Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

See you Tuesday or soenthinh

My grandma is dying I have a feeling in the next few days and has been for ages but idk for sure tho if it will be soon as I have a feeling it will be. I also want to focus more on writing a little.
Wish me luck tho there’s authors at my church who I look up to (Don and Stephanie Prichard are their names I highly recommend their book, Stranded)
So imma ask them questions and I’ve realized some things I envision for my book
- small, able to be held in one hand, hardcover
- illustration for each chapter
- also to be an audio book as well
But yeah I’m starting to realize how expensive this book is and hopefully will have saved enough within a couple years for this.

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  • > John Laurens Thanks so much John Ily (Sorry your name throws me off every time *cough*)

  • I hope you are ok we are all sending good feelings your way.

  • > SoulKaze Thank you and lol I’ve actually met w lot of mini celebrities of where I live. I’ve had a lot of close bonds with some of them. But yeah lol

  • stay strong and if anything happens take a deep breath. Also we're here for you. Also lucky you XD i'll go insane if the famous person that i admire appears somewhere near around my place lol

Royden is going to be a bit

But have Brindi
Brindi: a character who travels with Switboot, perhaps his sister. A female Nunitus, she is like a traveling tailor. She is almost 15.
- gets distracted easily
- smiles a lot
- seductively charming
- cheerful
- extremely feminine
- but also is stressed easily
- and is missing a leg so she needs a wheelchair
Orientation: African Capra- lovewstuck for Mangy’s older daughter, Carina Tabitha.
Appearance: dark, black skin. Long dreadlocks brown hair. Black eyes. Thicc, curvy.

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  • > Thank you!!!

  • uf she looks good!!!

  • I forgot to collor the hornsss

  • Anon thanks! I used to be able to draw like this then I got worse but I’m getting back now! It means a lot that someone notices!


I wasn’t able to get as much done today because of whatever the teenage form of adulting is, teenaging? Studenting?
I hole it is alright too if I deny requests that I asked for earlier; I will draw later on but right now I want to take a break form requests and just draw my characters because I’ve been trying to develop them more.
I also hope it will be alright if I disappear during pride month. Not because I’m homophobic, not because I don’t want to celebrate, but because last year there was a lot do porn. The gayness doesn’t affect me, the porn does. I’ve grown and accepted slight nsfw but still.
Finally, this guy will be out tommorow hopeuflly.

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  • Actually maybe I will still post here but I will not be as active I may celebrate a few days on here if I can

  • The title was supposed to be unfortunately but unfortunately I am half asleep I just wanted to post this rly quick so

Next OC I’ll draw later today

Royden Andreas: secondary character. Is delirious and insane when first introduced. Soon, as further depressed form the camp he almost died in, becomes more himself. He is almost Grace herself, except more logical and less emotional. Does not have personal growth in the story. However, he does a strong bond with Grace and encourages her growth. Does have two love interests throughout the story.
- is often just as salty and verbally/physically aggressive as Grace
- dominate
- quick tempered
- intimidating at times
- witty
- hard working
- clever
- loyal to people he likes
- ambitious
Orientation: suggested as bi, both grandfathers were Capraborns but every other family member is a griffin
Appearance: tanned honey colored skin, ref hair, green eyes, slight freckles. Hooked eyebrows.

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  • > •♡✨𝓛𝓸𝓵𝓲✨♡• Thanks so much uwu

  • > Hehe thanks

  • owo can't wait to see

  • X3

I will start introducing my OCs better

Then I’ll actualky draw them I promise
Also I want to be diverse with the people in my stories, so if you have a problem with there not being enough diversity please let me know.

Grace Qiang Kronser: 13 year old main character, has the cancer or BlackDeath-like disease (Haven’t decided yet) that is slowly destroying earth. Suffers from depression due to watching her family and friends die, until she falls into the new world, where she just wants to go anywhere but back home, and do anything but stay in the new land.
- gets verbally and physically aggressive if pressured too much, salty
- protective
- analytical
- realisticly honest, blunt
- not very expressive with own emotions but knows how to help another’s
Orientation: no love interests, Half Chinese
Appearance: light brown hair, small brown eyes, round face, pale skin.

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  • > Artsy Styles Thank you!

For KawaiiPocky

Art trade
I’m so sorry thsi is terrible I know I was struggling with the all

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  • > *・. Lol what? And no problem may I ask why?

