Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Maybe (Please note I am new to art. Open for constructive criticism, but no "lololol criiiiiiiinge xD")
Oh no. No, no, god...

I'm a bit late, but god...
I found the Birdie-Fontik-Dogedust drama.
The reason for my reaction? These are all children, like me. I'm pretty sure Birdie also had a mental disorder, also like me, and, well... this could end up BAD. Scratch that, EVEN WORSE. I have no idea how strong this possible "mental illness" is, but if it's real, then holy heck.
Not to mention all of the countless rants, theories, yada yada.
We are scarring these children.

This is our fault.

Holy hell.

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