gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
ye boi
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Time spent online
6-12 hours probably lol
Future goals
become a fairy 💞
iphone 7
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
ye boi
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
read desc
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
This was meant to be a sketch practice (Old OC)
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
Day 879 Log 987
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
○°Comeback+New style?+im sorry°○read desc.
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
I miss medibang,,, the name, y'know. I mean sure, nice logo or whatever, but medibang was easier to slide with.
I'll always call this site medibang, cuz the app is still called medibang, plus I'm so used to saying medibang,,
Plz bring medi back :'v
Also have some art-
(My interpretation of humanoid medibang and art street. Everyone always sees medibang as a girl, but I see medibang as gender fluid but masculine humanoid, or a boi so ye-)
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
I miss medibang,,, the name, y'know. I mean sure, nice logo or whatever, but medibang was easier to slide with.
I'll always call this site medibang, cuz the app is still called medibang, plus I'm so used to saying medibang,,
Plz bring medi back :'v
Also have some art-
(My interpretation of humanoid medibang and art street. Everyone always sees medibang as a girl, but I see medibang as gender fluid but masculine humanoid, or a boi so ye-)
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
My allergies are acting up and it hurts my throat and I sound like I'm having voice cracks every minute and it s u c k s
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
whoopity scoop scoopity whoopity whoop
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
Recuerdan a Miuna? .m.
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
a stable artstyle??,, whOs shE????
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
Ron || my wattpad oc
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
A long leg thicc Kirby 👌
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
ipad drawing test¡!!!! /read desc B
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
Japi niu yir
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
kihyun from monsta x (requested by kawaiihorror)
gyarupojinmiku (IA here) left a comment!
Day 341 Log 442 ⭐️