  • > RNightsty he props got kidnapped ;'( thansk tho!

  • More pics Idk the model but I wish I did! I’ve been tracking him down really hard but yeah!

  • > *・."fluer:・゚.・ Here it’s number 19

The Truth about the ‘lams’ relationship

John Laurens grew up wealthy, but had severe problems keeping the money his father gave him. Perhaps he was buying extravagant things for himself during Valley Forge. This would explain why he said “Those who are employed to feed us do not give us adequately to our *wants*•. Everyone around him was suffering, and he was probably dehydrated, but he still dressed well. His excuse was “I must not forsake my relation to the president of congress” or something like that.
Hamilton, meanwhile, grew up poor, but probably had a lot better skillz with his money.
Both, however, were surrounded by death so frequently while growing up. Hamilton was surrounded by physical harm, Laurens by mental. In a way, they both brought healing to each other and yet developed much of each other.
Why does this matter? Bare with me.
Lots of people awknoledge the fact that Washington allowed and possibly encouraged Laurens and Hamilton to share a bed at Valley Forge. This has become a huge thing for a lot of the shippers. However, this doesn’t mean much, tbh. This was Valley Forge, people. There wasn’t a lot of room. Two, sometimes three men, had to share a bed. This was actually cramped quarters as well, leaving little room for privacy.
Laurens and Hamilton were wide de camps, which from my understanding meant that a certain person could be given less or more time depending on Washington’s request. So perhaps on those days that Laurens and Ham were let loose first was the times they acted so sexual with each other, as reflected in their letters.
I may post more about this if need be. Things for Laurens and the lams relationship can always be posted, if you have any requests let me know!
Let me end this with something really quick? You know the cold in my professions letter? And that five words crossed out?

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  • > *・."fluer:・゚.・ Ack lol Noice

  • > RNightsty thanks! and i gave the post 69 likes ur welcome-

  • > *・. Welcome to the fandom then lol! I’m in both tbh

  • > *・."fluer:・゚.・ Oh no that’s fine I understand sorry I was just kinda curious

John Laurens Ask is currently running!

Also, Fact Two:
John’s real personality
The Hamilton fandom, well the play itself is historical fiction (it does have truth but it also has Lin’s creative liberties), does seem to give John the picture of being a “cinnamon roll”, (and yes, he was, but in completely different ways) who was obsessed with turtles.
Historically, John was a little more... bold. He was reckless, arrogant, depressed and depressive, and selfish at times, and could be a bit of a buttthole. He did have a sweet, poetic, and artistic side though, it only showed when people were supportive enough, which, people of his time didn’t seem to take him seriously.

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  • > SoulKaze XD

  • huehuheuheu :3 *sneaks away*

  • > John Laurens Finsihed

  • > John Laurens XD and i will

Fact Number one:

(I will be gone for an hour or two after thsi but don’t worry I’ll try to get it all done)
He had a very interesting ancestry.
He had French blood in him.
His great great grandparents were Huguenots, and within the following three generations after these Huguenots, the Laurens family built themselves up from wealthiest shoemaker {I believe} (John’s great grandfather) to wealthiest saddler (John’s grandfather) then Henry Laurens (John’s father) himself being a sharer of one of the best slave trading companies in the colonies.
So I think they qualify as immigrants right?

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  • neato!


I apologize for not celebrating Laurens today on the the site- school and my friend’s sweet sixteen ball took up all my time. However I will try to celebrate tonmorow, if you all can forgive me.
On the bright side, at the ball I got to spend time with my lovely girl.
So, I suppose for now, I will take this down eventually, this is a one time thing, but here’s my first and probably last face reveal. I blurred her face, but mine is on the left. I only do this because the mask is on.

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  • > Emberblaze Thank you!

  • niceeeee

  • > AdrenalineMango Thank you!

