Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

0 Day / weeks
Extremely busy , I still have to get Cash App and all that other shizzle before I finally do coms 💕
Sad Shit 4 me :')

Medibang won't let me post. I wished when I got bacc on Medibang that I would be able to show you guys my progress... But when I try to post it says:
Save failed. Please make sure that you have sufficient free space and permission to save on their device.
Like I said- sad shit for me. Please tell me how to fix this-

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  • I know that this was already 2 years ago but i am reaalllyy desperate to know how to fix this problem because i have the same problem right now... please help :((

  • > 💜Love The Lenny Master💙> 💜Love The Lenny Master💙 I hope it works ;w;

  • > ThatOneTeaAddict I will try that owo

  • But if you use a different device then idk how to help you ;-;