插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


some updates:
I'm kiiiiiiiiiiiinda... sick... again... fever isn't bad enough for urgent care yet, but it's close.
and Ney: sorry the design trade is taking so long. I went through 11 designs (i counted) before i found one i was a little bit happy with. So i should have it up soon, unless i need to go to uc, in which case, I'll let u know and we can talk.


  • i sincerely hope you get better soon. sending all my good vibes your way!

  • Sheesh dude, stop getting sick Feel better soon

  • get better soon pixel!

  • i hope you get better soon man.

Big WIP! (Updated)

This is Ethan. He's the son of a dark fairy mother and a nature elf father. He lived happily with his father in an elf village until the age of 12, when an incident happened in which he ended up nearly killing one of his friends. Since his mother is a dark fairy, he can use dark magic, although if he uses it for too long, it takes him over and he becomes "Dark Ethan." In his dark form, he can't control his actions, and it often ends up badly. Everyone in his village understood that the incident wasn't his fault, but they decided that Ethan was too dangerous, so they exiled him. He wandered around for 5 years, moving around and living in many different places. One day, a now 17 year old Ethan found Kai wandering around the forest he was currently living in. Kai didn't know anything about themself other than their own name. Ethan was the first person they encountered. Now Kai and Ethan travel together, having adventures and looking for somewhere to live.
Pic 1- Dark Ethan
Pics 2+3- Ethan (normal)


  • the ship doesn't need to be canon to be a good ship. I've got non cannon ships and i love them.

  • You can still make a ship for him. Just pm me.

  • anon: yeeeeeeeeeeeees, but ships won't be cannon.

  • YaSsS he's so cool. Anything that's dark is cool to me

OoF: Contest!

i need new designs, but I've got serious design block, soooo...
Make an oc design that you think I'd like. I will be keeping all designs. Human/ humanoid designs preferred although anthro is acceptable. Deadline is the 28th, and please comment if you enter so I can keep track of participants and everyone can get their prizes.
~Stuff to improve your chances:~
-powers/abilities of some sort
-interesting/uncommon theme
-possibly royal/godly
1st~3 custom dog adopts 1 colored headshot sketch, 1uncolored headshot sketch
2nd~2 custom dog adopts 2 uncolored headshot sketches
3rd~1 custom dog adopt. 1 uncolored headshot sketch
Participants: Reserved (not custom tho) adopt on a sheet of dog adopts.
(I chose dog adopts as prizes because I've got a ready made base.)


  • I’ll try and enter!

  • I'll try to at some point

  • I'll try


Sorry I got a bit... weird.. earlier. Idk, I think I was having a bit of a breakdown. I've been trying to stop venting cuz it upsets ppl, but I just get overwhelmed occasionally. I try not to show it. I'm getting a lot better at hiding my feelings I think. Ill try to keep it up.
Music helps me a lot. If anyone wants good calm-down music recommendations, just ask ig.
I'll stop bothering you guys now.


  • Awe it's okay to tell sombody.. O-o but I kinda suck in sad situations but know that I do care for you.

  • ‘S ok mate uwu

Art Dump

Just... just ignore that last post, it's nothing.
I made a new "simple" style. Just to use for doodling or when I need to get something out fast. (Btw, that last one is the one design I've made recently that I think looks halfway decent, so I made him an oc.)
So there's that.
I need some painkillers, but I don't know where they are. Today's headache feels worse than normal though. That's not too good.
Gonna go find some painkillers, cya.


  • Cool sketches! And I hope you feel better soon!

  • I love ur art soOoo mUCchh

  • > tiredbloom Thanks

  • Your simple style is so coot uwu


I've got pretty bad design block rn, which sucks ass cuz I really need to redesign a bunch of ocs. I've been looking for adopts, but I can never find anything good, so that kinda sucks. :/
Guess I'll just keep drawing Miles until I get some ideas...
I've done a few new designs, but I can never make one I'm happy with.


  • > 😻 OcelotLover114 😻 Oof thx

  • > Neyuslie Nah, I don't have time to make a drawing of any good quality. Also, she's not quite the aesthetic I'm looking for.

  • I’llProbablyMake4OnMyAdoptsADTAIfAminoDoesntTouch’er👀💦

  • I wish I could help you..

