Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Idk if anyone will see this lol

I am so close to ending it all, maybe I’ll post my note here lol

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  • > Aori Thanks sm friend, sorry I posted this. I’m better now. Way better and been sneaking therapy : D it rly helps That said looking for friends here hehe

  • wait wtf hey, you may not remember me but i remember you please dont do this i know im super late, but please dont do it i hope youre still here, i hope you respond, i hope youre still breathing please dont do this to yourself youre not a burden and you matter a whole lot, i dont know what youre going through but i assure you nothing is lost ok? just, if youre still here, talk to me if you need to, i promise you no matter what i wont give up on you, all i hope for is that youre still here


Hey y’all! How’re you holding up in this coronavirus panic?
As for what’s been going on with me for those interested...
As of late I’ve discovered a lot of things about myself. I’ve gotten stronger too thanks to drama with an ex friend. I’ve also been thinkkjnh a lot about who I want to be and do, so that’s great xD unfortunately digital art is no longer a part of that, traditional pen and ink art may be tho
I will try to be active here but hmm I can’t guarantee lol, not because I’m busy (4H, school, etc got canceled of course) but because of Will? Of course I miss y’all but I kinda disagree with how Medibang has become, it’s all about popularity and likes it seems, which isn’t something that’s healthy for me xD
That aside, a few announcements/discoveries I’ve made about myself
- I want to be a chiropractor or equine massage therapist, haven’t decided yet of course, but I know authoring/writing and herbalism will be hobbies, I also would like to become a voice actor soon but dunno
- I’ve discovered myself deeply and I now can... idk if anyone else has felt this before.. I feel my truths, and think and choose my emotions? Like I’m emotional about logic and logical about emotions? I’m writing a poem about it actually I might post here heh, but, it’s like a whole mindframe I’ve developed and am pleased about
- I’m most likely lesbian but am abstaining from relationships because I don’t see myself as ready for relationships probably for a long time, at least until I’m 30
- I’ve gotten way more confident, healing, and yet poisoning to those who are mean to me. I’ve found myself deeply connected with the color green
- I’ve grown up. A lot overall, my thinking has matured and I’m satisfied with my life even tho it’s difficult, I’m happy to have gotten here

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Hey- Updates on what happened to me

So sorry I haven’t been active. You all have no idea how much I miss this site. I miss my friends here.
Basically though, I’ve been through a lot personally, and have discovered a lot about myself.
My mom got her kidney stone out after about a month of severe pain. Throughout that time I was doing most of the housework as well as juggling a lot of homework.
I learned better time management and hard work through that.
I also had drama with friends - some conflict. K guess it’s just since, I’ve had a rougher childhood, I’ve had to mature quicker, and some friends of mine have had the opposite, so we clashed a bit. But I did learn how to be not so lonely while alone- I learned my independence and my confidence.
Those are two things I’m sharing, there’s been a lot more, but I don’t want to bore anyone.
Don’t feel bad for me though I have indeed grown a lot.
In terms of returning, I am indecisive. On one hand, I learned not to worry about details and as such don’t care if something is blurry. On the other, I have lost touch with my creative side a bit and don’t often get the chance to express it. But it’s ok.
Anyway, enough about me? How’ve you all been?

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  • > RightsNighty IM GOOD HEHEHE EHE


  • ack hi

Also I’m feeling a bit down

1. All my friends either live far away or are close but really busy or are a boy and my family is conservative and doesn’t like it....
2.Like I feel so frustrated rn, I’m not sure who to talk to anymore because I’ve felt... idk... embarrassed about my existence? Like looking at myself in the mirror, I can’t believe I’m actually real. I’m a mess, tbh. I’m so awkward...
And my face is so expressive all the time it makes it clear sometimes I don’t feel the proper emotions expected of me, and it’s embarrassing
3. All throughout my life I’ve had random flashes of pain in or near my heart. It scares me more and more. Lastley ‘tis been so intense I’ll just be typing a message to a friend and it happens and I, for a moment, don’t expect to hit send. It’s scaring me.
And no, for those who think I should get it checked out... I think I know the problem. A lot of sodium and also the breast over my heart is heavy and lies directly over my heart. Also o stretch weirdly a lot. I need to do something about it, but I’m scared of doing it alone because in the past I tend to be made fun of

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  • Sorry for short replies eek I just am so grateful idk what to say

  • > Umimop Thank you for the reminder

  • > John Thanks me too!

