for my first novel on this website, I'll be doing a one-shot so it will show me what types of stuff people like and It should be done sometime during the Chrismas Holidays. I hope everyone has a merry chrismas

MediBang ID:
Not much to say about me. I'm a pretty boring person who's only pass time is watching anime and writing Novels. I would make a manga but I can't draw for shit
Discord: KillZone33#1885:
I’m free
NZ timeframe
The problem of the fact I can write good stories but my drawing skills are next to none
> KillZone33 What's easier said than done? You are already writing a novel right? So just go to one of the artist pages and look if they do commissions. If they do then just leave them a message on either one of their images or news. At worst they'll say no. At best you can ask them for a cover. Tip of the day, those who are very active in the news often would also accept friendship if you propose it.
> TitaniumPegasus That's easier said the done
> TitaniumPegasus True
Then how about writing a novel and asking someone to illustrate a cover for you?