Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Good morning you all

Just a reminder that you’re fantastic.
No matter what anyone says, you’re beautiful, smart, and worth anything and everything.
That’s not all- you may be going through a hard time; right now, but just remember to take deep breaths and think things through.
Here’s a part of a poem I wrote, if you need some creative energy?
Foxgloves, Laurels, a Honeysuckle’s Lament.
Together we are Soldiers
Stuck together with
The glue of blood and the chains of war
But bonded by the strings of love~
Once more, such the thought always kills
The Honeysuckle’s Lament

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  • *absorbs all those creative energy* \*^*/ i am invincible!

  • Aww I’m- Hhhh thanks

Just a random thing

When I was younger I used to do extreme barrel racing improperly since I was learning at the time, and that’s really rough. Now my back, shoulders, and neck is messed up and hurts a lot. Plus I’m always dehydrated. Sometimes my body hurts so bad it’s all I can do to draw.
I know I should go to the chiropractor, but, my family is poor, and I’m always trying to work on my dehydration problem... it just hurts really bad some days.

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  • > Emberblaze was murdered Oh no! I’m sorry you had to go through that and I’m glad you weren’t severely hurt, you weren’t right? I’m sorry it’s messed your body up though. And thanks we both could uwu

  • Ah, that sucks. I have a little bit of both tbh. A few years ago I was in a car wreck and since then I've had back, shoulder, (also pelvis) and neck pain. I also can't seem to drink enough water, and don't, even though my dads favorite phrase is 'drink water'. I really hope you get much better and start to improve in both areas.

  • > GIMMETHELOOT I hope yours does too then, we both got this!

  • oof im sorry to hear that love, hope your dehydration problem gets fixed. for some reason, I have a little dehydration problem to.

art is coming if Medibang works

How has your guys last few days been?
I’ve just been studying horse genetics/John Laurens and uhh allow me the share with you somethings, if that’s all right lol
First Two pic: chimera Horse, these are horses with two sets of DNA.
The final pic is what happens when the “Gulastra Plume” gene happens.
I haven’t ridden a real life horse for like a year at this point due to moving and my family being poor but I still love their genetics-

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  • > Emberblaze was murdered Yee

  • > blue.exe I know right

  • Love the last one. Horses are so interesting

  • Interesting


I feel so gay rn.... help... the girl I loved was at the party, my feelings have returned, and I feel attracted to her in all sorts of ways. She’s beautiful, amazing, and if our lives weren’t so completely different and if I was more extroverted, perhaps we could do all the things I want to do to her, like massage and pamper her (don’t ask I just fantasize about taking care of her) and cuddle and just be able to be near to each other.... but I suppose our lives are too different. Perhaps she has feelings for me, CreativeLiz thought so at one point, but I doubt it.
Still, I want to draw her something as a romantic gesture? Idk? I’m so stupid rn, I know, I can’t stop all these emotions going on.
Should I draw her? Draw her spirit animal, wolves? What do I do?

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  • > SoulKaze Thanks so much uwu

  • be honest about yourself and simple just draw whats on your mind and heart :D place all your honesty into your drawing, let those be your words ^.^

I have to be a homophobe

My church... I hate it...
The pastor’s family holds a game night every once in a while, and since I don’t get along with anyone at church, I’m always bored there. The men, sometimes, since they find me educated enough, tend to throw me into debate, which I hate but am not really allowed to say no to. They always say they are impressed, which is exactly why I dread going there. It’s pressure.
They said last night this time would be with LGBTQ. I have to put some effort into pretending to be a homophobe. I hate myself for it. But they put pressure on me, and if they figured out I myself loved another girl, I just don’t know... I’m scared... help

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  • > AdrenalineMango Oh I see! I try not to, too, but idk, they sure know how to pres buttons and then blame you for it.. they are manipulating the other kids as well and get away for it

  • > RightsNighty Ack, I'm sorry!! I'm an athiest, so I don't know how that feels personally, but try not to let them get to you too much...They might be important people in your life but that shouldnt mean you should let them control you,,

  • It’s over now, luckily most of the men were not able to come, but the Pastor, an elder, the most argumentative of the group of men I was scared of and my dad were all there and pressuring me. There weren’t enough for a full on debate according to their rules (because you have to have like six or seven people ideally to take on, or rather, scream at a 14 year old) but there was a brief resurfacing of the thing that happened a bit ago with some women finding a love letter I had written for my crush.