  • Oh no! I hope everything gets better soon!

BOOK WIL UPDATE (Sorry for spam)

When I was a child, I knew not if other worlds exist, but was told they do.
My mother, wherever she might be now, told me once that there are five of these worlds, called ‘realms’, in total, of which I only know their names. (There is my home, Drowning Dreams; “the realm of those-with-seaweed-hair”, and then there are the others, let me think… Ah! There is Boiling Blood; “the realm of griffins”, Iron Will; “the ream of the stubborn”, Mind’s Pen; “the realm of storytellers”, and Rose Gold; “the realm of masked ladies”.) Each of these realms possess their own Heireage, and each of these Heireages raise the children of the heirs and heiresses.
Within every generation, all Heireages, as my own often reminds me, are held responsible for raising a single child. This child is titled the heir, or heiress; the great champion of the Heireage. They must represent their home-realm to, well, something, the question of ‘what’ I have yet to have answered. Likewise, each heiring or heiressing child is to be clever when thinking on the feet. It is necessary for us to be both spiritual and tough, and most importantly, to be unafraid of pride for our realms. The more ferocious the pride, the better, my Heireage claims.
I often ponder what the other heirs and heiresses might be like, although I know it is against the rules to be friends with any of them. I know it is wrong, but something deep within me stirs whenever the Drowning Dreams’s Heireage tells me something new of others like me. I mean, just think of it! Four other members, besides myself, of the three different species, spread across five realms! From what I have already been taught, I am the first to be born of them! However, as much an honor as it is, I am repressed. There is only a small fragment of my powers allowed until, of course, my mother’s generation has completed their duties, plus twenty-five years to wait for our own mysterious “duties”. What the duties are, I have asked with no response. Now as for what happens to the heirs and heiresses after completing their duties, that question grants me an even greater reward, which is, well, even less of response.
Yet, that doesn’t matter, does it? I am quite sure the other heirs and heiresses will find themselves with the same question, once they are all born and hatched. What is every heiring child molded for exactly? What am I, Sanguis, the current heir of the Realm of Drowning Dreams, and what am I to become after decades of the strictest education, followed by the toughest training? Furthermore, why does my Heireage refuse to answer their heir’s questions, if they really find me so important?
Believe me, I wonder this often.
The first memory I can recall, is well, my hatching, a bittersweet memory.
I remember the feels of salty sea’s spray; the bubbling foam as it popped against me. I remember my infant-self wailing as they did so. I mean, after all, the water was, and frankly always has been, rather harsh for both scales and skin. I still prefer warmth then the frigid, half-frozen water of my home. Trust me, it isn’t pleasant.
Yet all such sensations fail in comparison to my mother’s loving presence. Ohh, how I miss her touch! She first nursed me the first taste I had experienced outside my egg. It was warm, reviving me and distracting me from the cold. She then cradled me, so lovingly, in her arms while she sang siren-songs to me. Indeed, it is no wonder why us faeries can seduce sailors and pirates by voice alone! She would hush me in the most gentle murmurs. Her breathy whisper sounded so much like both the crashing of waves and sea frothing. She carefully, with her long-nailed fingers, brushed my hair of golden seaweed. The reassurance was quite soothing, and I swore then to keep my seaweed hair in tip-tip shape, considering how much she seemed to cherish it. Even more so, how much she seemed to cherish me.
As for when my eyes could open? Oho, everything changed for my infant-self.
There were colors! Bright colors of the sea! The emerald green of my mother’s adoring eyes, the zaffre-blue of her long, seaweed hair, and the ashen- grey of her scales! And around me, the pale sea foam. And when I searched downwards. the bioluminescent creatures, deep, deep below, made the water look like a galaxy, whole constellations were down there! I only had to lift my head for more. The sky! So grey, devoid of color, and dark clouds beginning to form. It frightened me, so I instead gazed in the only direction I hadn’t yet- where my mother faced. I truly wish I hadn’t, and that my duties had been delayed a moment longer. I regret often, my inquisitiveness, which seems to have existed even then. If only I had been allowed one more tender moment with her, my beloved mother.
As soon as I observed my home, the towering kastilyo, a tall building made of dark rocks and decorated with pure black pearl, a chill rang up my spine. My mother sighed heavily, and I noticed then, the weary expression on her face. No, not just weary, exhausted, even. It saddened me, and I realized the whole time that she had not once smiled. And then she did- smiling down at me softly. IT was only an instant later I was handed to a member of our Heireage, an elderly woman with a strange, mocking look in her yellow eyes. She was Mrs. Malme Chetrigg, the one who had raised my mother when my grandmother had fulfilled her duties and vanished. I soon found out, Alsiss Chetrigg, her then eleven-year-old daughter, would raise me when only a slightly different fate would befall my mother.
Mrs. Chetrigg placed me in her girl’s arms, the two unsmiling, looking at me in a way that made me feel the opposite of loved. They began to whisper to each other; in a dialect I have been forbidden to learn. I remember Alsiss’s first actions toward me. She roughly pulled back my teeth, prodded my scales, and pinched my muscles, before nodding to my mother. I will never forget my mother’s face, her reptilian eyes- pained, heartbroken, distracted- staring after me, as I was taken away, not to see her again for a long while.


