插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

随性 Depends since I am doing this in secret
It sucks growing up

I’ve been starting to realize what life actually is beyond high school peeping at it from a distance and now I’m discouraged. I don’t know how to be an adult! I don’t know how to be a functioning male in human society! I don’t want kids! I don’t want sex! I don’t want to do things and have responsibilities! I’ve been thinking about lethal injection after college.
Right after I tell my parents I’m an atheist at that point.
Because I don’t want any part of all that miserable shit in the world.
Should I do it? Just quit while I’m ahead when I legally can? I’m seriously thinking about doing it as my future plan. I first wanted to get neutered (because I’m not going to use that stuff in my life anyway), then wanted to surgically remove
the hair follicles out of my face so I don’t have facial hair tendency, then I wanted a smaller nose, then I shaved my hands to rid them of hair, and now I’m considering just not going far in general. It all seems way too hard.
What do you think? Should 18-20 be long enough of a lifespan?


  • (also, to whoever's reading this, look at my latest My Space)

  • I'll get a mental breakdown for the next few weeks, and I'm serious now

  • I really just don't want anyone to die, really, i mean it

  • > ✧.@"fluer_lord✧・゚. .. I'm sad cuz you wanna die-

Happy anniversary...

Yeah, so today is me and Betty’s anniversary.
Or rather it’s the day I drew her and fell in love with her and started the attachment to a nonexistent person
I don’t even know why I’m posting this honestly
Guess I just haven’t said anything and need to say something to someone


  • Vhfhgv I've been....maybe slowly falling for one of my OCS fhvhbv √(=°w°`=)\ it just happens ye it's just u design them and then you're like 👌👌👌👌👌 AAA good my creation whomst I lov


  • It's ok I like one of my Ocs too who is nonexistent XD

So I have a new cat...

Her name is Penny ^_^
My other cat hates her though. She went into my room and they started fighting each other while I was playing Earthbound
It got pretty bad, but it turned out alright.
She’s literally my dog as a cat.


  • > Jeff2kgamer (alternate) Hay get back here cat police we need back up >:o

  • > 🌹☆°~💛PikaChibiChuGirl💛~°☆🌹 Uhhh It’s in my bag In Florida Hang on for just a forever *runs away with cat*

  • Also you have a license for that cat or its coming with us >:3

  • Awwww so cute

Man, am I confused

So they changed it to Art Street.
And yet the URL is still MediBang.com.
But they’ve totally remodeled the site logo and everything.
And yet it’s still named Medibang in the site tab.
But it’s Art Street.
Even though it’s technically still MediBang even though it isn’t anymore
I’m confused
What was wrong with “Medibang”? I think it’s a cute name
Art Street sounds like some kind of movie you’d air on Netflix
Did someone slam their fist at a meeting and say “I DEMAND we change our company name to something more professional!!! MediBang sounds childish and stupid!!! Deviantart will have us ruined if we don’t take steps to action!!!!”
“How will they know where to log on if it suddenly changed?”
“Uhh... we’ll keep the URL the same.”


  • I like the change. It helps differentiate between Medibang the painting programm and Medibang the social network. Should have done that much sooner IMHO.

  • i like the name, i think its cute but ill miss medi-chan :'( i thought she was actually a rlly cute character :')

  • Whyy

  • I noticed that too howisthisgonnagoidontknow

Update I guess.

Hey! It’s me!
You know, Jeff.
Been filling out more scholarships lately, about $12,000 worth of them. Also planning on going to Western Wyoming Community College.
Maybe disappearing from my family forever.
But I’m still too scared to do it.
Anyways, enough of the negative chat.
I’ve finally reached Saturn Valley in Earthbound, which I have decided is my favorite place. And I figured out how to talk like they do.
And I also ate some Chinese food today.
So then
Ya boi has spoken


  • @anon Hehhh~~~~~~~~ Nobody’s ever told me that before I’ve always felt ugly honestly I feel so flattered thank youuuu

  • @anon Heh~~~~~~~ I’m... not cute... 🥴

  • > TitanPega BoInG

  • I have the urge to throw Mr. Saturn. I blame Super Smash Bros.

I need some of your opinions real quick

For those of you in college...
My mom thinks that some dude that’s gonna be my roommate is gonna come to my dorm, either of
A. Drunk AF
B. With a girl (both drunk AF)
C. With porn to offer
D. With some kinda drugs or cigarettes to offer
E. It’s actually a girl and she wants to break my virginity
So I’m just wondering do any of you have to deal with that? Because I don’t believe one bit of it. People like me and they don’t ever try to harm me.


  • > TitanPega That’s awful I really hope I don’t have to go through all that

  • I did not, but I lived at home. My fellow students however can confirm.

