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mal left a comment!
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I'm still trying (I CAN'T ANATOMY TODAY I'M SORRY)
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Just a crappy character thing.
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animal crossed
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Thanks Susan <:) read desc if you care
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Oc :)
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I tried...
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mal left a comment!
Oh wow a sketch (MATHEEEEEWW)
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mal left a comment!
Day 250 Log 347
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Just a crappy picture of a crappy character :b
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Happy Birthday me
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Just a crappy picture of a crappy character :b
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Fall season is upon us
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It bE A cRaPpY tHiNg WaNdErInG tHrOuGh tHe pOsTs
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mal left a comment!
My attempts at inking (I SUCK)
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Just K.B bein' K.B
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Flame test
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Character Design!
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here is my new art style. how do you like it?
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Evolución d Neo ewe
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wilford warfstache
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New Art Style
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n u t e l l a
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