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Writing WIP PT 2

I know not if other worlds exist, but I am told they do.
My mother, when she is around, tells me there are five of these worlds, called ‘realms’, in total, of which I only know their names. (There is my home, Drowning Dreams; “the realm of those-with-seaweed-hair”, and then there are the others, let me think… Ah! There is Boiling Blood; “the realm of griffins”, Iron Will; “the ream of the stubborn”, Mind’s Pen; “the realm of storytellers”, and Rose Gold; “the realm of masked ladies”.) Each of these realms possess their own Heireage (the third-most-prominent family), and each of these Heireages raise the children of the heirs and heiresses (the second-most-prominent).
Within every generation, all Heireages, as my own often reminds me, are held responsible for raising a single child, called the heir or heiress and champion of the Heireage, who will represent their home-realm to, well, something, the question of ‘what’ I have yet to have answered. Likewise, each heiring or heiressing child is to be clever when thinking on the feet, spiritual but tough, and most importantly, to be unafraid of pride for their realm. The more ferocious the pride, the better, they claim.
I reflect often what the other heirs and heiresses might be like, although I know it is against the rules to be friends with any of them. I know it is wrong, but something deep within me stirs whenever the Drowning Dreams’s Heireage tells me something new. I mean, just think of it! Five members of three different species (faeries, griffinborns, and caprabloods) spread across five realms! From what information I have gathered, I am the first to be born of my generation! As much an honor as it is, I am repressed, as only a small fragment of my powers will be allowed until, of course, my mother’s generation has completed their duties, plus twenty-five years to wait for our own turn with the mysterious “duties”. What the duties are, I have asked with no response, and as for what happens to the heirs and heiresses after completing their duties, that question grants me an even greater reward, which is, well, even less of response.
Yet that doesn’t matter. I am quite sure the other heirs and heiresses will find themselves pondering the same question I find myself so often deep in contemplation of, once they are all born. What is every heiring child molded for exactly? What am I, Sanguis, the current heir of the Realm of Drowning Dreams, and what am I to become after decades of the strictest education, followed by the toughest training? Furthermore, why does my Heireage refuse to answer their heir’s questions, if they really find me so important?
Believe me, I wonder this often.
The first memory I can recall, is well, my birthing, an equal mix of both soothing and alarming sensations.
I remember the fees of salty sea’s spray; the bubbling foam as it popped against me. I remember myself crying as waves crashed around me, as the water was, and frankly always has been and always will be, rather frigidly harsh for both scales and skin.
Yet all such sensations fail in comparison to my favored of my first memories; my mother’s loving presence. Cradling me in her arms while singing Siren-Songs to me, hushing me in gentle murmurs as she carefully brushed my hair of golden seaweed with her long nails, and nursing me the first taste I had experienced since inside the egg.
As for when my eyes could open? Oho, everything became overwhelming, but still interesting.
The emerald green of my mother’s adoring eyes, the zaffre-blue of her long, seaweed hair, and the ashen- grey of her scales. I only had to turn my head for more. I truly wish I hadn’t, and that my duties had been delayed a moment longer. I regret often, my inquisitiveness that existed even then. If only, I tell you, I had been allowed one more tender moment with her, my mother.
As soon as I observed my home, the towering kastilyo I was to be kept in for the next eight years, a chill rang up my spine. My mother sighed heavily, and I noticed then, the weary expression on her face. No, not just weary, exhausted, even. She smiled down at me softly, once more, before handing me to a member of the Heireage, one whose daughter I would grow familiar with one I was older. She was Mrs. Malme Chetrigg, the one who had raised my mother when my grandmother had fulfilled her duties and vanished. I soon found out, Alsiss Chetrigg, her then eleven-year-old daughter, would raise me when only a slightly different fate would befall my mother.
Mrs. Chetrigg placed me in Alsiss’s arms, and smiled at her. They began to whisper to each other; in a dialect I still am yet to understand. I remember gazing up at Alsiss for the first time, her curious gaze at me, as she began to check me over. She pulled back my teeth, felt my scales, and prodded my muscles, before nodding to my mother. I will never forget my mother’s face, her reptilian eyes staring after me, as I was taken away, not to see her again for a while.