  • Jeezus

Retro gaming

I’ve recently been getting into Earthbound.
Yeah I know it’s a 1995 game, but I still think it’s great. I don’t usually care for turn based games, but this one is an exception.
Though it’s difficult to progress sometimes, due to a lack of direct instruction.
I’m surprised Nintendo decides to put characters from the Mother trilogy in Super Smash Bros., but never actually rereleased or remade the trilogy itself.
I haven’t fought any actual aliens yet, but I’m sure that will happen later on down the road.
Any Earthbound fans here, or is it just me?


  • > Dissapear? You should it’s so good

  • I really thought about getting into that fandom

  • > cosmic•blue And also did you know that Papyrus’s symbol in Undertale is the Starman symbol? It’s crazy

  • > Sphynia-Cat Even though It’s really hard


Me and my dad were looking through colleges and fees and stuff and it was pretty scary. It kinda sapped the life out of me
Dad: So, University of Wyoming? That’s about $12,000 in total. Per semester.
Me: o/O

Dad: but if you went to WWCC, that would only be about $5,000, and Chadron State would be $3,000. But that doesn’t include everything else, just Tuition. How many scholarships did you say you’ve applied for?
Me: uh... like five...
Dad: well. You’re gonna need a lot more. And aren’t you going to serve a mission?
Me: uh... yeah, later.
Dad: young man, most kids your age say that when they’re in college and guess how many of them actually serve? None of them.
Me: O 0
Dad: I’d strongly suggest you think about your future.
That’s great, Dad! Just an atheist who is trapped in a family where he can’t voice his opinion!
After college I plan to disappear forever and never come back.


  • > BloodieWolfie That’s my plan

  • u need a scholarship buddy n keep saying that you'll go on the mission but after college and then after just .. dont

HeHeHe i HaVe To Be An AdUlT?!

I have to sign up for multiple scholarships and FAFSA? I have to actually do things in life to go places and I can’t just live in my parent’s basement? I have to talk to counselors about applications and career decisions? I have to make money in life and support myself to the point of independence?
Even with my current plans to not have children and take it slow in finding my Mrs. Big and Beautiful?
I have to be an adult and make my own decisions and be independent?
This planet sucks. Can I get a new one? Who wants to trade? Anyone?
Any anime that has an open spot for a soft hearted male role?


  • > Sorasama Yeah, I’m beginning to notice how much the United States loves paperwork and signatures.

  • > Jeff2kgamer (alternate) Oww that seems like pretty tedious to fill out to me indeed, I just looked it up :o glad we don't have anything like that in France, it seems way easier to enter college here or so i think x)

  • > Sphynia-Cat Oof independence Also yes FAFSA is super tedious

  • > Sorasama It’s stands for Federal Application for Financial Student Aid And you have to tell them E V E R Y T H I N G it takes so long

So I’m open for suggestions

I haven’t drawn anything in a couple months. I still can’t draw backgrounds, but I CAN finally do skin color rather than just white (though I like my OC’s skins to be white as per nostalgia and just trademark in general). I will draw pretty much anything with some rules
1. It can’t be too goofy or weird (i.e. pig on a unicycle).
2. Something fairly simple and easy-going, not something too complex (i.e. DJ Octavio in his giant splat machine.)
3. Nothing nude or lewd or crude (i.e. some... stuff... I’ve seen before...)
4. Gimme some variety of body types! I’ve been almost exclusively been drawing thin females (I rarely draw Beatrice anymore due to continuous criticism on “that’s not how you draw fat chicks” and crap like that), so it would give me good practice to do some different things!


  • > Sphynia-Cat AWW YEAH.

  • Prince fluff and Kirby :'0

  • > BloodieWolfie Weh

  • > cosmic•blue Ooo!!! Definitely doing that

*frustration intensifies*

Studying Japanese is so hard!?
I think it started Katakana or something but I have no idea what to do or say or how to read it
I can’t even write Japanese! Most of the time I can’t even actually speak it, just read it and know what the symbols mean?!


  • > Sorasama Well I do know what sounds symbols make so that’s a start

  • > Jeff2kgamer (alternate) You'll get the hang of it eventually so yup just keep it up! I suck at speaking it too for now, I always have to think beforehand unlike French English or Spanish xD But we'll definitely get there!! (╯°U°)╯︵┻━┻

  • > Sorasama I’ll keep trying, it’s just the actual using it that’s really hard for me

  • Dun worry itll come with time! If you like this language you won't see that time passing by tbh, so don't worry ;) I'm studying it too btw hehe

So now I’m unsure...

My sister just had her farewell for her mission today, and I won’t see her again for two years...
And probably longer...
Because I’ll be out of here by July or so since I turn 18 on the 20th of July...
and I’m being made to go...
It won’t be too bad I guess, two years away from my crazy parents.
But I don’t know if after that I’ll ever see my sister or little brother again...
(Not the drunk youngest brother, the older better one that’s actually cool. The one with Proxxon.)
Then I’ll have to be an adult... and actually have to do things...
Guys, what if I never see you again? What if these are the last few months I’ll ever talk to you again? I haven’t even been on here much at all, and it’s already getting closer to the day I have to leave it all behind...
I don’t want to be an adult! I just want to live a happy innocent life
But I can’t
I’m stuck living one I hate... and can’t control...
I wish I had a different family...
I’m a senior in high school, but I don’t feel like it...
I feel small and vulnerable and trapped...


