Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m back!

I was technically grounded for a few days but I’m finally able to draw again? Why did Medibang change it’s name? Art Street sounds professional and all but to me it sounds more like an art tablet brand rather than a site lol idk

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  • > SoulKaze Just now got a notif but Hahahha that’s one theory I suppose lol

  • welllcome baaaaaaaaack XD idk why medibang decided to change its name lol guess they finally reached max level and evolved XD

  • > blue.exe Hehehhee I’m so grateful for eveyone

  • Welcome!!!!


It’s... why do I get talked to like this all the time simply for being adopted? I may not like it, but I do belong to my family.
All is forgiving for this instance- but I don’t get why this happens? Anyone else have something similar?

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  • People still shouldn't talk to you like that. It's just straight out disrespectful and rude

  • From what I know I'm not adopted but my sisters do disown me from the family and my older sister tells me I'm adopted all the time

  • > GIMMETHELOOT Yes! That’s great! Go with it! Oooh (As an infp who’s what I call, Star-Crazed, that idea makes me happy!)

  • this is a perfect situation for something I wanted to tell someone my first tattoo is going to be the solar system (it has a deep meaning) it means no matter what planet or universe your from we are all equal no matter what.

Tired of religious pressure- vent

My church is getting suspicions about me, I can tell. I accidentally left a love letter I was writing for the girl I had loved (and still have, just when I thought I had moved on they come back stronger than ever with no reason) out well guests from church were over. They went in my room, and I found the letter in a different position than it had been. Now, some of the other older couples seem to be talking to be even more now, and I’m quite confused at the sudden care. They stare at me, and I can hear words like “love” and “girl” and I assume it.
Also, at my youth group, last night... the couple that runs the group has changed in the past six months (I haven’t been going as much in this time) and now it is not allowed to hug or wrap and arm around someone of the same sex. As for the different sex? It seems that as long as you tell the couple that you are dating this person, it is allowed. Since when did dates become more important than such close friendships? I’m not allowed to even hug my two friends there, they are like little sisters to me, and I feel it weird that if I even hug them it’s sexualized. But at the same time, I know if it had been her, my one... she’s like the star of the older group because of her perfect nature and responsible dealing with difficult matters, and she’s put in charge of many things. If I had touched her, they would have guessed my feelings for her, and guessed right.
I need to move on from her, I know, but the feelings leave and then they come back even stronger each time. Nothing really happens to make these feelings return; they simply do.
And with both of these places beginning to mean even more, nothing, nothing, to me, I feel free and yet scared at the same time.
I feel disgusting sometimes. And all I can do is become immune to these feelings, locking them even further and further away.

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  • > GIMMETHELOOT Hahaha sorry I just now got a notification for this? But that makes me laugh lol. They certainly would stare at you, but don’t worry, I would defend you lol. But yeah, Calvinist Presbyterians are quite strange lol

  • oh my im sorry you have to live that way when you go to church, speaking of church the week of halloween on Sunday I wore my fursuit to my youth group and everyone supported me, I love when I can go somewhere and be supported on the fact that im a furry, EVEN AT MY YOUTH GROUP BRUH, oh man I don't know if this is rude but imagine people at your churchs reaction to someone wearing a fursuit LMAO if I went to your church in a fursuit they would probably cancel me LMAO and I would just laugh no offense

  • > just.alex It does. Thank you so much for your advice and your concern and care, it means a lot more than you could imagine. Thank you so much.

  • Oh man, that really sucks my dude. I’m so so sorry you have to deal with this. Never feel that you are anything less, because then you’ll be letting them win. There is nothing, nothing wrong with you. But don’t lock away your feelings, because that will make them worse. Wrote it down somewhere, in a jernoul perhaps, or maybe just rant in your room to a friend or stuffed animal. It doesn’t seem like much, but it’ll help you in some way. Just don’t let those people get to you. You are a strong, independent women (yes, I just said that), and you can do this. I belive in you!!

Please Read

As some of you saw in my last post, I got in a fight with friends on discord. Related, I ask this of all of you.
If you have a problem with something I’m doing, come to me first before you you do anything else. I would much rather be confronted with criticism so I get a chance to correct the mistake, rather than being talked about behind my back and there being no more opportunity for correction. This goes for my friendships, my discord, and for here as well. ***Let me know if I do something wrong.***
Thank you, let’s move on now. Lams is coming so prepare yo selves

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So uh, due to an incident with a jerk on discord (none of you all, I’ve made MySpace’s about him before tho) my friends are mad at me. I’m taking a couple days off of Discord, and I won’t be able to do anything on here today, but I’ll see you all tomorrow.
Also, if you’ve been having a bad day, I was playing around on a generator and hit the button that makes the prompts fill themselves in... so...