  • > AdrenalineMango I have done that before, and it’s labeled as being “unfaithful to my church, because I still have duties.” Even if my parents had approved, Pastor for sure would have noticed and judged me at church.

Prince of Blood

Personality: ESFP. Reckless, insane, but still alive, no one knows how. When the opportunity comes he will kill for his friends, of whom he was separated from. He loves science and medicine, and uses his studies to his advantage. He is extremely anxious about it, but when he lets his guard down (which is rare) he can be quite charming. Still, one bad move, and well... your life is over.
Backstory: Being born into the royal family, being one of the “Twelve Princes of Disaster,” then being faced with death so vividly from watching your parents be assassinated, that can easily twist a childish twelve year old into an emotional war soldier, refusing to get attached to anyone.
Quote: “I know I’m a Daredevil, but I would much prefer to be called the Devildarer. I challenge death and it has yet to catch me.
My Description Of him: Bold, aggressive, but ambitious and anxious at the same time.

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  • > Artsy Styles Hehhe thanks

Sorry for another MySpace, but

Presenting, RightsNighty’s fails over the weekend:
-going to Olive Garden with family to celebrate my soon to be turning 14, accidentally ate most of a spicy pepper in my salad, resulting in me feeling like I had no choice but to finger gun the remaining pepper
- getting a really cool Easter outfit with like those loose flaps that go over your shoulders and arms, immediately begins flapping like a birb
- freaking out when a fly landed on my finger (in my defense it’s been a long winter, especially here, plus I’m deathly allergic to wasps so I tend to freak out over the smallest flying thing)
- researching the burning of Notre Dam and crying over a freaking building I know actually very little about

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So Did everyone have a good Easter?

How has your guys last few days been? You all alright over there?
Also, Guys, if I share a song that I wrote and my friend Morgan_Chandler on Smule sang, would you guys promise not to steal/ post elsewhere?
Also, I think I am beginning to draw again, I had this (if you remember the John Laurens’ Ivory Billed Woodpecker drawing) and for Easter, got the main book I wanted about Laurens so I can research him more, I’m so happy.

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  • > RightsNighty Ooh, okay!

  • > AdrenalineMango No problem and yeah haha I’m going to start introducing my book OCs either today or tommorow hopefully

  • > SoulKaze Oh my gosh you’ve approved! So happi! XD But hahaha I see and welp. Stay hydrated there then lol

  • > RightsNighty> RightsNighty Thanks, I appreciate it. And sweet. You're writing a book?


Some presented I got-
Ok so the first one was a book about John Laurens though I honestly doubt my mom will let me get it otherwise (she doesn’t seem to like me doing historical research idek) and of course Laurens’ boyfriend had to make himself known lol.
Then I got a large sketchbook I’m probably going to use for recreating John’s artwork (I’m doing both digital and traditional help lol), a pencil with random phrases on it like heck yes, some Pocky, and a writing journal.

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  • > blue.exe Thanks!

  • Awesome man!!

John Laurens mini series

He had what, 32? But for now, I remembered, here’s another vote lol this one for Laurens.

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  • > blue.exe Okie doke thanks for letting me know!

  • 4

  • 4: b 5:;%20Sevil%20Orange/size/extraLarge

  • 1: 2:;%20Crab%20Tree/size/extraLarge 3;%20Dolphin/size/extraLarge

A last MySpace for a bit I think lol

So I may disappear for a bit due to family coming over, and I’m not going to strain myself against it for once because CreativeLiz advised me to take a small break from drawing, since as of lately I just feel like I’ve been incredibly sloppy and backsliding with my progress. Plus I don’t have a choice I’m almost 14 and I need to prepare for some things lol.
In the meantime though, I’m going to ask for requests because I probably will have a lot of creative energy in a few days do to something going on.
Nsfw is an accepted request, I rarely do this but for once (silhouettes or skin, top Alexander, or too John) this makes me sound dirty but I promise it’s going to make sense lol.
But yeah, feel free to use these as starters even, add words or be more specific, that’s fine too.
I probably will still be active and commenting just not posting a bit lol.

