일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Hey y’all! How’re you holding up in this coronavirus panic?
As for what’s been going on with me for those interested...
As of late I’ve discovered a lot of things about myself. I’ve gotten stronger too thanks to drama with an ex friend. I’ve also been thinkkjnh a lot about who I want to be and do, so that’s great xD unfortunately digital art is no longer a part of that, traditional pen and ink art may be tho
I will try to be active here but hmm I can’t guarantee lol, not because I’m busy (4H, school, etc got canceled of course) but because of Will? Of course I miss y’all but I kinda disagree with how Medibang has become, it’s all about popularity and likes it seems, which isn’t something that’s healthy for me xD
That aside, a few announcements/discoveries I’ve made about myself
- I want to be a chiropractor or equine massage therapist, haven’t decided yet of course, but I know authoring/writing and herbalism will be hobbies, I also would like to become a voice actor soon but dunno
- I’ve discovered myself deeply and I now can... idk if anyone else has felt this before.. I feel my truths, and think and choose my emotions? Like I’m emotional about logic and logical about emotions? I’m writing a poem about it actually I might post here heh, but, it’s like a whole mindframe I’ve developed and am pleased about
- I’m most likely lesbian but am abstaining from relationships because I don’t see myself as ready for relationships probably for a long time, at least until I’m 30
- I’ve gotten way more confident, healing, and yet poisoning to those who are mean to me. I’ve found myself deeply connected with the color green
- I’ve grown up. A lot overall, my thinking has matured and I’m satisfied with my life even tho it’s difficult, I’m happy to have gotten here

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