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  • > SoulKaze Pfft I’m dying laughing

  • now its 6 times XD

  • now its 6 times XD

  • Oh wow this has been liked five times whoa lol what the heck guys XD

Oofers guys

Sorry the Lams isn’t our yet, I have been working on the pocky one and am still looking for a reference pic for the angsty sleepy heads. Sorry about that welp.
For a bit of a vent; last night at my youth group my ten year old brother got yelled at for leaning against one of my friends, because it was inappropriate? And then my friends and I got yelled at for leaning against each other and hugging a bit (we never know the next time we will be together that’s the point)? Like... wow that was rude...
Also guys, my grandma (she’s dying of cancer it doesn’t affect me a whole lot though because she’s always been a jerk to my family tbh) gave me a ring... and it’s valued to be at least $600. I know I’m supposed to keep it because it’s the last gift of a dying woman but, like, I’ve never been into jewelry? And a lot of the interests I’m into has been expensive? If only I could just sell it and use the money, I know that sounds selfish but... let me use it for my dreams, and grandma, what you have done to me in the past will be forgiven...
I also am entering an art contest due the fifteenth and I still am not sure what to draw XD the theme is to celebrate life, and boi this hard hehehhee. But the prize is $250, and I don’t mean to brag but I feel like I may have an actual chance at winning hehehe

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  • Sounds great!

Ok you all!

One of the friends from the art lessons I used to take, now part of the animation team CreativeLiz and I lead together, has just gotten an account here! She says she will probably be posting, but I wanted to alert you all for the amazing art she does!
(She is
Stay tuned, some more stuff will be out today! I swear! Huehuehue

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  • > just.alex No thank you!

  • thank you!!

  • > Emberblaze was murdered Screaming doll

  • > Emberblaze was murdered Ack that’s weird. Sorry about that. She is my newest person on the friend section thing.

Voice Reveal

So uhh, I’m narrating some of the things from earlier because someone wanted me to, so uh, yeah. If my parents let me, you could bet this would be a YouTube video though Hahaha.

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  • *cringy not crunch gosh

  • This be crunch just warning you, I only did this because someone made me promise to do it, and I owed them.

The time

It may be time for me to leave soon- my parents are mad at me because my email got locked down from someone in Denmark. But that’s not all.
I am now aware that someone from my church, a gossip who probably at this point has discovered my views here, is stalking my account.
If you dare tell Pastor or my parents about the views I have that differ from yours, and ruin the reputation I have made for myself, both on this site and in the church, I will ruin yours. I’m not ashamed. Despite what you may think, you aren’t helping me. Now, kindly, leave me alone, screw you. I’m tired of this.
And now, I will return to the gae Lams, in spite of them.

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  • > inklo. Yes it is Hahahaha. Thanks, and oh? I’ll be here for you as well until one of us may leave. But thanks. And yeah, haha thanks.

  • lams is gr8 and i totally understand if you have to leave, i’m going through something similar. hope things get better for you in time for you to be able to stay. and yeah, whoever you are stalking rightsnighty, kindly screw off. you have no right to be in nighty’s personal business. hope things get better for you nighty

For all Lin-Manuel Miranda fans

I found this article, and it does seem to make some points. What do you think?
It’s just, he is a genius, and I believe instead of his strong suit of writing, he’s accepting wya too many acting/singing jobs, and I do agree with the article that it is kinda robbing us of the further genius.

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  • > Spacey_Cipher Hahah. Good day btw.

  • > RightsNighty n a n i?????

  • > Spacey_Cipher It took him one year just to write “my shot”

  • > RightsNighty w a i t bish hold up it took him t e n. y e a rs to write hamham??? sis??? i’m ??? choking???

The time has finally come!

Sorry this is so late!

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  • A big horse mind you, one that could, and really *would* have crushed me. His hoof also went flying near my head so there were two possibilities if dying that day lol

  • > Emberblaze was murdered Yes of course! So, the first time is contreiversial, but I was almost aborted. Then as a baby, I chewed off a part of a pacifier and choked on it and wasn’t noticed for a bit. When I was a toddler I got pneumonia. And the fourth one, was about two years ago, I almost got crushed by a horse.

  • Yah! Usually we can ask the artists questions when they do this. If data okay w u How did u almost die 4 times?

  • It’s a meet the artist did I do this right?