Kai's Backstory

So, there's more to my oc Kai than it seems. Kai thinks that they are 17, but in fact they are thousands of years old. They were created by the Great Yeeter and the Great Yoinker, basically as a child for them (although they aren't in love/together, they just wanted to take care of a child with each other.) Kai was the god of dreams, with powers like being able to put people in a deep trance/ dream state, being able to visit the dreams of others, being able to control dreams, and being able to create dreams. The Great Yeeter and The Great Yoinker took care of Kai together for a long time until Light and Darkness escaped. Fearing for Kai's safety, they wiped Kai's memories and sent them to a distant world. Kai still has their abilities, but they just don't know about their past at all, and doesn't know about their abilities. They do sometimes enter these dream states, where the world around them can become slightly warped or even change completely. They also sometimes find themself in other people's dreams, although they don't know how they got there.


  • Kewllll

  • > Infern๏ Lol, thanks

  • *gasp* danM ur OCs are gUCci


I often think about the fact that I'm eventually gonna die (probably really early at that.) Tbh, I've come upon the conclusion that I'm not actively suicidal, but if I were to die right now, I wouldn't give a shit. I'd be fine with it. And hey, maybe there is something after death. Something better than this hellhole we call life. Probably not though, and I'd just cease to exist. That would be nice. Basically the only thing that bothers me about it though, is that I'd leave all my stories behind, and nobody would know what to do with them. I don't want my characters to die just cuz I'm dead. So I'm always trying to document my universes. Get all the details on paper, so that when I die, I won't take everything with me. I've got a little blue notebook that I always keep with me irl, in which is contained everything I can get down about all my universes. Ig I use this place too. All these development dumps i post on here are basically making sure someone can pick up where I leave off once I die. Idk, this got a bit existential. I've been thinking about my own mortality more and more. I wonder how I'm gonna die... Knowing me, it probably wouldn't be interesting at all. Ill probably just have a sickle cell crisis and just die.
Anyway, gn UwU


  • Night, I respecc

Some Umbrellaverse Lore

So... When the Umbrellaverse deities are needed to fight, they aren't physically transported anywhere. Instead, when the need arises, each deity will immediately go into a comatose state, all at the same time. They then appear on a different plane of reality, although their physical bodies remain where they were. (kinda like an out of body experience.) When the deities engage in battle, they have bodies that are identical to their physical ones, called Plane Forms. When injured, a deity will have both their physical body and their plane form affected, and if they die in battle, they physically die.
A little scenario to help explain...
Say Kora, Elijah, Zacharie, Sombra, Jojo, and Jamal were hanging out together and the deities got called to battle. No matter what they were doing, Kora, Zacharie, and Elijah would immediately collapse at the same exact time, and they wouldn't wake up until the battle was over. If one of them was hurt, their injury would appear on their physical body, however if their physical body gets hurt, their plane form isn't affected at all.
Okay, that's it for now. Next up, I'm gonna be explaining the appearances of the Great Yeeter and the Great Yoinker, and each of the different forms they can take. I might start an rp later, if anyone is interested.


I'm bored as fuck

I've been doodling Miles over and over cuz I love him.
I found some guy that keeps redrawing my art, so that's interesting. Idk how to feel about it. Uh, which LCU character should I draw?
(There's one other important character in the LCU, but I need to dump a bunch of context and universe development on you before I can introduce him.) Actually, if you want me to introduce him, just say in the comments, and I'll get on that.


  • Shiro uwu

  • > Pixel Planet Oh Maybe they're a big fan..?

  • > CoffeeGhost I don't think so, the last one they did was one of my anthros

  • Kewl ibettheywanttoimproveonhumanantomy Toby

oof morning

i get to go see my wife today. (at least i think i do...) i'm working on a shitload of LCU (Lou's Crew Universe) development today, so I can redo the comic. So look out fore some of that. not a lot tho, since i have somewhere irl that i develop my universes.


  • ohhhhhh ok. thanks for clarifying! i was confused XD

  • > Confused_Child Lol, no

  • > Passion-Sock™ Oof, kinda. My best friend and I call each other our wife, since 1) we got married in a game of Kiss Marry Kill (which everyone knows is legally binding) 2 years ago, and 2) people say that we act like a married couple.

  • wait, you have a wife-?

