nicer subtypes of our religion, and he’s saved thousands of lives from abortion, which y’all know how strongly I feel about it.
> SoulKaze Ooh ok! Thank you for letting me know if you do do it imma be excited! And that a video made my day, it’s very inspiring! Here’s one in return!
ahhh i hope to do the challenge when im not busy lol busy busy XD thats stupid to be potentially being forced into a relationship. They should really watch this and you can watch this as well :3 its really inspiring and has so many messages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpipLfMiaYU
Yes, the video is a half hour long, but I recommend it to anyone who is against abortion or anyone who wants to know what my life and beliefs are likr
Art Challenge; draw your OCs as some of my showdog’s silly expressions! If you want heh
Pls don’t repost anywhere else without letting me know, and pls don’t erase my watermarkish thing.
John Laurens, being... John Laurens
Art stuff will come out soon, I am just about to have posted one already.
But guys, my Laurens magazine copy thing came in the mail an hour ago I’m so happi
> John Laurens IKR!?
Colonel John Laurens, Special minister to the court of France
Send an Emoji to the Writer!
(Credits to inked-foundry on tumblr, with each one of these I will draw them too)
Send one and I’ll respond with something about my WIP!
💪 — Who’s the strongest character physically?
🥺 — Who’s the strongest character emotionally?
🤐 — Who’s the quietest character?
💬 — Who’s the most talkative character?
👑 — Any members of royalty in your WIP?
🤕 — Which haracter ends up the most bruised (physically and/or emotionally)?
😤 — Which character is the feistiest?
🤫 — Which character is keeping secrets…?
😈 — Which character is the villain and/or antagonist?
🐶 — Which character is the most loyal?
👋🏻 — Which character is the most approachable?
🥳 — Are any of your characters a party animal?
🐣— Which character is the youngest?
🦖 — Which character is the oldest?
🦀 — Which character is the crabbiest/complains the most?
🦊 — Which character is the most clever?
🤣 — Which character is the comedic relief?
🌩 — Do any of your characters have elemental abilities?
🍗 — Are any of your characters the chef of the cast?
🌷 — Do any of your characters have a green thumb?
💍 — Are any characters in your WIP married?
> 『ʅυოҽℓια』 Yes, I do have a few married couples, but mostly couples that get married rather than already are
I passed 50? Ack!? Thanks so much y’all!
A quick note to new followers and friends and a reminder to older ones/ criticism is always appreciated. There may be some things I won’t change, but there’s a lot I’m willing to experiment with, and anything you suggest I will try and test out. Secondly, I tend to be gone on Sundays, but I try (tho I don’t always post) to have something I can post the next day.
To celebrate passing this I have decided to challenge you to something that should be ready in a couple days, involving my dog’s funny expressions. I also will work on being more professional via less vents, less myspaces, more traditional/digital art, and also following through with more of what I say I will do.
So, see y’all Monday, thank you all once again for your support.
> Albastru224 Hmmm I feel you could could you show me what you mean by that? I think I get it but I’m dto w bit confused.
> Artsy Styles 😊
> max.com Thank you!
yaaaaay you really deserve it *^* experimenting new things is a great way to become a good artist :D never stop doing that and one day you'll rise like a phoenix :3
Hopefully soon I’ll actually start drawing again, I have drawn some stuff but medibang doesn’t allow me to post
So here’s a drawing, and here’s a pic of the first steps of the animated series I want to do-
If you can read it lol
> Albastru224 Oui thank you
That "a dork and human disaster" for Lafayette's description is amazing
Tag yourself-
Maybe I’m on the agender spectrum
I mean it would be only a bit weird for me to be called he/him, only because I’m not used to it, but at the same time I’ve never understood gender? I’ve never been a girly girl but I’ve been called masculine and sometimes I do feel feel masculine? But I guess I’m fine with whatever people call me lol
Idk a random thought, I’m not really going to overthink it
I put science first, and somewhat, I believe transgenderism to be unscientific, and agender to be acceptable if a minor thing. I will always support transgenders, jjst not transgenderism, I’m kinda almost neutral on the t, it depends however
> max.com Oh I see. What did she say? I won’t fight her after it, I’m actually neutral on it over all, mostly.
> RightsNighty oh she made a whole post about trans and agender people literally right after you posted this so... but she just took it down i don’t wanna start drama tho
> max.com Oh I see And what do you mean Loli is on my case?