I hate this

I, I hate it; but I thought o should let you guys know. As most of you know, I come from an extremely religious family, who constantly threaten to take away the “privilege” of art, as well as the art community, because it is “liberal”.
Yesterday, as usual, mom mom went into one of her screaming fits and my brother and I. She started claiming that it was mostly I, being disrespectful, and I honestly have only one idea what I did.
She began poking and prodding me about my faith, demandingly. As you know, I’m not religious much at all these days, in fact due to my parents’ constant pressure. I lied, but I wonder if she’s suspecting things.....
Guys, they both are threatening to take away my art, and, there’s nothing I can do.
But there’s one thing that will remain, I am not changing myself, and I am not deleting this account, even if for some reason I do disappear for the above reason. I’ve met so many people on here. I will support furries, LGBTQ folks (like myself cough cough), and refuse to gossip with church members about how people like this should be killed. My church is insane. My family is insane. “Kill them” “Kill them”
If I do disappear, which there’s a high probability of, I will not deactivate this account. I will come back someday, I promise. It may be years from now, but I’m not giving up my art, even if they force me to take a break from it.
Thank you all for all of your support, friendship, and for putting up with me. I wish you all well on your art and life journeys until I return.
(Here’s a year old pic of me and my favorite horse back when I rode, that was out farewell to each other. Now I say farewell to you, for who knows how long. I will be posting up until the moment I disappear, I promise. Thanks you for reading this long thing.)

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  • > Spacey_Cipher Thank you so much, and no, thank you for being mine.

  • oh man, i’m so sorry you’re going through this. that really really sucks. but i’m so glad you’re not going to change and stay faithful to what you believe in. that’s very good. i wish you the best of luck, thank you for being my friend

  • > SoulKaze Thank you so much, it’s a blessing to have and know all of you guys, and that you are willing to stick around until I return.

  • aww :( some people really doesnt understand art at all. Taking art means taking away something to express themselves through creativity etc. I do hope that one day you can find peace and somewhere that you can finally enjoy art. Even if u disappear, just to let you know there are people out there willing to wait for u :D

Wlep depressions gone so

My depression has been gone due to a mostly all day thing today, we went on a tour in Columbus Indiana. These pics were taken and edited by me, of the lovely architecture and historical stories down there, that I found inspiring and so want to share.

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  • > Spacey_Cipher I’ve happy you can speak my weird language hahaha

  • >RightsNighty yeah mate! that makes perfect sense and i totally feel that too!

  • > Spacey_Cipher If that makes sense.

  • > Spacey_Cipher Thanks! And yep hahha. I am too. Ion moving on. No matter how I feel there’s still a story being told around me that I want to be apart of.

Depression strikes again

As some of you know, my former ex best friend has been a crush of mine for four years. I fell in love, we were so close and now... our moms used to be friends as well, and I guess hers ignored mine today, and it’s just... with how controlling they both are, the desicion has been made without our consent. There’s no way our friendship can continue, let alone...
I guess this is the end of our friendship? I guess through this I learned some things, and I just hope I made her happy for the time being. I’m just concerned, I know she doesn’t have a lot of close friends and considers me one, even though we are so distant nowadays. I love her, I just, she doesn’t love me anymore. We used to be a bit on the romantic side toward each other.
But still, I love her, and I wish her well, even though I may not be tjere, as we had so often said (planning to live together/some jokes of marriage *cough*) to see what happens to her.
Here’s a very bad drawing I did for her one time of her, it kinda captures some of her beauty, not nearly though. I love her.
(Sorry for the randomness this is a vent)

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  • > ▫shìppìngfuel▫ Thank you art senpai

  • feel better soon, hun

  • > Spacey_Cipher Thank you so much- it means a lot.

  • i’m so so so sorry mate. i know how hard this can be. just don’t think about it too much and try to move on as best you can. maybe try to stay in contact if you can. we’re all here for you ((well, i am at least)) vent all you want if that’s what makes this better.