Universe Development

You guys should probably skip this, unless you are interested in my stories. If so, read on. (this is mostly just for myself so I can have this info down somewhere.
-NOTE!!: if a star (*) appears at the end of a character's name, that means they are an Umbrellaverse deity.-
The major stories within the Umbrellaverse:
General gist: each of the ocs in this storyline represent one aspect of me IRL. Slice of life, focusing on character interaction rather than story development.
-key players-
~Kora*, representation of my race. Species: Unicorn.
~Elijah*, representation of my synesthesia. Species: Demon.
~Jojo, representation of my ADHD. Species: Alien (specific species unknown.)
~Sombra, representation of my Sickle Cell Disease. Species: Vampire
~Jamal, representation of my Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum) Species: Human
~Zacharie*, [representation is a wip, because i added him in later.] Species: Demian (closed species)
General Gist: Simple episodic, slice of life story that serves as a place for all my anthro ocs.
Key Players:
~Clarence: youngest member of the bunny family, younger brother of Jupiter, Cousin of Stella and Saturn, and friends with Stanley and Frederick. 6 year old, male, no sexuality yet. Species: bunny. Other facts: Loves apples. Physical Description: Light blue bunny with an unusually long and fluffy almost cat-like duller blue tail and a small tuft of hair of the same color between his ears. His eyes and paw pads are yellowish- orange. He wears a brown sweater with sleeves that are too long, with a blue patch on the elbow of the left sleeve. He also wears a pair of blue jean shorts.
~Jupiter: Older brother of Clarence, Cousins with Stella and Saturn, friends with Buki, Malcolm, Cyrril, Danny, also dating Sunny. 16 year old, male, straight. Species: Bunny. Physical Description: he's an orange bunny, with a big red spot on one of his ears, (hence the name Jupiter,) markings in various shades of orange, and brown eyes. He has reddish- brown paw pads. He wears a red and black hoodie with a ringed planet design on the chest, as well as a simple pair of dark blue jeans.
~Saturn: he's the older brother of Stella, as well as Clarence and Jupiter's cousin. He is friends with Sunny, Buki, Malcolm, Cyrril, and Danny. 17yo, male, sexuality to be determined. Species: Bunny. Physical Description: He is a purple bunny with blue eyes and a pink and purple marking over his left eye which resembles a ringed planet, (hence the name Saturn.) He has dark purple paw pads, and markings on his cheeks and ears in various shades of purple and pink. he has a light lavender tail with a tuft of hair the same color on his head. He wears a beanie hat, a sweater with the body consisting of a stripe of pinkish-purple on the top, then a stripe of purple, then one of pink, and a collar and sleeves in purple. he wears blue jeans as well.
~Stella: she's Saturn's little sister, as well as The cousin of Clarence and Jupiter. She is friends with Sunny, Buki, Malcolm, Cyrril, and Danny. 15yo, Female, lesbian. Species : Bunny. Physical Descrition: she's a brown bunny with star markings all over her in lighter brown. she has blue eyes, and her ears are very, very long. she also has a light brown tuft of hair on her head and a tail of the same color. she wears a pinkish- red hoodie with the front pocket and hood in a darker version of the same color. She also wears ripped blue jeans and a beanie the same color as the darker parts of her hoodie.
~Sunny: Only dog in the group, friends with Buki, Malcolm, Cyrril, Stella, Saturn, and Danny, and is dating Jupiter. 16yo, female, pansexual. Species: Dog (Yorkie Maybe??). Physical Description: She's a grey doggo with a white muzzle, and short, floppy ears. She has a short, medium fluffy, grey tail, and a tuft if white hair on her head. Her tounge is rainbow colored. She has dark brown eyes and either orange or blue paw pads. (i can't decide which.) She often wears a yellow hoodie with pastel blue jeans, and can always be seen wearing flowers on her head, often in a crown or just around one of her ears. Other Facts: she's an artist who specializes in painting natural things like flowers or trees, and landscapes.
