Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I need halp pls

Uhhh I hate my life. As you know, I want to be a 2D computer animator when I grow up. Well, guess I can’t because my mom is practically forbidding it.
I want to animate so badly... it’s always been my dream.
If Medibang Paint Pro won’t work (I tried and it doesn’t luckily it is free) I want to use Paint Tool Sai instead.. that’s the only one I really trust since so many people on YouTube use it. It’s the only one I know comfortably enough to use. Well I guess it may not be compatible with Windows 10, which my family has. I know it’s cheaper compared to other things, but my mom ezzagerates the price a lot. She says it’s too expensive and a waste of money for ‘old software’ and won’t even let me try out the free trial. I just asked her if I could as nicely as possible.
But no, my mom can’t accept what I want!?? My parents are always so quick to remind me my feelings are invalid!??? It’s driving me to suicide in all honesty, because they clearly don’t care about my dreams, whenever I tell them one they always roll their eyes, and tell me it’s stupid like me.
Also, I need to begin animating soon. Not only am I giving up, I also have a class project that I’ve been assigned to animate stuff for.
So please, before I am actually driven to homocide and/or suicide, can someone please recommend digital art software?

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O shoelace Whaddup

Some Announcements:
1. I am sorry for my recent (somewhat) inactivity, I have been very sick and feverish lately. Also I admit to feeling a bit heartsick as well- my best friend and squish/crush has been distant lately.
2. My meet the Artist thing should be out tomorrow, hopefully.
3. I apologize about my slowness to requests and to Furry.
4. I was not able to get started on the helpless animatic, I guess Medibang Paint Pro can’t do animation? Like it can’t save more than one image into a single file. So, I will hopefully be getting Paint Tool said instead, and hope to be animating next month.
5. I may disappear here- my family is falling apart, and I really have to get to my $30 a day plan- For hope I can earn their respect back.
6. Actually, don’t be shocked if I don’t come back- my family says art is as much as I waste as I am... heh.
7. If I do- this account will cease accepting requests and such for a bit. From now on, this account will be for two things- John Laurens related things, and character designs for my book.
8. Besides that, I will be releasing a challenge for other artists in a week or so? Until then see you, thanks for reading this, I’m sorry for so many announcements lol.

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WIP of my Warrior cat based off of site

I ONLY DID THIS so Albastru225 knows that i'm actually going to finish my warrior cat qwq. This is like 4 weeks late... I did this on school paper because I was at school and i decided to sketch it out and not listen to my work :'D This drawing was also created 4 weeks ago before I forgot about this so the body and leggs (that I have been practicing mostly on) might look a slight bit better when its fully done. Also, the adoptables that I drew from Gika Sinpai turned out really bad. For some reason I tried to change my style in those but it turned out really bad. I also didn't sketch them out on paper before I drew them which made it even worse TwT. It was also my first time drawing hair that way, and I usually don't draw furrys. I've practiced that a little more and i've gotten better at the hair though... The wip of my warrior cat is my original style that I have been trying to improve in time. I'm really sorry about that and I hope in the future I won't try change my style again :'D!!

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Random history facts

So I’m really passionate about John Laurens, if none of you knew that before you do now lol.
So can we just talk about John Laurens for a few minutes? He was the son of a wealthy, well respected family, was a great artist and a scientist, became envied by all who knew him for being a Southern Bell, was dumped by his close friend Francis Kinloch, and decided to write the following about him:
“If you please, every disgraceful germ known to humanity lies luxuriously embedded in your admires form of government.”
Then he messes up, gets his mentor’s daughter pregnant, and is still responsible and respectful enough to marry her so she and their child aren’t made a disgrace.
Then he feels torn apart and decides to join the army due to probably no longer feeling like he belonged. Then he meets a Caribbean boi and a Frenchman and the three stay up late at night after days of battle just to talk about philosophy. John becomes anti-slavery and is pretty consistent about fighting against it.
His “black mission” is denied like what ten times, and he doesn’t give up? He is willing to spend most of the time away from Hamilton and Laffayete if it means he even gets a shot at freeing some slaves.
Finally his plan gets through the South Carolina congress, and he goes to fight. However, he got so excited he led the men recklessly, even though he was sick at the time.
He gets shot off his horse with none of his dreams (becoming an artist or scientist, or freeing the slaves) accomplished.

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Random history facts

So I’m really passionate about John Laurens, if none of you knew that before you do now lol.
So can we just talk about John Laurens for a few minutes? He was the son of a wealthy, well respected family, was a great artist and a scientist, became envied by all who knew him for being a Southern Bell, was dumped by his close friend Francis Kinloch, and decided to write the following about him:
“If you please, every disgraceful germ known to humanity lies luxuriously embedded in your admires form of government.”
Then he messes up, gets his mentor’s daughter pregnant, and is still responsible and respectful enough to marry her so she and their child aren’t made a disgrace.
Then he feels torn apart and decides to join the army due to probably no longer feeling like he belonged. Then he meets a Caribbean boi and a Frenchman and the three stay up late at night after days of battle just to talk about philosophy. John becomes anti-slavery and is pretty consistent about fighting against it.
His “black mission” is denied like what ten times, and he doesn’t give up? He is willing to spend most of the time away from Hamilton and Laffayete if it means he even gets a shot at freeing some slaves.
Finally his plan gets through the South Carolina congress, and he goes to fight. However, he got so excited he led the men recklessly, even though he was sick at the time.
He gets shot off his horse with none of his dreams (becoming an artist or scientist, or freeing the slaves) accomplished.

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