I just

Ok so as you guys may not I’m not particularly religious, I am known/assumed to be a Christian irl but in all honesty I can’t, and here’s why.
The church I go to is a Calvinistic church. This denomination may be more logical (or seem so) that others, but they also tend to overthink their reputation, or at least my specific church does.
So anyone related to the pastor naturally has a higher status and no matter how the behave always are given the ‘benefit of the doubt’ even if it’s 100% clear they actually did something wrong.
Today the pastor’s sister brought her family to our house. Why, I don’t know. Oh yeah, r e p u t a t I o n.
If it had been up to me, due to this one time we went camping with them and their kids started beating my dog Becuase he didn’t sit for them, I would have not cared and not invited them.
But no, it’s my parents, church matters more than me....
I was left with six or seven kids, all by myself, and keep in mind these are loud, hard to handle kids. Well, the two girls never stopped screaming in my ear. The three boys started singing a song “Bouncy bouncy boobies” and when I asked them to stop, on of the boys stared at my breasts. I got really uncomfortable and shoved him, telling him not to objectify women and girls. He continued staring, so I ran upstairs scared. Soon after, the girls wanted to pet the dogs, and not wanting to be yelled out, (the dogs were in their crates I put them there out of fear) closed the door of the room and let the girls play with them. Well soon they started kicking the other dog. Anyway, I go back downstairs giving them a break and two to the boys started kicking me. Yeah.... this is why I’m not part of them... Becuase the people I’m supposed to look up to let their kids do this... I’m just so mad right now I know my parents wouldn’t believe me because if you’re related to the pastor you’re supposedly perfect so...

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  • > Spacey_Cipher Thank you. I would try to get video evidence but last time I video recorded someone else’s kid doing something like this that didn’t turn out well for me haha. But yeah thanks, I would try to get them to understand but with no proof....

  • oh... wow. that’s,, something. i’m so sorry man. that’s so horrible. like, i would’ve just told someone. these kids are abusive. next time something like that happens, either tell someone right away, or try to get some sort of video evidence. that’s what i would do if my parents wouldn’t believe me. you should try to tell them though, they should at least try to understand.

Some questions

So uhh I actually will probably stay active due to lack of focus on my story, but I want to ask all of you wonderful beings about the future, I guess to kinda figure out how devoted I really want to be to digital art, and kinda helping me make this more organized if that makes sense.
So, three questions. If I got a red bubble account, would you all be a bit interested? Second, if I got a tumblr or Vimeo, would you watch speedpaints/animations/short films (my team is getting there I think, to animated shorts), would you check it out?
Thirdly, this is kinda two questions. Should I stick to kinda what I’m doing now, history things, though there may be a lot more character designs as well, or is there something different you guys would want to see me draw, more often?
Sorry, I’m trying to be more professional with this account I guess? Which also means there will be more art and less my spaces tbh lol.

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  • > Spacey_Cipher Lol Hahaha thanks dude

  • yes to all of those. do it all mate.

Haha I’m screwed

As most of you know, I’m a writer as well an artists. How I create my characters is kinda complicated, however. The main ones actually almost create themselves. You see, I have these dreams, and although I don’t normally remember my dreams, these specific almost always wake me up.
I close my eyes and will open them, laying down in a creek. Sometimes, depending on the character’s temperament, the water will be bubbling, or it will be quiet and peaceful, or it will nearly drown me with a violent current. I always get up out of the creek, and then I will face a cabin. The cabin is for the most part the same each time, but some things inside will change. I will go inside the cabin, and somewhere inside is a new Oc. I have had four of these dreams so far, but it’s been eight months now since my last one. (Right before my family moved and went homeless for a month, that’s when I got extremely depressed with our family split up and being put into a rather tough environment with grandparents) Last night I finally had one- and boy am I scared. The creek was a puddle. The cabin was nowhere to be found. Yet, the OC, appearing half starved and clutching his throat, stood, looking down, blankly. I called, and he rose his head and looked past me. He shivered, fell to the ground. He said “Help us” and died. I woke up, confused.
I think this means I really need to get back to writing or my characters will die, so uhh yeah, I may or may not be active much for a bit due to that, and if I am it’s going to be requests which are still open.

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  • > Spacey_Cipher Haha thanks. And don’t, it’s really not cool sometimes (I encountered Konstance, one of my OCs who is strongly obsessed with fire and yeah let’s just say that gave me some PTSD I think)

  • woah. that’s,, awesome but also weird and kinda terrifying. weird in a good way. i agree, maybe this was some sort of sign or omen and you need to write some characters. (i think this is super cool btw wish i had this mate)

Hmmm guys

What should I draw? Any requests?
Hamilton things you can vote on:
- Washington
- Miranda’s dog
- Lafayette (I draw him hot)
Non Hamilton Things:
Anything else really as long as it’s not extreme nsfw (slight is ok once in a while these are one of those times)
Also, I am opening asks for historical John Laurens, anyone have any questions about or for the boy?

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  • > Albastru224 It be up haha

  • > Albastru224 Lol I’m glad and ok I will, thanks!

  • That "Lafayette (I draw him hot)" I'm sorry and I don't mean any offense by this but that made me laugh for some reason lol I kinda wanna see you draw wAsHiNgToN

  • (If you cant tell I’m in mah bored weird mood, of be fair I just got told I would need to get braces on again so uhhh yeah)