> RightsNighty RIGHT BACK AT U <333333333
> RightsNighty> RightsNighty> RightsNighty LOVE YA TOO OTHER DAD OWOWOWOWO <33333333
Pfft love ya both gosh hahah
> ☆𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕚.𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕪☆ MM MMM <3333333333 OWOOWOOWOOWW
I finally got brave enough to ask my mom to order the John Laurens magazine!
And it’s coming!
And I’m so happi!
I don’t know a lot about preserving 120 year old documents, but here I go. Do any of you have any experience for preserving?
I thought this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ZDHGDL0/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=thefamcur-20&linkId=301ed84e3a94534ca829c65cddadf01f&th=1&psc=1 and https://www.framedestination.com/framing-supplies/glass-and-acrylic/preservation-clear-uv.html
might be helpful. Like I said idk if any of you have experience in this but yeah lol.
> John Laurens Ehhh thanks Laurens ily (Sorry it’s your name *cough^)
good for you!
> SoulKaze Oh that’s fine and thanks so much!!! It’s going to arrive the 17th I believe I’m so excited!
sadly idk how to preserve an old document X3x but congratz :DDDD yaaayy
Have any of you guys watched 1776? More specifically the directors version?
For those of you who like history or Hamilton or musicals in general I recommend it. It’s a bit long, and has a few hinted off camera *smexy* scenes with Thomas and Martha Jefferson, but the saltiness and the laughs are worth it.
Heres a bit lol.
Anyway my brother come upstairs and turns to me. “You- fribble!” We both started laughing and started quoting a musical that probably no one else our age knows.
> John Laurens Have you watched it though? Pls say yes ack (I have a headcnaom it ties in with Hamilton because it deals with the continental congress led by John Hancock who handed his power over to Henry Laurens who’s son was John Laurens- *cough sorry*)
don't worry I know people who know the musical too.
The argumentative, smol, bisexual griffin in my story.
Honey-brown skin, dark brown hair, and dark purple-brown eyes
The only problem with publishing it next year is that I wouldn’t be allowed to talk about their sexualities as much since my family is religious and I wouldn’t be able to get it past them. Still I can hint.
> John Laurens If you want a description I cna make a MySpace about it.
> John Laurens Yes I’m trying to make progress though struggling, but hopefully I can have it published by the end of next school year. (I have a class that has us publish a book every two years and I’m using it to my advantage XD)
How are y’all doing?
Anyone want to do an art trade with me?
> SoulKaze Good and pfft welp ok then.... honesltly tho thsi needs to be a phrase “slap me with a lobster, go ahead, I dare you” like with drama or soenthinh lol... idk I’m using it
> RightsNighty free food was alright lol, idk how it happen, it just suddenly happened XD picked up the lobster and lobster slapped me
> SoulKaze Hats perfectly fine! And I’m glad you’re ok, lol how was the free food? And lol how did that happen hahaha
wish i could but i've got my hands full atm XD me? im doing fine, got back from someone's birthday party, well free food i guess :3 well got slapped by a lobster yesterday *-*
I know I’ve been really disconnected with birth he comunity here and myself lately, hopefully it will improve.
So... anyone want to join me? https://whiteboardfox.com/480352-3650-3426
> SoulKaze I see uwu
wrote something on there *w*
ooooooooh a white board
Actually never mind with this my phone isn’t working well and I’m not a round a cunooer sorry guys 😭 maybelate
That was the strangest funeral I’ve ever gone to...
how are you doing? I’ve got a strange story heh
My grandma’s funeral, I just feel bad nobody truly mourned her it seemed.
My grandfather gave the speech about “her life” basically he talked tens minutes about himself and then two sentences about her.
“I was deployed in Germany I deserve great honor I did so many good things blah blah blah.” “Also my wife stayed home.”
Like literally that was his speech summed up.
And then eveyone went to his house basically for a celebratory party and yeah... it was strange.
I guess it’s over at least, I don’t have to see my grandfather again.
Idk guys don’t mind me I’m just confused as heck rn
Also I have changed some things and I’ve decided to make pastel green and greys my main colors if that makes sense.
How’s pride month going for y’all?