  • You're prettyyy! And the mask looks good on you too, gud job

So originally

It was for the musical, but I think it could be more for historical. This image that says it’s national John Laurens Day the 17th? Does anyone want to draw the boi with me? Nobody has to tbh lol
But I will probably take a break on the requests to put some time in this

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  • > John Laurens I will also be posting things about him that day probably, a lot of historical things uwu

  • guys, do a John drawing and comment HAPPY JOHN LAURENS DAY because John is a literal angel (that has nothing to do with my user name :) )

  • I am gonna change my profile to john for the day


There’s a kid down the street

And he’s related to Hamilton apparently
He doesn’t even know the musical that well so I don’t believe he’s lying
And he is bi as well, and just say something he looks up to me
I’m blessed
Also have a picture of my camera roll lol
I think I’m attracted to leaves

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  • > SoulKaze Oooh yaya hehehhee I’ll talk to my parents about it

  • > RNightsty there's a 7day trial for the online service, 7days of free wifi XD botw does not have multiplayer, its a single player story mode game :D and yes i can play mario kart although i havent touched it for a looooooooooooooooooooong time XD

  • > SoulKaze Idk if my parents will let me or not but I’ll ask them. We don’t have manny games, just Mario kart, legend of Zelda, and Splatoon although with Solatokn we only can get as far as we can before paying lol. So we could do Mario kart together? Idk of you cna do botw or not

  • > SoulKaze Ooh alright! I’ll ask my parents I’m the morning!

I love her with my whole being

The girl I loved if finally acknowledging me again.
This will sound strange, and perhaps a bit weird to most of you. I would be content to stay in my closet- Because I love this person with all my being, and if we do live with each other like we want- then I’d be perfectly happy staying in the closet. That’s just my thought, because I love this girl way more than romantically.

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  • > Emberblaze Thankuuu

  • Awww, that's awesome

  • Sorry I realized I worded the comment a bit weirdly and a bit selfishly, but thanks very much anon.

Lafayette Tribute

Also requests may take a bit if that’s ok just because I need to work on not being sloppy with my art, and taking my time. One thing my art teacher, Lisa Guckleberg (
taught me is that good art takes time. I’m trying to be more serious and more expressive with my art at the moment.

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  • > John Laurens I know lol and gaspu Actually I meant the historical John but that’s cool too- If you have discord I have a server where I post stuff about him uwu

  • >RNightsty I wouldn't call my self the best lol jk I know you meant the precious character that is musical John.

  • I have a problem... I'm obsessed with Hamilton so this made me scream with happiness!

  • > 『ʅυოҽℓια』 John Laurens especially is the best lol. One of my dreams is take make an animated series about him someday though I doubt it will happen lol


- is hard
- is something my parents forbid me from doing
- something I’ve been about to give up lately
- but overall, as CreativeLiz walked me through realizing, is something I enjoy.
I’ve been struggling lately, if you haven’t been able to notice, but art is something that I enjoy still and refuse to give up.
So I thank you all for your support and patience, and helping me improve. You all have no idea how much you guys mean to me. I’ve been accused of caring about “followers” more, but honestly, that’s far from it. It’s not the number under that tab that matters. It’s the fact I’ve had very deep and inspiring conversations with you all that actually matters to me.
This is random, but, ending a bit of a recent struggle, I wanted to remind you all how much I appreciate every single one of you.
To kinda relive myself of recent stress and the thank you all, I am again open to requests, for anything except nsfw.

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  • > Emberblaze Yes! Thank you! It’s always been a struggle with me, coming from a background where most of enjoyments are sins, but I have tried recently to accept the fact that just because I have emotions doesn’t mean I’m disgusting as I’ve been trained. And yell heah if coruse

  • So glad your still at it! If art is something you enjoy never give up! . . . . . Could you draw a baby seal?

  • Who the heccon put the likes to 69?!

  • > Loobydoo Poppycock Thank you so much uwu

I wrote my prologue in five minutes

(Or part of it bUt) (I’m so proud ack)
A blank page, how must one fill? A story so dark, how could it even be told?
It is I, the 9th of this century’s Twelve Princes Of Disasters. Unlike the 11th, The Prince Of an Iron Will, nor the 3rd, The Prince of Words, I have never been eloquent, creative, or even clever. Even now, thirteen years after the Sangre Fría War, I am still quite clumsy with language, dull, and slow minded.
But, make no mistake. However talentless I am in many things, I have grown much. I’ve grown from the boy that couldn’t shut his mouth; to the man I am now, ready to tell the story I almost ended.

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  • > Emberblaze Was that you that put 69 likes lol .... noice

  • > Emberblaze Heheh thanks so much!

  • Oooh! Can't wait for more!