~Buki: Malcolm's Twin brother, friends with Cyrril, Danny, Stella, Saturn, and Sunny. 16yo, male, bisexual. Species: Cat. Physical Description: He's a grey cat with a white muzzle and a light grey spot above his nose, and white-tipped ears. he has speckles on his ears, across his face, on his tail, and on his arms and legs, which come in grey and blue, and some of which resemble stars. he has dark blue sprouts growing from him. he has a white, non-fluffy tail, blue eyes and paw pads, and a grey tuft of hair on his head. He wears a light blue button-down shirt under a blue sweater with blue jeans. He also wears glasses with circular gold rims.
~Malcolm: Buki's Twin brother, friends with Cyrril, Danny, Stella, Saturn, and Sunny. 16yo, male, bisexual. Species: Cat. Physical Description: A pink cat with different markings all over him in various shades of pink. he has green eyes and paw pads, and green sprouts grow on him. He's got a big non-fluffy tail.he wears a pair of ripped green jeans with a pink t-shirt, and sometimes a darker pink hoodie.
~Stanley: Younger brother of Cyrril, and friends with Clarence and Frederick. 6yo, male, no sexuality. Species: Cat. Physical Description: [PENDING... IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REDESIGNED] Extra Info: Named after Stan Lee.
~Cyrril: Stanley's older brother, friend of Jupiter, Saturn, Stella, Malcolm, Buki, and Sunny, and dating Danny. 17yo, Male, Gay. Species: Cat. Physical Description: a cream colored cat with a face that gets darker brown as you get closer to the center of his face. He has blue eyes, and a skinny non-fluffy tail, He wears a light blue hoodie with the front pocket and the hood in a darker blue. He wears dark blue jeans that are so dark they look black.
~Danny: Friend of Jupiter, Saturn, Stella, Malcolm, Buki, and Sunny, and dating Cyrril. 17yo, Male, Gay. Species: axolotl. Physical Description: A pale purple axolotl, with pastel rainbow splotches covering his body. Left eye is brown, right one is pink. He wears rectangular glasses, a pink sweater, a lighter pink scarf, ripped grey jeans, and short brown leather lace up boots. He also has a gap on between his top front teeth. Extra Facts: he has the nickname Critter, which is the name he usually goes by, although his given name is Danny.
~Frederick: He's friends with Stanley and Clarence. 6yo, Male, no sexuality. Species: Goat. Physical Description: He has a light yellowish- orange body with skinny legs and arms with a light cream colored speckled pattern at the bottoms of his arms and legs. He has slightly dull orange hair that is very VERY curly, and covers both of his eyes. he has a short tail, and hooves on his feet and hands. Extra Information: he's very nervous and anxious, sometimes even becoming frantic about stuff.
-The Starmaker storyline (that one requires a large info dump about my species the Starmakers)
General Gist: Another character development focused storyline with no real plot.
Key Players:
~Charles: He is a human, and he is secretly a prodigy-level engineer and programmer. (like, he has HUUUUUUGE amounts of talent, but he doesn't tell most people because he doesn't want all the attention he would get.) He runs a successful shop selling some of his inventions, and he sells patents for his inventions in order to fund his inventing. He is known as a talented inventor and engineer, but he doesn't let people know the real scope of his abilities. One day, he had a workplace accident, which resulted in him losing his left arm and going nearly blind in both eyes. in response to this, he made himself a prosthetic arm and mechanical eyes, each with their own high-tech abilities.
~Caleb: he's a fire-person who is capable of changing colors depending on his mood. He wears different variations of the same top (a black top with a single rainbow colored stripe horizontally around the middle,) every day. He's a really chill and laid- back guy, and he's always down to hang out. He's roommates with Cesil, and he could potentially get into a relationship with miles.
~Cesil, another fire-person, although he doesn't change colors. (he is light blue) He is a librarian, who loves peace and quiet. He is very shy and doesn't like to be around very many people, preferring to be in the company of his boyfriend Oscar, or his roommate Caleb.
~Heather, a monster girl. She's rebellious and a but unpredictable, but she looks like a stereotypical goody-two-shoes.
~Miles, an angel boy. Soft spoken and kind. He's got a potential relationship with Caleb.


