Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
I’m free I don’t really do commissions but i do requests so
I hate myself

God why do I have to be so stupid oh my god
I hate it
I’m stupid I’m stupid I’m stupid I’m stupid why why why why why WHY WHY O H MY G OD IMM S TU P I D

  • No your not your an amazing person we all make mistakes sometimes but hay were all not perfect but please don't put yourself down for making a mistake

  • Me too

  • > WisteriaPhantom I suffer the same thing pretty much everyday now but keep in mind your never alone, Even if you think your stupid everyone will see you as a talented yet wise and caring artist! Im not just saying this to be nice im being honest! Never self doubt yourself, we will always care and help you for everything no matter what it is! Im not much but...i hope this helps! Get better soon!💜

  • > Brekkiesマグロ Just being irrationally a n g r y and sad

Ahhh 💖

Hey guys wassup I’m kinda bored but I also got stuff to do which is nice
I just wanted to share this video idk how many people here have seen it but i feel like it’s so important that people know that’s its okay to be themselves and that everyone has different experiences and that there is hope!! I myself have been struggling so so much this year figuring out who I am and you know dealing with my problems and I found this video so comforting with him sharing his experience. Anyways that’s all take care of yourselves and know that you are important and you will get through things!!
Have a nice day and take care of yourself :)

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Familiar (important)

Hey this is gonna be long, but it’s important so if you are a friend (or at least follower) please read

I’ve been gone for a while and no one is wondering why or missing why but I’m going to explain anyways others I’d be guilty. I’ve always been a coward in this sense; always running when I think it’s not enough or when I’m sad. I wanted to disappear so badly again, but I met so many people on here I love and deleting the people that mean so much to me would put too much guilt on me. I left and sat out, just watching, but no one said anything, so no matter how bad I felt I stayed away. It finally collapsed on me recently; I realized it’s been WAAAAYYY too long and I started to miss everyone. So here I am and I want to say
Thank you to all the people that have been with me from the start, and before this place. Thank you so much to people who no matter how heavy it felt, stayed because I realize you all mean too much to me. I was looking at all the people who left us, and I got sad because I realize I also left, and even though no one missed me, I still felt bad now here I am. So thank you for never leaving or giving up hope, and deciding to to stay and support us, and me. I really appreciate it. Really. Even if you think no one is there, we will miss and love you.
~ Golden

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  • > revviicreek Ahhh thank you and it’s ok QwQ understandable I want things to be better; can’t do that if i run

  • its okay!! im sorry i havent been there for you aaa ill try my best to be here now!! (hugs you)

  • > Brekkies Thank you it means a lot to me!♡

  • We will always stay by your side no matter what happens dear!!💕💕


Baking cookies again
I need help I can’t eating them
My sister is just susjshsjs,so
I pour 1 teaspoon of vanilla
Sister: that’s not enough
Me: what do you mean?it says 1 teaspoon and this is one teaspoon
Sister: well it can be filled more
Me: Well if I pour more I might spill it
Ehh anyways that’s my life rn I’m just bored
Lol last night I stayed up till 5am on Gacha Studios
I downloaded it because I was bored and once I saw all the customizing things I could not stop XD
Edit: :D

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  • > Sour Lil’ Lemon Lol

  • > WisteriaPhantom those are my favorite >w<

  • > Sour Lil’ Lemon Just chocolate chip

  • what kind of cookies were they


Omg THE funniest thing happend
Ok so me and my sis were watching Fantastic Beasts and I was eating pizza. I had like a small square left asked her if she wanted it
She took it and decided she didn’t want it
So she looked a it, looked at me, and went YEET
I was like the hell??
Sooo she rushed up to grab it before the three dogs ran in and ate it
But she fell over the ottoman so I got up and ran and grabbed the pizza
Then the three dogs ran in and tried to talk before my pupper went all psycho on them
So yea

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Hello? So imma say it now I, gonna let my thoughts kinda speak
I really wanna cry I just need to cry
I looked through some old stuff and it didn’t help
That nostalgia was just
And so I needed to cry so I listened to song that gave me that feeling so I could cry
But if anyone could help me?? I need to cry and know that I’m not completely useless and empty..
Idk so many things come and go and I just like to say thanks
For people/ friend who have been here
My first friend Narwal, Hue who is a good listener, Noistorm who again was there when I was starting out and is now staying strong, Fluffycat who I actually was able to see grow and my followers..
What are you doing with liking my crap??
And to people who care
Why would you waste time with me??
Anyways thank you and also kinda sorry. Idk what happend to me I just lost sight I guess of what I wanted
But especially now
I don’t wanna be happy. I wanna cry and feel emotion
I don’t want the nostalgic pain to go away
Sorry if this is long this kinda just got to me and I needed to ask?

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  • > Cattacomb It’s ok i know that’s what it feels like But now I know that there are people who do like my art for whatever reason So that’s a little supportive

  • Aww it's ok *hugs*

  • I wish I was good like them :’)

  • I like a lot of gods here