Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

12 hours / Day
I don't have a commission list ready so don't ask!

I just found some similarities between my sister and Joji.

Sister - Virgo
Joji- also a Virgo

They're both born in September
Different days tho.

And my sister is one year older than him!

Okay that's...

So I have a...

13 year difference from him I guess?

Ok I'll stop fangirling.

Wait I was just saying some similarities.
Welp here's a long list of WHY you shouldn't let me post on MySpace!
It's like Facebook to me.

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  • > SK Oh, I'll go do that.

  • Hey, Potato's been feeling pretty down lately. Go text her, she thinks you've been ignoring her

second post im doing for jeremy

So uh they asked me to write the description of my species
So I'm doing that for them.

So basically usagikitsunes are a species of Rabbit Foxes (that's what usagikitsune means)
They live in a region in wintery Canada named Yuki Shinrin.
Most trees there are pines and spruces.
What they eat:
-Beri Ninjin (berries that look like carrots)
-Beri Retasu (berries that look like lettuce)
In the ref, you can see four heads with different patterns.
Those are the patterns each UsagiKitsune category has.

The categories:
-Smart (they have a glasses-like mark around their eyes)
-Shy (they have a blush-like mark under their eyes and joining together ontop of the nose.)
-Passive - Aggressive (they have cat-like marks ontop of their head and on the sides of the face)
-Aggressive (they have a thunderbolt on their forehead)

That's all.
I hope you can modify some stuff here and there, I'm still not pleased with it as much as I want to, maybe you can improve some stuff?

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  • i will definitely be doing some improvement- its a great base for improvement though! im getting ideas already... whats its body size? im assuming its as large as a fox, and they live in cold temperatures.... alright i know what to do. tysm for this!

so uh hi

still no phone

*cough cough i wanna cry over thom cough cough*

please help me up
because i'm about to give up on life and to listen to diffrent stufffffffff

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  • > ♥Wild Pinku♥ neattooo :D

  • > Melonman is back! Yeah we should bruh I'm with ma best fren rn, Turqoise, at skewl aka hell

  • hmm, nyes thom is gOOd, omomomomomomomomomomomgggggggg we should make collab art some dayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Didn't u say your using a computer? U can listen to joji that way

so eh

what does a bored teen do when she doesnt have her phone?

she makes VENT ART

like srsly i made about 3-4 vent arts on paper while i didnt think of the solution of going on the computer and checking medibang thereee.....

some of them do contain joji in it...

pApA bLeSs

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  • > ∆× ♥예슬♥ ×∆ Jungshooketh.

  • > 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸> 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸> 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸> 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸> 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸> 𝓜.𝓔. 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓔𝓬𝓱𝓸 I smashed mine Rock climbing and can't get another I use iPad now, well it's not an iPad it's a tablet, but it's as big as one and I do my art on it so ........Yeh lol

  • > M.E. Mirrored Echo> M.E. Mirrored Echo> M.E. Mirrored Echo> M.E. Mirrored Echo woop. thats sad

  • When you don't/aren't allowed to have a smartphone and can't relate.

well uh

Didja hear there's a new vid with joje.

Yeah ummm..
The dude is more relevant than shawn mendez and ricegum altogether.

Like, he keeps getting invited to popular stuff, more than anyone else.
Good for him, hehe.

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  • > Fluffycat Yeah, xd I keep wondering how the hell is he more popular than singers girls in their teens like? Am i the only teen who gets hit with the F E E L S T R A I N?

  • Lol i saw lavender Towne, and I fangirl'd for a bit XD But good on him!

  • > Ugly Potato Dayum. Thats a bad skool

  • > Wild Pinku Skool killed me with my grades :)

hey, quick thing

I won't be online today, going on a field trip.
It starts at 9am (i think) and ends at 8pm.

Anyways lov uuu!

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  • > JasmineLeaf Holy hell, dripping from the ceiling? Damn.

  • > Wild Pinku oh i see mine was like alone and trying to find clues. There were things dripping from the ceiling, it was creepy

  • > JasmineLeaf No like, i was trapped in a room with a bunch of my classmates and my ex crush And we had to find clues so that we could get out.

  • > Wild Pinku> Wild Pinku> Wild Pinku> Wild Pinku I played escape game before, I chose the middle scary one and I got a nightmare after playing that. But you know................... I made it through!!!


It's that time of the day- JOJI MAKE ME CRY!

but srsly, the ending of teriyaki god made me cry, and i actually cried a little.

But back to the topic.

MEMES! take them.

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  • > Wild Pinku Ok

  • > ∆× 에슬 이어 ~ 외게연 ×∆ Yes, maemaes Means memes. Just said stupidly Also i found a meme on youtube with joji, i'm gonna post it so we all can laugh.

  • When the sister asked alexa define anoying they put jin over the thing saying hey stob it! (The real thing was He told jimin to stop in english but intead he said stob intead of stop, i love jin hes hilarious xD)

  • > Wild Pinku Maemae's?

ehhh i might be a little obsessed

But eh
Take some joji pics

God, we can call him "the dude with many faces"
Because he has:
-a bored, but cute face
-a sour face
-a idfc face
Aaaaand the piece of resistaaaance
-a happy face

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  • > BloodieWolfie LeTs AsSuMe ThAt, YeAh... HiS mUsIc HeLpS mE cOpE wItH mY iSsUeS...

  • > Wild Pinku .-. I see So is Joji your therapist?

  • > BloodieWolfie Wolf father, you cant fix my life I already lost it to bullying. Thats why i'm always memeing about joji .0~0.

  • > Wild Pinku ok yeah i know a could of therapists--