イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Im here pretty not here everyday
Meh Hobbies

Apart from stupid school and awesome medibang drawings and freinds, I have hobbies I do. I like to sew stuff, especially plushies ( because why not). I'm planning to sew up one of my ocs into the real world
I'll keep you posted
(Down below is an olf night terror plushie I made :,) oof
Also, do you give have any particular hobbies you like to do?


  • > Patchit Well, I mostly buy my minerals but I did find two fossils! Different clams stuck in a rock and fossilized seaweed! The only rare mineral I found is peridot back in lanzarote island

  • > Connie Wow that's cool! Any rare finds?

  • I take care of my animals (is it even a hobby?) Aside from that I collect minerals and fossils and I sometimes go mushroom hunting

  • I will never do that again after the amount of notifications i got :'D

Moar animation practice...

Its ugly ;-;
Im still learning how to animate on firealpaca, so heres what ive done so far


  • > Kigiraffe101 I use a HP computer :P

  • > Majestic_Narwal It's gonna take me lots of practice ;-; I'll get there and your lucky I am an amateur on computer xD

  • What device do you use to animate?

  • Oh hey I use fire alpaca to animate on the computer! I've only done a couple but I swear I'm like natural with it idk why... ⊙_⊙ my hands are magical, but good animation takes a long time

Uh okay

Please no
Just no


  • > Glassbun I suggest burning the house down or moving out xD

  • I was looking at something and found a big lump. It moved. It was a FREAKING SPIDER I FEEL LIKE IT'S STILL IN MY ROOM

  • > Patchit normally I can deal with releasing spiders back into the wild but god grab a flamethrower and burn this one to hell

  • > Revviicreek Indeed and it's still in my house agsubd


Legends say if you say GLOGOGAGLAB three times in front of a mirror and spin around the gloglogaglab will come to your house and steal all your books



  • I have too many books He will destroy my house The only way to destroy the Globgogabgalab is to... ASSERT YOUR DOMINANCE BY T-POSING

  • > B.Spades Dun dun dun dunnnnn

  • *stares at mirror* "GLOBGLOGABGALAB" "GLOBGLOGABGALAB" "GLOBGLOGABGALAB" *spins around* Wheres my encyclopedia


Plot and plans

To those who are willing to help with my comic, here is the plot. I will not give TOO much away in order not to spoil anything:
So basically, there is a night fury couple ( Apollo and Athena) and they are due to have their egg hatching on a full moon.
Athena gets killed by a dragon hunter before Aldo ( their son) hatches. He grow up with his dad and leaves at the age of 2 years. His dad give him a special trinket with a purple flame that never goes out.
He meets Axel the triple styke and Nightshade the night terror. Together the three friends team up for the life time of adventure as Aldo learns about the history of his kind and how his mother died and is special.

I won't say anything more.
As for the plan, I was wondering if each one of us should do their part on each page
For example, I do the line art, somebody colours and shades and someone puts text and background which I will then upload. I will credit each one of you as we work as a team!
If you have any ideas on how we can make this work, comment what you think!


  • > FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap Yeah same

  • > ♥Wild Pinku♥ Woot dat be great

  • > Patchit Oh yeah! I think the only reason I watched it was because it was at some point on netflix

  • Yeah, i could help with teh villagers.

New comic, help needed!

Because I discontinued Inferno, I'm starting an all new comic called Fury of Night!
However, I will need help doing this comic, so I am willing to work with 4-5 people to do the comic.
I need some people who can draw people (vikings) dragons and woodland creatures.
I also need people who can colour them pages.
Together we can make a great comic!
( if are going to work with me, I will tell you the whole plot if necessary)


  • > ♥Wild Pinku♥ I invited you to my group You can join it by going on the desktop site Then at the top right there is an Icon with 3 people on it You should see the invite

  • > ♥Wild Pinku♥ Ok, thats great!

  • > Patchit Yes, im good at people.

  • Attention everyone I will send a group invite to every one that helps so we can edit submissions together

Comic trouble

Heyo guys
Some of you may not know this, but I was actually making a comic series called Inferno.
It was about a young mystical wolf pup who gets lost from a forest fire and gets adopted by a heron flock. She soon finds out she is not a heron and runs away to find her true purpose. Her adopted brother and a friend with a crush on her helps in the adventure.
I discontinued it due to taking too long making the pages because of school and low interest.
So, do you guys think I should:
A: continue the comic
B:Start over and make and make a new one
C: Post a finished comic that I made irl
D: Nothing/ N/A

( for the people who know nothing about the comic, here are some of the pages)


  • > Patchit Alright!

  • > ♥Wild Pinku♥ Ok my next comic is Fury of Night! I'll post it on MySpace

  • > Patchit I agree with your decision. Still, if you want help, ill give it to you.

  • Ok I've decided to start a new one because the inferno comic kinda in a mess.

Furry furry furrrrrr

Gonna teach you puppers and doggos the art of fur, Cuz why not?
This tutorial is aimed at phone or tablet users, but this applies to computers or laptops too ( if you need help on October just ask).
Follow these steps:

1.make a canvas at 150x150 px
2. Choose the splatter brush and put it in the middle of the screen ( you can use the template below)
3. Now click the art pallette and click the add button and choose bitmap watercolour brush
( for pc users you can add the brush from canvas)
4. Set the settings of the brush to the picture below the template
5. Have fun drawing furry fuzzy stuff!
There is also a lil example of me using it too :3


  • woooooooooooou That's goooood.

  • > Patchit Lmao mee too

  • I guess

  • does this make me two times the furry I am?