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Writing WIP (chapter one)

Chapter One Rough Draft

I know not if other worlds exist, but I am told they do.
My folk tell me there are five, called ‘realms’, to be known in total, of which I only know their names. (There is my home one, Drowning Dreams; “the realm of those-with-seaweed-hair”, and then there are the others: Boiling Blood; “the realm of griffins”, Iron Will; “the ream of the stubborn”, Mind’s Pen; “the realm of storytellers”, and Rose Gold; “the realm of masked ladies”.) Each of these realms possess their own Heireage, the third-most-prominent family, and each of these Heireages raise the children of the second-most-prominent, the heirs and heiresses.
Within every generation, all Heireages, as my own often reminds me, are held responsible for raising a single child to represent their realm to, well, something, the question of ‘what’ I have yet to have answered. Anyway, each heiring or heiressing child is to be clever when thinking on the feet, spiritual but tough, and most importantly, to be unafraid of pride for their realm. The more ferocious the pride, the better, they claim.
I reflect often what the other heirs and heiresses might be like. From what information I have gathered, I am the first to be born of my generation, although none of our powers will be allowed until, of course, my mother’s generation has completed their duties. What the duties are, I have asked with no response, and as for what happens to the heirs and heiresses after completing their duties, that question grants me the finest of rewards: even less of response.
I am quite sure the other heirs and heiresses will find themselves pondering the same question I find myself so often deep in contemplation of, once they are all born. What is every heiring child molded for exactly? What am I, Sanguis, the current heir of the Realm of Drowning Dreams, to become after decades of the toughest training? Furthermore, why does my Heireage refuse to answer my questions?
Believe me, I wonder this often.

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Hey hey!

Goodness I haven’t been active for a verryyyy long time, it feels like.
I just feel like; one, I’ve been extremely occupied by school, two, I don’t even know who’s here anymore and it makes me sad and I’m so scared to find out who’s gone, and three, I haven’t been able to draw much.
So I guess this is basically going to become a place for writing stuff?
Honestly I’m really sorry for those who are disappointed or whom forgot me 😅😬

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  • Both of you are a huge relief to see still here XD

  • > ArtsyLGStyles Glad to see you as well!

  • > I have missed you more!

  • Glad to see you back! ^^

Work I created for myself XD

I should be working on my writing class story because imma but behind but anyway

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  • > Umimop Ah I see! Let me know if you want any sheets! Also ah, I’ve heard of that, and hey, it’s alright! It’s helpful to keep writings organized, as planning needs to be done before actually writing, but don’t worry, you’ll get there! I’m cheering you on!

  • > RightsNighty Thanks! It would be perfect to learn something new) I'm using an Android app called Novelist to organise most of my stuff, but I still manage to get notes messy. I want to create some universal system, but currently there's a long road ahead)

  • > Umimop Thank you! I’m taking a writing class and it helps me organize and plan wayyyy betterXD If you need ideas for notes the sheet-filler-thing that I’m using here really help!

  • Wow, I love how structured it is! My own notes seem far more random in general, so that's interesting to see.

