Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

does people remember me still (rant)

i think not. even when i said i was going to move accounts, no one payed attention to that minus a couple of my mutuals. i literally posted two drawings recently, after an absence that lasted a year or so, maybe my 100ish followers are not really here for my art. im really tired of checking my notifs, hoping it was someone interacting with my posts, but instead its just artstreet saying someone that follows me followed somebody else. i think thats stupid, and unnecessary. i just want to know a way i can make myself more noticeable in this digital sea we call artstreet. i want to have people here that supported my art like before, where did everybody go? i want to try reaching a rank, even if its 1 or 2. i really dont get why people dont even bat an eyelash at my art lmao
is it because im not into kpop anymore? is it because im not using the right tags? or is it because im perpetually shadowbanned? im tired of having to share to my ig acc that i have a profile here, i want people to come more naturally rather than forced, i mean, my art is not that bad anymore, isnt it?

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wth was i that cringey

on 2k18 i used to post all the time. like all the goddamn time
i just witnessed the dumbassery i used to post and it makes me wanna puke
ive changed a lot from 2 years to now.
also, all those times i claimed i felt that something is wrong with my mental health, it might be true, but not certain. in other words, i will beat the fuck out of my 2k18 self for saying i was "dEpReSseD" like no..bitch no
chileee the way i used to post s/lf h/rm because of all this girlies and dudes posting it as an "aesthetic" bitch i will slap the dogshit out of you. thank goodness i deleted all of that and i only left some of my faves on my profile.
anyways im lowkey planning on making simple sketches and easy and playful/childish looking art now! forget all that nasty shit i used to post please x
sorry once again. bitch was DUMB

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