Tbh medibang isn’t as great as it used to be. My submissions are barely getting any attention and is really demoralising..
I dont want to sound mean or expect to get a shit ton of attention, but it takes a full 3 HOURS for my submissions to start getting view counts. I dont know if this applies to anyone else, but its super long and unnecessary. Posts came out so much quicker in 2018-2019 so why make them come out slower?
I won’t be posting here too much anymore, but if you want to stay updated with my art, you can follow my Instagram @fuyutobe because i will be much more active there.
I doubt anyone will even read this, nobody or none of my followers are aware i exist, my page is a literal graveyard.
Sorry i really just had to vent

Welcome to the dragons den! (oof)
- Work Place:
Samsung Galaxy J3 2016
Favorite TV show
RTTE: race to the edge
Favorite color
Any shade of blue
Favorite writer
Michael Murpurgo
What you eat when hungry
Snacks :3
Things you always carry
My soul
Future goals
Becoming a famous artist (will never happen)

Hi everyone:>
I will be leaving this account for good now. I won’t delete it, but i wont be as active here anymore. Instead I have a new account, ‘CleanSheets’. Ill be posting more there because I want to start fresh, so feel free to add me as a friend on that account or follow me!
I wont be leaving this account completely, i will check on it every now and then.
Here’s the link for my new account:
And If anyone needs my discord just ask away.
Woah why does this have 67 likes
Hey everyone!
Not sure if yall remember me, but im pretty much inactive or rarely seen here on medibang. But now I finally have a discord and an animo account so if any other you want to chat or see me there, im more active than here.
My anino is pankechi~
And my discord is Gorolovespancakes
> Patchit Good to hear
> CoffeeGhost Pretty good. I dont stress myself to get art posted on medibang anymore, and I am still making tons of inprovements to my art :D
Hey dude, long time no see. How's it going?
Im supposed to be doing a project, its so hard to stay on task
I kinda think my traditional art has improved a bit :D
You've improved so much! this is awesome!
The title says it all, no telling when they will be out though
Keep an eye out uwu
Hi everyone, I'm still alive and not dead, I've just been playing a lot of smash ultimate and I can't find my self time to draw, so I'm making these adopts for yall!
Keep an eye out for them!
> Patchit Yeah! I'm planning to play later uwu
> FluffyDee20 Omg this just makes me more excited for world of lighttttt Eeeeee can't wait, after smash 4 I'm excited for ultimate
Nice!! The game is great btw, my bro got a switch for his bday and then baught the game about a week ago, and we play it non stop and have the full roster already. Omg its go fun tho
Hi guys
Sorry for the long haitus, I have taken a break for the medibang community and doing other things now but you can find meh posting on YT
Anyway I'm making some pokémon adopts and if you want custom coloured ones just say 'welcome back' and I will reserve one for you
Welcome back yay
Welcome back-
Welcome back !! owo!
Finally did candy gore
I haven't Done it it such a long time
Hope yall enjoy the speedpaint
Im back, im gonna be posting on youtube now :D
please subscribe!
Hi everyone
I am making a hard decision on if I should leave medibang. I havent been on for awhile due to school ( I still doodle) so im not on very often.
Should I leave? Please give an honest answer.
But if you need a break, or just want to leave its your choice, just make sure to still enioy art even after you've left ☹☹
Awe so many people I love on Medibang are leaving, I don't comnebt on a lot of stuff like I used to but I still favorite everything
I say no personally because you aren't mean, salty, easily triggered and super nice. But it's ur opinion and option. Congrats on 200 btw!! :>
I'm on board now
Yey see yall later I'll upload more photos
I'm going on vacation tommorrow, so excited!
But what sucks is after I'm going back to school but I miss two days of school YESSSSS I can't wait!
Ignore school ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
> Patchit Luckyyyyyy! Mine started last week
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Well it starts on September 6th but I come back one day after :D
Oof when does school start for you?
Idk why but I walk up the stairs on four feet
What is wrong with me
listen I walk up the stairs on four feet as well your not alone
I reenact things or situations that probably will never happen 😂😂
Same i do that too. I take out my earings and put them back in again when im bored I pull dead skin off of my lips withput thinking I scratch my neck in my sleep and i wake up with blood smeared across my neck and face I put my foot up on the kitchen counter top and use the other foot thats on the ground to boost myself up onto it without using my hands (im 6'0 so its actualy easy to do lol) i like opening my eyes wide with my hands to see how westeners see the world, their eyes are more open than asian eyes so it curiates me (ik weird)
Weird habits......? I have too many
Ok I need to break out of my art break and get something done
I'm gonna be making WoF adopts so if you want one reserved for ya now just say 'Yame'
Artblock has gotten worse, I have absolutely NO inspiration. Not only that, Its making me sluggish and wanting leave medibang ( I won't leave medibang, I'll be here forever). Idk why but I'm feeling even more sad because of school issues and I feel almost forgotten too.