I was bored

So I made a parody of “Alexander Hamilton” to fit my book heh. It helped me develop it actually.
Disclaimer: because I don’t know if people will think I own rights to the original song, because good grief I don’t. This is simply a dark (gore warning) joke rewrite to explain my characters a bit more. That’s all.
***praise the Lin***
How does the bastard of a
Faerie blood carrier
And a Capra
Raised in a forgotten village
Then kidnapped through pillage
In Battle, grow up to be leader of Snake Rattle?
The Faeire boy with eyes of stars
The Little boy
Not knowing his location whereof
Started falling in love
With his new village’s dove
(Then getting accused and abused)
When at 17, the other boys swore to kill him.
( young Sparrow:)
But every week as the heiress of the village
became charmed the people grew alarmed
The boy struggled and kept his guard up
His face grew accustomed to emotion lacking
He was ready to take some rather messy action
(Lili’s brother)
Then in the woods some disaster came
And his love never returned the same
Lili saw her village’s fate drop
Dripping down the drain
He told her not to disappear and did she listen?
Well, no.
And so, blame went around
They said, Faerie boy, he did this man!
Burned him alive by many a mob, banned him from any nearbye land
Get out of here you mistake and never return again
Everyone you care for hates you for what you may have done
And may the world out there do so too
What was his name man?
Konacholo From the Village
But now I am Konstance and I’m planning a great Griffin Pillage
And there’s a certain village best forgotten
They will cry
They will die
When he was nine his mother was accidentally crushed by a griffin
Ten years later see him torture that same griffin
Starve him to death
Whip him the dark
His own hair slick with sweat, as he grew insane
Konstance was born but Konacholo faded with his griffin
Continued raiding the villages
Kindpaping any griffin
Breaking their souls and beating them to death
His mother’s voice saying
“Konacholo what have you become?”
He started beating and bleeding out every Griffin he collected
(12 Prinxes of Disaster:)
We, the 12, fought him
(Every Griffin he enslaved:)
We suffered him
Me? I could have saved him
(Lili Acrokan And Lili Akrocan:)
Me, I loved him
And me, I’m the fool who was redeemed by stabbing him
There’s a million thoughts racing through
They will die! Die! Die!
What’s your name, master?
Kanti now I will kill them all!

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  • > blue.exe Thanks heh

  • Yas yas

  • This is so stupid I know heh


I... my parents left my brother and I home for almost the whole day, I was expected to do all sorts of chores well homeschooling my brother and myself. I felt really alone.
I did all the chores, managing to focus on them, and I’ve given up art and internet (except here of course) for a bit to gain their approval.
And guess what? My parents finally come home and the first thing they do is say “ok thanks” for obeying all the commands they gave me. Then they completely ignore me for the rest of the day. I worked hard. I find it funny though-
Mom and dad after leaving us for almost a full day to come back to us and also after having us do a lot of chores: k thx *continues to ignore us*
Mom and Dad after I leave even just a sock on the floor: oh my gosh you’re such an embarrassment you’re disgusting oh just-
No- I’m sobbing right now. I’m tired. I’m worn down. I’m pressured. I feel pressure always. I put pressure on myself almost rivaling what they put on me.
If I do something right- barley acknowledgement
If I do something wrong- often days of punishment

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  • > GIMMETHELOOT I’m so sorry.... and let me guess, their excuse is just “responsibility”? Even though it is their responsibility to treat their own kid with basic respect... that how mine is I’m curious if you relate.

  • im so sorry to here that hun...ill come home and will be left till about 6pm and be told to clean the kitchen and if I do it I don't even get a thanks sometimes...

  • I love you all

  • > Emberblaze Heh... it hurts... thanks so much, it is greatly appreciated.


Anyone want to ask me anything? Anything at all? Save me I’m all by myself and I feel really lonely and bored and hungry heh
I’ll do anything except 1, 7,8,9 and 46 I believe if there’s one I missed that makes me uncomfortable I’ll let you know the

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  • > Emberblaze was murdered 2 Taurus, 12 I’ll make a MySpace in a moment because I need to vent, 14 some acceptance by the social circle I’ve been thrust into, 14 well I just got over feelings for my ex best friend Grace. (Our lives were completely different, and she doesn’t seem to be attracted to other girls herself, though we did do a lot of normally romantic things together)

  • 2, 12, 13, and 14

  • > blue.exe I’m suicidal at times but too scared to act upon it

  • 28