插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Im here pretty not here everyday
This platform, has become crap

Tbh medibang isn’t as great as it used to be. My submissions are barely getting any attention and is really demoralising..
I dont want to sound mean or expect to get a shit ton of attention, but it takes a full 3 HOURS for my submissions to start getting view counts. I dont know if this applies to anyone else, but its super long and unnecessary. Posts came out so much quicker in 2018-2019 so why make them come out slower?

I won’t be posting here too much anymore, but if you want to stay updated with my art, you can follow my Instagram @fuyutobe because i will be much more active there.
I doubt anyone will even read this, nobody or none of my followers are aware i exist, my page is a literal graveyard.
Sorry i really just had to vent


  • I can't even navigate the site anymore, tbh

  • I can... relate to this It seems that Medi only rewards the people that draw anime things and it's trash lmfao Your artwork is AMAZING and you deserve a Platinum oml


Hi guys I sold my soul to Goro Akechi

Hi everyone:>
I will be leaving this account for good now. I won’t delete it, but i wont be as active here anymore. Instead I have a new account, ‘CleanSheets’. Ill be posting more there because I want to start fresh, so feel free to add me as a friend on that account or follow me!
I wont be leaving this account completely, i will check on it every now and then.
Here’s the link for my new account:
And If anyone needs my discord just ask away.


  • Woah why does this have 67 likes

Hi guys I sold my soul to Goro Akechi

Hi everyone:>
I will be leaving this account for good now. I won’t delete it, but i wont be as active here anymore. Instead I have a new account, ‘CleanSheets’. Ill be posting more there because I want to start fresh, so feel free to add me as a friend on that account or follow me!
I wont be leaving this account completely, i will check on it every now and then.
Here’s the link for my new account:
And If anyone needs my discord just ask away.


  • Woah why does this have 67 likes