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  • Or notnit seems 🤔 I suck lol

  • I just remembered this wlep time to get to it

  • > blue.exe Okie doke

  • Feather

Le random history facts

Aaron Burr, Vice President to Thomas Jefferson, but unfairly known more as one who shot Hamilton, once did an oopsie. He felt too lazy to get up and get a match so you know why not reach for the nearest gun instead, to light your candle? He accidentally set himself on fire by shooting at said candle.
Michael Lermontahv, one of my more recent heroes; was a Russian poet and soldier. At the death of his closest friend he blamed the whom French nation, and, according to one site I read, told the whole French nation to go guillotine themselves.
Also form my understanding, the reason for the fuel he died in was because he called another boy attractive at a ball in front of the ladies his friend was trying to impress. “Keep your gay in”
John Laurens, one of my biggest heroes as you all know at this point lol, one of the few true abolitionists of the 18th Century. I don’t know about him doing something funny per day, but he was extremely salty at times. Although, I suppose there was that time that he arrived late to his own duel, probably having gotten lost on the way there

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  • *is sorry

  • > blue.exe Lol. Help I’ve fallen in love with history and most of it isn’t because of such things like this

  • These are hilarious and I’ll keep them in mind

Thank you so much for 42!

1. I’m almost 14
2: I don’t know what to do to celebrate your supper with another milestone (it may seem small but it means a lot to me)
So; what should I do? Start a mini series of drawing John Laurens’s artwork? Do you guys want to meet more of my OCs? What do you want to see me do lol?
As for lams Pocky I know I’m a bit slow at getting things out but I try really hard I just am never satisfied with anything I do

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  • > blue.exe Hmm alrighty, I’ll get there I guess lol hehehe

  • Ocs

  • > .✧"fluer✧・゚. Okie doke thanks lol

  • Do the mini series uwu

I swear

I swear I’ve been working on lams I’ve soent how many hours at his point? I’ve spent most of the time trying to perfect thier noses lol. First of all, Hamilton hasn’t such a weird nose; and then Laurens has a round one that I always draw way bigger and bulging out than it actually is. I restarted like four times now at this point, why is this so hard? Lol

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  • > AdrenalineMango Yeeessasss totally. I can do 3/4 angled noses and I’m proud of them, but then we get to side or frontal views and yeah.... that doesn’t turn out well

  • > RightsNighty Oh my lord I know right? even drawing the other eye is nothing compared to the noses. Drawing simple c shaped noses is easy but trying to make them actually look like yknow, noses, is a nightmareee

  • > AdrenalineMango O my word yes they are like everyone thinks hands are hard but wait until you get to the situation of drawing even Hamilton’s nose oh gosh ha

  • Noses are difficult tbh


The Speech went.. well according to everyone else. There were a lot less people that I was told, partially because half the people left halfway through the semester, though I just now am finding that out.
I am finally working on the Lams Pocky, and I’m sniggering at it so far.
To help keep me focused, this may sound weird, but multitasking helps. Idk, this sounds even weirder, but doesn’t anyone want to debate, say, abortion with me? If you do, let’s do it here,
Keep it friendly, clean, and respective pls. Thanks guys once again for putting up with my weird mind lolz

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  • > Emberblaze was murdered I agree. But I ask you something. How do we know the fetus is alive? It is, after all, just a “clump of cells” and surely, *cells* can’t have any value?

  • - The stuff they use for abortion hurts the baby, it's not just a lifeless blob. They feel the pain as they are being killed

  • I plain out think its murder. Once a baby exists, its alive no matter what people say. I think all people deserve a chance at living their life and I also think abortion is twisted and cruel. There a hundred of thousands of babies being killed by abortion, babies that could've grown up to be the next president, a trust, singer, poet, warrior. Children that could've made a difference never get the chance because of abortion. (Again, my opinion, but I believe in it with all my heart.) Also the stuff

  • Sorry, let me make myself clearer because I saw some typos. I replays: So according to you (don’t worry I see what you’re saying I’m just trying to help consistency here) it is murder correct? But, perhaps agains it should be legal, and in which case, we should make the situation safer for the murderer?


*anxiety intensifies*
I have to give a 60 second presentation about the Magdeburg Water Bridge in an hour, and I’m so stressed. 200-300 people? For a full minute? Ahhhhhhh
I know for some people this will be normal and isn’t such a big deal but for me, it is.... help....

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  • Did it go well?

  • Thanks I much for your supoort both with my art and with my life! You all are a blessing and I care for you all so much!

  • > SalTheDINONugget Thank you so much! I’m sorry but your username (not the Sal part I know who he is) makes me think of those chicken nugget dinosaur things... no offense it just made me smile lol

  • > Artsy Styles We already had rehearsed a couple times, and it did help. Thank you, it’s a blessing for you to say that.