Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I just want it all to be over.
There's too much for me to handle. The headaches I get every day are making my mom upset, and she wants to take me to the doctor. I don't want to go back there. I'm sick of living under a medical microscope. I'm sick of having to go to urgent care every time I catch the common cold. I'm tired of all the pills and the blood draws and the IVs and the visits.
I'm sick of the headaches and the yellow eyes and the pain and the exhaustion. I'm sick of not being able to do stuff like jump into a pool or play in the snow without having to worry about not being hospitalized. I'm sick of being sick.
I HATE feeling so alone. I always start to talk about it, but it feels so petty... I just have nobody to talk to... I have friends, but there's only so much we can talk about. Nobody likes the same things as me, and if they do, it's just a casual interest at best... Nobody is into Gorillaz or Doctor Who like I am, and it's lonely. I want someone to share my ideas with. I want someone who understands what I'm saying... It's gotten to the point where I'm just taking out loud to myself... I just want someone who feels as passionate as I do.
But nobody cares.
I just feel alone... And tired. I'm always tired. Physically and emotionally. Just exhausted... I try drawing to escape my life, but every time I return to reality everything gets worse.
I'm in over my head and I just want it to stop.
I want everything to stop.

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  • Well, I can understand why you wouldn’t wanna go to the hospital. I’ve been in that position too before, it was just so tiring and overwhelming for me. All I can suggest for you is to rest, rest as long as you can and then take things slow. If you have any medication to need to take, then just take them and they’ll help you. I’m always here to talk, and open to new things.

  • But you can't fall down so easily! I can tell you: even through all the problems, even though all the trials and objects in life, we'll still be here to support and help and care for you. Don't leave, it's not for the better... 😞🙏💜

Things I Hate

•When people say"I didn't want to make this video" or "I didn't want to talk about this" at the beginning of a video
•when people spell the word angel as angle (WHY THE FUCK DOES IT HAPPEN SO MUCH ON THIS SITE I HATE IT AAAAAAA)
•the fact that Ruby and Sapphire's ship name isn't Garnet.

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  • I think the angel and angle thing might be up to autocorrect being a butt

  • I've done the Angel thing ironically tho

  • Why would someone type ‘angel’ here in medi? *i aM coNfuSIon*

  • > ρªىƬҿl¡ But GaRNeT is ThE emBoDIMenT oF thEIr rElAtionsHip, nOt jUSt thEiR phYSicAl bODieS


I'm in urgent care now,
I had to get an iv 4 times because it kept getting fucked up...
And I had to get a 5th needle, cuz I needed a blood draw...
And even though 1) it's only my first day back at school.
And 2) I'm in fucking URGENT CARE
My dad won't leave me alone about homework and school work and grades and shit.
I just want it all to stop...

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  • ;-; aw.. no.. I really hope you feel better don't worry about school rn getting better is very important

  • Try not to strain yourself ok? I hope you get better! ❤

  • im sorry....i really hope things get better. why are you in urgent care?

Good morning

Oof: Development Dump:
I made a few more Umbrellaverse Deities, so here's the full list of everyone, in order of their creation (in universe):
The Great Yeeter- creator god
The Great Yoinker- Destroyer goddess
-they create light and Darkness, and give them both all the power they could, because they were lonely and wanted companionship. Light and Darkness turn on them because they felt jealous bc they were created by the 2 original gods and thus weren't true gods.-
In response: the Yeeter and the Yoinker created a bunch of deities but split up the powers between them so that together, they can oppose the forces of Light and Darkness but apart, they're easily (ish) defeated. Also half were created by the Yeeter and half by the Yoinker excluding 2 who were created by both. In order of creation:
-Fenrir- Magic (both)
-Kendra- Time (both)
-Sherri- Life (Yeeter)
-Gabriel- Death (Yoinker)
-Gavin- Knowledge (Yeeter)
-Zacharie- Fire (Yoinker)
-Elijah- color (Yeeter)
-Kora- Wrath (Yoinker)
-T'oh- Nature (Yeeter)
-C- Chaos (Yoinker)
-Nadia- Adventure (Yeeter)
-Fabián- Storms (Yoinker)
These are in the order of when they became Deities, not when they were born. (They weren't all born deities)
If I forgot anyone, I'll go back and edit them in.

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  • :3 coolio

  • Yeeeet

  • Nice