Update: I will be gone perhaps until Tuesday, there’s just so many things overwhelming me- my grandma’s death, mainly. I need time to reflect on things. I was never close to her, but the things my grandpa has been doing, such as refusing to put her grandchildren on her obituary, mentally abusing my dad, and pretending my brother and I don’t exist.... I have never hated anyone at all before, and for sure not as fiercely.
Vent: - seeing how freely many of you, you brave, smart, and amazing people talk about your emotions, and attractions (romantic and sexual) - seeing that, I admit I’m a bit jealous.
I live in a community where reputation is everything, and I mean everything. Most emotions at all are considered sins. Show any feeling too much- you are labeled a disaster. And sometimes it doesn’t help being a bastard child (I was conceived illegitimate, though it is a bit easier because I’m adopted so I’m “cleansed” ) in an environment where very old fashioned ways are adored.
And if they knew how I feel/felt for my lovely Grace- if she knew even- that would be the end of my reputation. The end of everything for me- it’s extremely serious for me. I would be spat on, shunned, at least, and I am too afraid to think of what would be their limits.
I love her, my lovely girl, in all sorts of ways, not just platonically. I love her entire being- and perhaps it’s for that very reason I must put aside all my emotions. If I came out as anything, she would be affected as well, even though she’s of a higher class than I.
You- all of you who have come out as anything- you don’t know how lucky you are. You’re free, and yes, I understand there is still hardship, but st least you are able to be yourself comfortably. You all keep on being amazing. Never forget how lucky you are to have the courage. Im sorry if this offends anyone, let me know if this does.
> SoulKaze I’m glad and I’m just sorry you had to go through that friend ☹️
> RightsNighty Im doing fine thanks, and you don't have to say sorry :) u should worry about urself more *^*
> SoulKaze Thank you. I wish I did have time. Idk if I mentioned it or not but she passed away Monday. And I didn’t know about your dad... I’m sorry. Have you been doing alright?
> John Laurens Thanks so much
I’m so anxious ahhhh
I walked to my dad about it on the way to my 4H dog meeting, he approves
Now I just have to wait for my mom, who doesn’t approve of me really, to approve of this.
> max.com There’s something I found that has articles and portraits of him, more than a hundred years old. I want to hang it up in my room.
ok what’s the whole Laurans thing about again??
I’m going to ask about the Laurens thing help meeee
I have a practical speech for this ackkkkkkjjj
> Artsy Styles Hahah I’ve never seen that stamp before thanks
> max.com Thankksss
good luckkkkk
I was asked to post this, credit to my former art teacher Lisa Guckleberg, for teaching me these things.
1: always consider beforehand what you want out of one art piece or your overall style; expression (abstract), realistic (detailed art) , or smooth (art being soft on the eyes).
2. Observe. Use references. Pay attention to the detail you see. The brain needs visual cues.
3. Draw what you see.
4: Use The Principles of Art :
Balance, Variety, Emphasis, Proportion, Movement, Rhythm, Composition, and Contrast.
Even a little bit of each principle is helpful, and the need for every principle will very with media, personality, and desire of each artist.
5: practice, focus on each of the principles that are primary to what you want to see in your art, separately, or by using two or more principles in each until you are satisfied.
6. Don’t be afraid to experiment, especially with smooth art. It’s ok borrow a couple things from other people’s art. Don’t copy another person’s whole style, though.
> SoulKaze *gaspu* https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/surprised-pikachu
> RightsNighty *gasp* Then i shall counter that via doing le impossible O^O *copys and paste every single of my art over 9000 times* mwhahahaahahahahahahahaha
> SoulKaze ***THEN YOU SHALL FAIL*** XD bwahaha
what if u dont ever practice? XD lololololllolllollolol
But here
I do I got a random spurt of “oh hey I will actually express myself instead of drawing characters”
> John Laurens Thanks!
> Artsy Styles Thank you!
> •♡✨𝓛𝓸𝓵𝓲✨♡• Thanks so much!
:o those are really cool!
> John Laurens Thank you for being concerned, it means a lot I’m just... not caring if I get anything out of it anymore? I just continue to show her hints of my love in hopes someday she’ll look back and realize how much I cared for her.. a bit dramatic but once I’ll exlplain it will make sense
> Jeffy Oh... I’m sorry.. I can barley make it through once..
r u ok? I'm very concerned...
I connect with this on a very very personal level It’s happened to me twenty times...