插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


I'm not okay... Everything always hurts and everything only gets worse. I feel like I can't breathe and everything is going too fast. My life won't slow down. It won't stop. However much I want it to.
Anyway nobody actually wants to hear about my problems, so here's something for you Peeps. I finished the OTA, but I'm really attached to his design, so I'm just gonna be suuuuuuuper picky with offers. I'm going to make a post later today to see if anyone else wants to offer for him.


  • i want to help you. i’m here to talk cuz i know you need it. i really hope things get better for you. i know they will.

  • I wish i knew how to help you, you can always vent to me if you need to

  • This is a cute design

  • it’s ok, it’s ok. you can do this. you are strong. take it 10 seconds at a time. do you think you can make it through the next ten seconds? let’s count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10. see? you made it! now do that again. and repeat as many times as necessary. you can do this. i’m here for you. we’re all here for you.

  • Yes you can. I'll be here for you every step of the way. 🙏💜

  • Let me help

  • I’m here for you..,.

Posted my new animation

Go check it out!


  • F R I C C I LOST MY YOUTUBE O.o I'm sorry for not being holy uhm I bet it's really good though. Remember I'm always proud of your awesome art even if you think it's not the best. ^.^

  • > Space Prince> Space Prince thanks, and an old kindle and flippaclip

  • I think its great What do you use to animate?

  • Well, I'm sorry it's not enough for you, but I'm still learning how to animate. I just started teaching myself how to yesterday, so I can't do a lot yet. It is animation though, since animation is defined as creating movement or the illusion of movement, which it does, so don't say that it isn't animation. That's just a lie. And anyway, if you don't want to see the stuff I'm doing, just don't click on the link. if you're looking for a full music video or something, I'm not the person to go to.


I'm probably going to go on another really long break soon. (Or just leave alltogether) I plan to go once I get my iPad back, which should be soon. There are just too many toxic people here. I was doing well. I was developing my universes a lot, making characters (like, a lot. You guys haven't even seen them all yet), and practicing, but once I got back, I remembered why I left in the first place. idk you guys are nice, but you're also the minority here. I just don't have faith in this place like I used to. Plus, a lot of my friends on here aren't even on that much anymore, so you guys will be fine without me. You were before. I never even talk to anyone anymore.


  • nuuuuuu i’ll miss you so much ;-; and your art! i haven’t been on here long, but you were one of the first people who’s art i liked. but, i totally understand why your leaving. i think every art app has toxic people, but if this app is bringing you down, then it’s totally ok that you’re leaving! i hope you come back tho.

  • *long

  • It's ok if you take a break. As ling as you're happy that's all that matters UwU and when you come back, we'll greet you with open arms! 😉❤

  • Theres nothing wrong with taking a break, or leaving for that matter. As long as your happy!

Guilty Pleasures of Mine

1) the female Ghostbusters reboot. I LOVE that movie. It makes me so fucking happy, even though both critics and common viewers were shitting on it. And the fucking FOB cover... HeLl ThE fUcK yEs. It's so high energy and I love everything about it. It's just, AAAAAAAgHHHHHHHH
2) Chameleon Circuit. If you aren't a fan of Doctor Who, you won't get it. If you are a whovian, tbh you probably still haven't heard of them, but if you have and you like them, please marry me and we can play The Doctor Is Dying at our wedding. For those who don't know, Chameleon Circuit is a band that makes only doctor who themed music, and I fucking love it. K good night.
Anyway, this post is just me trying to change cheer myself up. I've been trying to all day and these are the only 2 things that worked. It's going well, I'm back to not venting. :,)


  • I actually liked the reboot equally with the original

  • >anon Ok?? Still, let people enjoy that. It’s a movie. It’s not gonna kill anyone, so chill. Let them enjoy it.

  • >anon Can’t people just like what they like without people being jerks about it?

  • ThAt'S wHy it'S a FuCKiNg GUIlTy pLeASuRE


This is Kai.
Gender neutral (they them pronouns)
No known species
Can grow leaves from their hair. (Makes great tea from the leaves)
Collects crystal fragments, wildflowers, and other plants. Writes and draws a lot. (Mostly nature stuff)
Keeps these in an old worn out over the shoulder bag that they keep with them at all times. (Pic 4)
Hair is a gel-like substance with healing properties.
Markings on back (pic 3), star shaped freckles, and a star marking on one leg (seen in pic 1)
No story yet


  • Ree so cute :33

  • i. love. them. precious bby -3-

  • Precious bean

  • they. look. precious.

A doodle I made in notes

Oof, I'm probably going to keep her. I might postpone the info about the Starmakers until tomorrow, because I'm working on some worldbuilding for Lou's universe. Also I made another new OC today, but I'm not gonna post any WIPs if them until I get at least the flat color done. I'm really proud of them tho... But I've been making characters faster than I can create stories for them lately. I'm going to try to slow down and focus on some of the more streamlined universes I have. I've still got a LOOOOOOOOONG way to go with developing Lou's universe if I ever want to start that comic, so I'm planning on focusing on a different aspect of the universe each day. (Today is developing the Villains) I also want to focus on the Main Universe a lot more, since they're some of my most developed characters and I haven't been paying attention to them as much as I would like to be. So if you see a lot of stuff from those 2 universes, you'll know why.
In personal news, it's freezing in my room and the heat doesn't work in it. Aaaand my heater decided to break today, so I'm pretty pissed.


  • Even if they're notes they're friccen great notes I just really love your art style :>

  • Also, can you not just tell me to "get back on track" because that's not helpful at all. Can you give me actual criticism or advice? Cuz if not, I can't actually improve at all

  • Do you know what notes is? It's not possible to make good art on notes. Also please don't call me honey.

  • Kewl