More Series Stuffs - Realm Development

Aesthetic: Cool Sands, clear waters, crashing waves, sea foam, sharp rocks. Celtic music
Geography: Many seafood restaurants and fishing grounds. Bays, Oceans, lakes, cliffs, rolling hills.
People: Faeries, which in our world would be a mixture of fairies, sirens, and mermaids. Watery folk, scales, seaweed hair.
Beliefs: All The people (all of whom are faeries) believe in mischief, can be a bit morbid with their amusement, are pranksters at heart, love animal fights and lulling sailors visiting from other realms to only the darkest of watery graves. Not Everyone Can Avoid Danger!
Heir: Of this current generation, it is said the heir was sent to the realm of fiery future to gain some motivation, but was then sent away to the realm of minds pen so he could not compete in becoming the ruler of stars. Where has he gone now?
Aesthetic: Golden sunrises, wildflowers, fields of tulips, roses, and sunflowers, soft pink clouds.
Geography: hundreds of aristocratically architected buildings for dancing and hundreds of gardens.
People: Griffinbloods who prefer to no longer be explorers, who are wealthy beyond reason and enjoy flaunting it. They cherish their balls and parties, and their gardens. They prefer pleasure over hard work, and are the most sophisticated of all the others.
Beliefs: All the People believe that the future is bright for themselves and prefer not to worry. They are of a very cheerful belief system. Party hard!
Heir: Of this current generation, it is said the heiress does not see the point of all the parties thrown for her, and that she is allergic to flowers! What a disastrous disappointment!
Aesthetic: Quills, ink, yellowed pages, old books, dusty and messy spaces, studies, scribbled notes. farming, bonding. Storytelling, longing to know of the other realms better. African Music. Drums, flutes
Geography: Many libraries, archives, and museums. Flat lands, African savannahs. Farmlands, harvest lands, livestock lands.
People: Capras who grew bored with farming after being the firs to discover that griffinborns existed. They don’t want to be griffinbloods however they just want different lifestyles that can allow them to be creative and educated and they are happy.
Beliefs: Most of the Inhabitants believe that education could someday bring them closer to griffins and develop them more and more. They want to be better than the other realms, and although all the other realms want that, mind’s pen is usually more confident with the belief that they will eventually be better than the others. There is no success without self-improvement and knowledge.
Heir: It appears that the heir of this current generation for this realm both struggles to read and pay attention, and that he is too distracted with the close relationship he has with the Heir of an Iron Will to care about it! Such a failure!
Aesthetic: Nuts and Bolts, metals, machinery, gears, clocks, carvings.
Geography: The widest of the realms, very widespread (from savannahs to Celtic-like lands) Many workshops, supply stores, and gemstone shops. All flora and fauna went extinct long ago and has now been replaced with machinery. Natural nature no longer exists, and only does the gift of being the only allies with Drowning Dreams save them from needing the natural nature. Pollution is a high risk, however, but that’s fine because the same machinery that poisons them can easily heal them.
People: Griffin borns who wanted to use the knowledge from earth and some Capraborns who grew tired of farming. These two groups of peoples decided to work together and abandon their former realms, resisting being brought back.
Beliefs: The people here love the idea that machinery can be created, and believe it to be the groundwork of their society. They are also a very logical and debitive people who love to argue over the smallest thing. Stubbornness is key to getting what you want, is it not?
Heir: It appears the heir of this generation is not competitive nor stubborn at all! He hates loud noises, hates blue papers, and believes that the realm should not be building an army for Konstance (the villain). What an idiot!
Aesthetic: Healing, medicine, herbalism, protection, warlike, fighting, swords clashing, arrows piercing skin, cheers at the most grotesque of surgeries.
Geography: Organized and freshly mowed lawns surrounded by grey bricked- camps, castles, and hospitals. Walls, gates, and battlegrounds.
People: Griffins (the more dragon like kind who cherish gold, lay agate-stone eggs, and love war/fighting) who still are visiting earth, this is the main realm for griffins. They travel to other realms very rarely and little is known about them due to their self-imposed isolation. They are currently flooded with gold due to the realm called “earth: being in a “gold rush”,
Beliefs: These are a people that believe that war is almost a hobby. Yet, they always try to keep people alive, and have gone above and beyond to keep people alive- even if the quality of their life doesn’t always match up. Suffering Is entertaining, its just death that is not~
Heir: It is rumored that the heiress of this generation is quite squeamish and prefers peace, and hates stealing. Where is her sense of pride? Why can’t she be excited about causing fear? Such a coward.