The History of the Umbrellaverse (@K)

So, the Umbrellaverse is a universe i created in which i put all the characters that don't have set universes. (like Sorrin for example.) There are different storylines in it, but they all take place in the same universe.
The main plotline and origin story of the umbrellaverse goes as follows:
there were 2 gods that existed before time: The Great Yeeter, god of creation, and The Great Yoinker, god(ess) of destruction. They existed within a void, and the Great Yeeter looked upon the space and declared the holiest of words: "This bitch empty! YEET!" And thus he yeeted forth the planets and the stars. After a while, the Great Yoinker saw that there was too much going on, and the universe was too crowded. She then created the first black hole out of the oldest star. (Aaaactually there's a lot to go into about the stars in the Unbrellaverse, but some other time.) The 2 gods worked together to maintain the balance of the Umbrellaverse, but it was pretty lonely work with just the 2 of them, so they decided to create companions for themselves. These companions came in the form of 2 new gods, Darkness and Light. The Yeeter and Yoinker split all of the power of the universe between them, with Light getting all of the destructive powers, and Darkness getting the creative. Light and Darkness felt resentful, since they were created by the Yeeter and the Yoinker, and thus weren't "true gods." They conspired together to destroy the Umbrellaverse and the original gods, and make a new universe in its place which they would rule together. They then started the first war, fighting against the Yoinker and Yeeter. The Yeeter and Yoinker had great difficulty defeating Light and Darkness, since Light and Dark had all of the powers in the Umbrellaverse split between them, making them super powerful. The Yeeter and Yoinker won, however, destroying the physical forms of Light and Darkness, and trapping them. They created 2 guards to watch over Light and Darkness, and told them to sound an alarm if Light and Darkness escaped. (The 2 guards thing is relatively new, (like as of this week new,) so you might see a bit of that around.) The Yeeter and the Yoinker created a bunch of deities but split up the powers between them so that together, these "Umbrellaverse Deities," as i call them, can act as the protectors of the Umbrellaverse to oppose the forces of Light and Darkness if they ever escape, but apart, they're easily (ish) defeated if they decide to turn against the greater gods. Also half of the deities were created by the Yeeter and half by the Yoinker, excluding 2 who were created by both. In order of creation:
-Fenrir- Magic (both)
-Kendra- Time (both)
-Sherri- Life (Yeeter)
-Gabriel- Death (Yoinker)
-Gavin- Knowledge (Yeeter)
-Zacharie- Fire (Yoinker)
-Elijah- color (Yeeter)
-Kora- Wrath (Yoinker)
-T'oh- Nature (Yeeter)
-C (aka demon me)- Chaos (Yoinker)
-Nadia- Adventure (Yeeter)
-Fabián- Storms (Yoinker)
These are in the order of when they became Deities, not when they were born. (They weren't all born deities.) Okay so, we're in the present day Umbrellaverse. Darkness and Light escaped their prison, in weakened states but slowly gaining power) The deities have been called upon to help defend the Umbrellaverse, and a second war of the gods is imminent.
Okay! That's the Umbrellaverse mythos for you! if you have any questions, PLEASE ask, (it'd be really helpful!) If you want to see what any of the deities look like, ask me and i'll link a pic of them or post one on my Myspace. I haven't designed Light, Darkness, or the 2 Guards. I currently have designs for the Great Yeeter and the Great Yoinker, but I wasn't satisfied with them, so I'm in the process of redesigning them. I also might redesign some of the Deities, but none of them will get major redesigns. GN and thanks for readinggg!


  • woah

  • yeet

  • > Two Golden Gears Oh, by the way, I could use your help... Uhhhh, I adopted Gabriel from you, but I don't have a good reference picture of him. Only a screenshot, (and not a good one at that.) So if you know where to find a picture of him, that'd be amazing. (Gabriel was the black haired guy with the gold glowing wings coming out of his head , with the floating knives, and the rings behind him. TvT)b

  • > Two Golden Gears Well, yea, there are, but that's more Sherri's and Gabriel's problem more than anyone else's. (Them being the embodiments of life and death and having powers like being able to bring people back from the dead, and shit like that)


1) i'm really sorry for how much i've been venting lately. ik it upsets you and i don't want to do that, so i'll try to stop. :')
2) i got my phone taken, so no art from me for a long time. (except for traditional art in mmyspace posts) i still have a kindle, but i can't download medibang on it, i can only animate on it. but i'll still be commenting and using myspace.
3)ummmm i kiiiiiiiiinda... nvm y'all don't need to know about that, but if i dissapear for a bit assume i'm in the hospital.
4) I just watched Into the Spider-Verse yesterday, so expect fanart soon enough. i loved it, Miles is best boi #3 (#1 is 2D and #2 is Ace, so those slots were taken.)


  • Into the spider verse is great ^w^

  • Your not the only one that got their phone taken TwT and the movie was great I still haven't done any fanart...

  • > Space Prince ty frien

  • Ughhh i really want to watch that Hope ya feel better