Just know that these problems are not because of you guys, it's my artblock and feeling 'forgotten' mood.
I did finally start my summer holiday, thank goodness so I can spend more time with yall. I'm also making a new comic series by myself.
I'm having it right now 😂😂 You're not alone, I haven't even posted the reqests yet oof
Art block sucks :/ Maybe be around someone? Like a friend or something, they'll make you feel less forgotten
Oof same I also get those moods
Ooooo, I hope you get over your art block I have art block a bit too
First contest is an art pallet challenge and there can be two winners ( each winning a randomized piece of art I will contribute to them) and name the piece " Jungle".
Another smol contest is that I need 2 WoF OCS and because of my contagious art block, I'm so uninspired to create them myself so I need your help.
For the WoF ocs, they can be any dragon I prefer Rainwings, Seawings and Skywings but not necessary) and any type of colour ( Blue is my weak spot but I need more interesting tones)
You can create both or just design just one but I will be choosing. The two winners will also get a full body request with shading, detail and a background of their choice.
I’ll do both
Count me in, except Im lazy and have art block too
Don't ask, just watch, and enjoy.
Also HI
Thot thot
> Patchit It's not beautiful,it's l e g e n d a r y.
> Lilgamerpanda I don't know what to say But I won't take credit for the song ( I did not make it) But yes IT'S BEAUTIFUL
You are a god
It's name is Puddles :3
I loaf Dutch angel dragons, so stinkin cute with the little chirps and squeaks eeee
I honestly can't describe how cute they are
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Yeah, they do have no universal sound
Well actually, Dutch angel dragons can acquire any sound they like. My dutchie, Grapefruit, likes to bark like a dog while this other dutchie that I have made just a few days ago (has no name) makes the sound of a siren or a car alarm
Be ready, they are coming out in 1-2+ hours
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap It's ok, one is also resvered for you
> Majestic_Narwal I already have one reserved for you
Oof I'm on my college class right now! Can u reserve on for me? 8t ends at 3:55 Pacific time and it's 2:12
Oh mai. I might not be there
Hi, Im gonna be making some cool new adoptables of a new species Ive been working on.
To reserve a spot for one, just say " MA MA MIA" Down below and Ill reserve a special one for you.
> DylansDoodles✏️ Ok, sure!
> Lamppost Hyena No, Im still in the process of making em
MA MA MIA is it too late
Just send the friend request is what I meant to say😂😂
Well crap
My phone has been taken away and I’m using the computer to type this
I can’t make art for the time being and sorry for my inactivity, I just haven’t had the urge or inspiration to art.
My phone gets taken all the time.. ^^; And I feel the same way about art rn
Huh Ok then Have a nice day!
I promised you guys with a fur tutorial here it is
Hey guys!
I have finally made a new way on how to draw fur! And the best thing about this one is that you don't need downloadable brushes! All you need is the watercolour wet, and flat brush Dry! So should I make it?
Down below are some colour variations
sure! that might help some people :)
> Patchit ok thank you!
> GalacticPetal Working on it
hhhhhhhhhhhh PLEASE
The best 3 ones get two adoptables
Everyone else gets a request I guess
This mainly for fun anyway :P
Call your entry ' Serene'. I love the word oof
> ¤v¤ ^-^
Oh k thx:")
> ¤v¤ Yep
Soo Do u like make an illustration with these palettes? ;w;
Welp, Minicrip's art is being reposted WITHOUT permission by the user Jeremy
Heres the link: https://medibang.com/author/4255705
Theyve just posted another one of MC's art just NOW. Please, do not follow or like their art and PLEASE dont harrass them. I made this mistake before and learnt from it. Please report their stolen reposts.
The art thievery never ends, huuuh?
I know that guy before....
Yup, I just saw them
I felt sorry about that collab
I couldn't help myself
Tempted to do this traditionally
Ooooo perty
Aghhghg I told you to forget it!!! Why do u have a heart of gold???:,,,) Thank you, I love it!
> Kigiraffe101 Thanks i guess
School isn't for learning. The government just wants us to waste 7 hours of our lives lol
> Cattacomb hv fun in middle school im 7th grade and i wanna die
> Cattacomb I still I have one month of school to go till summer break cri cri
I can't even navigate the site anymore, tbh
I can... relate to this It seems that Medi only rewards the people that draw anime things and it's trash lmfao Your artwork is AMAZING and you deserve a Platinum oml