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Halp I’m too much a writer for my own good
And I’m not even going to be on Medibang as much because of it lel
I have the five book series “EbonyandIvory” you guys know, with the five heirs
I have my writing class novel I need to have finished by May
And now, CreativeLiz and I (for those who remember her, she left medibang almost a year ago at this point I believe, don’t worry she’s doing fine tho and you can check her out on patreon XD I don’t know her name there though) have been roleplaying this really fun role play, a gay romance rp with her dragon/magic user character, Randall, and my capraborn (for those who know at this point, one of my original-creation species from EbonyAndIvory) character Theo, who’s mother was a witch before she died. So they both exist in a world where magic is looked down upon, as well as homosexuality. It’s a really interesting and fun rp.
Liz agreed to co-write a book with me, based on that
So yeah three projects XD

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  • > RightsNighty i feel that. freshamn year... sucked

  • > Oh really? I’m sorry if you aren’t doing well, do you want to talk about it? Anything I can do to help? I’m here for you 💚 It has been 😢 Honestly as for me idk what to say besides “freshman homeschooler” because that’s what I am now and stress is what it causes heh...

  • > RightsNighty i've been a mess tbh. i know, it's been forever. you?

  • > It’s fun for sure! I may post stuff about it later! How are you doing, btw? I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve tlaked with anyone and I have really missed you XD

Ebony and Ivory’s World (the Book)

The World: There are three main species, five realms; and a special type of ruler-system that consists not of princes and princesses, but of heirs and heiresses.
- 1. The three main species: Griffins, Faeries, and Capraborns. Griffins are based on every little detail of Griffin mythology I could find. They, to my creative license, however, have differences from the mythology as well. For example, if you know werewolves, specifically how they turn from one form to the next every full moon, Griffins are similar. However, Griffins’s main forms are of the mytholgical griffins (half eagle, half lion), their secondary form is human. They can interchange between these forms at will. They are the most powerful, scientific, logical, and knowledgeable of the species. Their secret? While, wings are for flying, after all, so why not fly into our world, earth, to steal our knowledge? This race then keeps that knowledge to themselves, viewing the two other races as unworthy of the knowledge, and isolate themselves, living in high mountains and elevations. They are heavily connected to sun, warmth, heat, flame, and fire, as while as wind/air.
- Now, the next race, those are the Faeries. However, don’t mistake them for fairies. No, they aren’t cheerful, nor always kind, nor are they good with children. They are grumpy, mischievous, and are associated with cold, and water. In fact, consider them more like sirens, rather than our ‘fairies’. However, make no mistake, Faeries are very magical, but they don’t use their magic for more than pranks. This race is very introverted, and secretive, preferring watery places. The third, final, and most race are the capraborns. This race is not of mythology. No. They are very similar to us humans, except, while, animalistic. You see, they are carriers of goat blood. Because of this, they have goat ears, horns, tails, and temperaments. They are very happy and joyful, but easily frightened. They are very playful, but work very hard with the earth. They are associated with the earth. They are the most extroverted of the races, and find it a shame the other two races don’t want to come out and play with them. Now
- 2. The Five Realms consist of the following. Realm of Coppery Blood (associated with medicine, life, and yeah; war too, mainly inhabited by capras), Realm Of Mind’s Pen (associated with knowledge and creativity, inhabited by the rare Griffins who shared their knowledge and the capras who learned much from them), Realm Of an Iron Will (associated with strength and machines and building stuff, inhabited by Griffins), Realm Of Drowning Dreams (associated with water, ice, inhabited by Faeries), Realm Of a Fiery Future (associated with warmth, heat, ambition, inhabited by Griffins only, it being their main lands). Now
- Now. 3. Religions. The Griffins believe in Omister Nes Eve (god of evening, knowledge, and warmth), the Capras believe in Omister Nes Morn (goddess of morning, hardworking, and nature) and the Faeries believe in Omister Nes Noon (goddess of noon, mischief, and death). These three are all included and interact with each other a couple times. Now
- 4. The Heirs/Heiresses: instead of princes and princesses, or kings and queens; there usually is one king or queen over all the five realms. The order of the system is that, as mentioned before, there are five realms each with their own ruling family set up. They each have a family that will either birth or adopt one child to be their descendent. (It doesn’t matter is it’s a boy or girl, the family name will forever belong, even if one realm’s heiress marries, her husband will take her last name.) This descendant will be listed as the the realm’s Heir/Heiress of Disaster. Each realm has a single heir. However, there needs to be a queen or king of all realms, and every twenty/-five years a system is run and the five heirs wait with anticipation, over who will be titled “Queen/King Of Stars.” This former heir will give the duties of their realm to someone else and have bigger duties. They will then become the new Queen/King Of Stars.
The Five Heirs of The Current Generation in Book:
The Heir “Will” Of an Iron Will (HO/IW) , The Heir Henyo Of Mind’s Pen (HO/MP), Heiress “Brindi” Of Coppery Blood (HO/CB), Heiress Argenti Of A Fiery Future (HO/FF), Hair Rauben (changes his name to Sanguis) Of Drowning Dreams (HO/DD).
HO/IW and HO/MP are particularly close, best friends, ran off away from their frustrating/idiotic realms to take a vacation together. They mostly keep to each other, but do get along pretty while with HO/CB. HO/CB gets along well w/ everyone. HO/FF does not get along while with everyone at first, and HO/FF and HO/DD, who grew up almost like siblings to each other, do not get along well at all. HO/DD gets along well w/ HO/IW, but not HO/MP. However, they don’t have a choice to act out on those any of them don’t like, and must work together.