  • > Sphynia-Cat They’re just extra serious about it

  • > Sphynia-Cat They’re Mormons

  • > CoffeeGhost Mormons dude Their way of life sucks

  • It's ok it'll all be fine but we will miss you

So what’s going on in Jeff’s life?

Well recently I’ve discovered that I’m... uh...
I’m an Atheist.
But I can’t tell my family.
And I’m trapped in their religious way of life.
And it sucks.
And I’m being made to go on a mission because if I don’t I’ll get disowned most likely!
I mean... it couldn’t be that bad, actually. It’s two years away from my family. But still!
And I’m still waiting for Ms. Thicc and Beautiful to walk into my life (I’m sure you all have been told a hundred times already), and I still feel pretty ugly and just a dumbass in general.
But I am studying Japanese!
I guess it’s not ALL bad. My mom and I have been having more bonding moments than usual, and me and my dad are still pretty close. My sister is leaving in a week for her mission. And my younger siblings aren’t getting into trouble. Though Dallin still acts like he’s drunk 24/7...
Yeh I miss you guys
I just haven’t been drawing much lately is all since I’ve been trying to be happier


  • im an atheist as well ;;;

  • > 🌙☆°~🌌Akemi Pikachugirl🌌~°☆🌙 HENLO :3

  • Missed you too :3

  • > ☆𝕜𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕚.𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕪☆ Look up Sora x Riku from Kingdom Hearts

Hey, uh... can I ask a favor?

So my little brother in our role play group was having a bad day. He complained that me and Rockit are good artists, and he feels he isn’t. You remember that “dancing sexy robot” thing I posted a while ago? Well, that’s his character, Proxxon. He tries really hard to draw him, but he feels like it’s just never enough. I redrew it once, but he still wasn’t satisfied...
So uh... if it isn’t too much trouble, you think maybe you could draw him? It would make him really happy. Here’s a reference of one thing he did for him in a scene.
If this is a waste of your time, just ignore it...
I also miss you guys... and Echo...
and my life is getting pretty hard, but I’ll keep trying...


  • > Jeff2kgamer (alternate) np!

  • > cosmic•blue Thank chu~

  • i’ll try to draw him!

  • > Sphynia-Cat Aww thanks

Here’s what’s going on.

I have a friend who has a crush on another friend. She’s had a crush on him for years. But he wants nothing to do with her. (Guess who he is? Rockit202. A girl likes him, and he DOESN’T TAKE IT?!?!? IKR)
Me being me, I’ve always been trying to comfort the two. I try everything. Analogies, uplifting comments, comparisons to me being worse off, suggestions, even just hugs and silent listening. EVERYTHING. DOES NOT. WORK.
Only recently it’s gotten so out of hand, now they’re in a roller coaster of “I HATE YOU SO F***ING MUCH” to “hey, wanna be friends again?”
I’m getting really sick of it. I want it to either become a relationship or they just officially decide to be over forever, not even friends. Either way I won’t be caught up in the drama.
But who cares what I think? No matter how hard I try, it always fails.
That, and I’m down to like three friends in my senior year. And I asked the same friend to prom, she said yes but she seems hesitant, so now I feel ugly and stupid, and also I used to be respected and people liked me and now I’m a loser and people don’t want anything to do with me. Soon I’ll be out of high school, I’ll have to start being an adult, I don’t know how to be a functioning male in society.
I’m ashamed of my gender. It’s always males that rape women and start wars and kill people and do the bad stuff in the world and I have to share a gender with them? Great.
Finally, I’m still caught up in having an imaginary girlfriend. Fun times, huh? Holding a hand that isn’t there, kissing lips that can’t kiss back, hugging a body that can’t hug back...
Isn’t it great being Jeff?


  • > TitanPega I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to be offensive. I just feel like that sometimes.

  • Dont stereotype your gender not all men are bad. You can be the one who is different than the bad. There are men who do that every day.

  • At this point I'd say just let Rockit solve it himself. Don't interfere unnecessarily. ~ Also what's up with the last part about men? Why do you let your group identity define who you are? You define who you are. Some men rape, you don't. Some men start war, you don't. Some men save lives, will you? Some men change the world for the better, will you deny them on account of the evil ones? (BTW women can be evil too) ~ If you want to be a man go talk to your father or older brother (unless I am mistaken and you don't have an older brother) and learn from them.

I like to be useful

I like to be useful
That much is true
But it ends up useless each time that I try to.
I always feel awful
When it all goes wrong
And after every event
The sadness lasts long.
I see it too often, the crying and tears
No matter what I say,
It lasts through the years.
I like to be useful, that much is true, but it seems I’m useless no matter what I do.


  • yo jeff, im here if you need to talk

  • You ok

  • 1. That, that is the most beautiful poem I ever seen 2. Everything oki?