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  • > ɢøʀɛ__քʀɨɨռƈɛ While, see, if it helps, just think about what makes our world developed. Species/people/folk: Geography: Politics: That’s a very simple sheet I created XD but it’s helpful, it can be modified too of course

  • this is the kind of things i wish i could when building worlds/universes, but it's hard to write everything down ;v; i love this already!

  • And HO/MP and HO/IW are more than best friends *cough*

Feeling hurt

Would you, my friends here, mind helping me out? I’ve felt really suicidal lately because whenever I share my writings that I’ve worked so hard on, I never get more than “I’m too lazy to read” or “cool mkay so anyway-“ and its frustrating and hurting me. This is happening with multiple people, the ones I trust the most, and it takes a lot of trust for me to reveal stuff like what I tell them and it kinda hurts.
It hurts me because I feel like, idk, maybe I’m boring? Maybe my writing is horrible? Maybe they don’t care or are mad at me, because I did something wrong? Maybe I just need to work on homework and do what my parents say, not have any friends...
I will be discussing my writings tomorrow, and then running an ask for them, and it’d mean so much if you could help me, thank you!

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  • > RightsNighty Ok! I'll go and read it!

  • > ɢøʀɛ__քʀɨɨռƈɛ Okie doke thanks so much! My newest MySpace has the world development if ya want to check that out -

  • > RightsNighty Ah, ok, but I'll try and stay caught up ^^

  • > Tom Thank you! And no it’s fone, I haven’t been posting it here, but on discord, so don’t worry it’s not like you’ve done anything wrong!

For SoulKaze and Kawaii Pocky

Anyone else can ignore
I would message but currently my messages aren’t working 😢
But I’d like to challenge them both, to, while, an art collaboration with all three of us. There is a fall-themed contest coming up, I thought it may be interesting to collaborate and enter some No pressure, you don’t have to, I just thought it’d be interesting to see how our different styles could interact. Again, no pressure!
As for how it would work, there’d be three different pieces, actually, so it may take a bit of effort idk.
I’ve seen how three-artist collaborations work; and basically, you would have one person doing the sketch, another doing lineart, and another doing coloring. So we could have different combinations really.
So, one person comes up with the sketch of an idea they have (I will form a noticeboard for it if works out well) and posts, another will perhaps edit the size and use it as the pen texture/size they normally do; and then the third would color it in.
The fall contest entry-final date is October 31st, so we have time. Of course, if you’re both busy, that’s perfectly fine, but I personally wanted to see how our styles could go together I guess, and I thought it may be fun? Up to you guys!
My sketch idea:

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  • > SoulKaze Wahoo! Thanks so much! It means a lot my friend! And haha you and your cute burns, they ar every inspirational!

  • > ☆𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕚.𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕪☆ I have too! This will be my first art collab, and I wanted to do it with you two because you’re two of the three favorite people of mine on this site!

  • XD well i dont mind since i am also entering another collab drawing into the autumn theme with my birb lel

  • YO IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO ONE OF THESE !! and i feel special for you choosing me uwu so I’ll join !! owo

Face Reveal and also plans

I can get back into Medibang; but really only on the weekends sadly, due to school.
What I plan to draw: (don’t worry SoulKaze if you see this your birb will be out soon!)
- Good Omens Fanart (Ineffable Husbands of course)
- My OCs, specifically, the Five Heirs Of Disaster (Heir Of Iron Will, Heir Of Mind’s Pen, Heiress Of Fiery Future, Heir Of Drowning Dream, and Heiress Of Coppery Blood). I would like to start asks for them soon
Other than that, does anyone have any ideas? Would you guys want adoptables from me? Would you guys want more about my book OCs and story? Or something else?
As for the face reveal:
(You can really see my aesthetic in my room/clothes, you know, that shade of green plus grey/white stripes 😂)

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  • > rosemarie No I’m not lol

  • > Quiniby Sorry for the late reply but thank you!

  • aww

  • aw ur a cutie and take your time uwu


Grace and I broke up. I’m sad I lost my best friend, obviously, but I’m trying to replace her with some other friends I have. None will be as close to her, though
I feel even more disgusting now for having fallen in love with her. For being attracted to another girl. I’m promising myself I won’t do it again, escpecually now my church is... guessing things...

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  • > Quiniby Thank you, it means so much to me, you have no idea 💚

  • I’m so sorry my dude I know it’ll get better if you need to talk I’m here


Medibang gives me notifs only for comments it seems
And it’s not even marking it as read
Medibang is just Thanos at this point, prove me wrong

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  • > ʂʍօӀ.ąʂցąɾժìąղ Oh that’s too bad I understand though

  • > RightsNighty np :> and nooo, idk if i could get one. probably not,,

  • > ʂʍօӀ.ąʂցąɾժìąղ Yep lol. And aww thanks Do you have Discord? We are trying to get as many people as we can from here to form another group there, so we can all stay together

  • i legit can't prove you wrong i kinda wonder why i even came back lmao ((besides some cool ppl like u ofc ;;u;;))

I might leave

1. Once again, I haven’t been able to post in months
2. I’m no longer getting notifications about anything. I can tell people have been posting MySpace’s by going to topics but they don’t show up in notifications.
3. I’m tired of the set up here.
However, I am heartbroken actually. I love everyone on this site, and I’m really sad to think I might lose some friends. Please, if you can, come join this server I’ve made just for Medibang folks. Invite everyone you can. I might hand the control over to another person if they wish to join as well.
Please join, I’ll be really sad if no one does.

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  • > GIMMETHELOOT It’s heartbreaking though Are you alright? I hope you’re alright, I would miss you a lot Please join the server if you can

  • omg im in the exact same mindset as you right now 😭

  • > Jeffy Good! In case anything else happens to this site you might want to write down my discord info, it’s on my profile thing above :)

  • > RightsNighty Pinky promise!!!!


I’m so happy!
So last year I had to enter a writing competition for a co-op (for those who don’t know what a co-op is its like a public school for homeschoolers you have the socializing but also are still in a classroom setting it’s healthy for homeschoolers)
And since school starts Monday and today was an orientation meeting my teacher Ms. Alicia finally got prizes for the organization that was running the competition.
I got 2nd. $150.
And also, this year I’m entering a creative writing class with the teacher (she teaches me English and every couple years she offers creative writing) and IT IS REQUIRED TO WRITE AND PUBLISH A TWELVE CHAPTER NOVEL
the struggle is tho I have a gay couple, a lesbian couple, and a bisexual couple. Oh, what am I to do? This is a very conservative-Christian co-op.
And also I usually write in 3rd person but I have to write in 1st person for this.
I hate 1st person. I genuinely hate it.

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  • > Jeffy Yeah agreed. I’d love to see your writings tho 😆

  • First person sucks It always makes me feel awkward writing it and then I put myself in the situation I’m writing I am an awful story writer


This is important.
More and more people are not able to post from the app, and even if they are able to do so instead from the site, site posting tends to result in blurry, low quality image. We all know this at this point.
And if it hasn’t happened to you yet, it probably will very soon.
So, we need to try and get Medibang to fix this, because it hasn’t. For me it’s been months since I’ve been able to post a normal image. Months, folks.
If we can guys, we need to report this if we haven’t already. I’m sure people have, but if you haven’t please do. Medibang means a lot to many of us, doesn’t it?
Is there anything else we can do?

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  • hmm i haven't encountered any issues of this XD but then again i dont even use my phone to post and usually use pc to post it. Maybe its just me who simply doesnt care about the blurries since im so used to instagram literally cropping and making it low quality when i post on there. Sadly i dont how to help on this since i simply post my art and then leave. I do hope they will fix it for those who are encountering this issue very soon :) srry i couldn't be any help, reporting it is the only way to do