Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Some shit I've been working on...

Pic 1 is me at Hogwarts. I took the official test 3 times and got Slytherin every time. And I took the official patronus test and I got a mink.
Pic 2) Zacharie! *BTW: IMPORTANTish DEMIAN INFO* Demians don't usually have the floating gems by their tails. Only Zacharie, because he's a god (ish). (He's the Deity of fire)

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  • Anon- yeah, but in the wizarding world, wizarding kids never used hair dye, so I was trying to stay true to the cannon.

  • Awwwwww

  • I’m a Ravenclaw oof—

  • A fellow Slytherin!!!


Idk, some updates:
I have a headache and I wanna cry...
Uh, I'm working on the Demian adoptable (there's only gonna be one or two, but I'll make a Myspace post when I'm about to post them. They will be ota, and if I accept the offer, they are yours, but I WILL have to see them drawn (not just doodled or sketched, actual effort) or I will take them back and use them as my own ocs.
In other news, I'm also making a new oc based off a giant moth I found. His name is Yube (pronounced like "yoo- bee") and he's very smol. Sketch coming later. I'm also working on a bunch of other stuff like drawing some of the Umbrellaverse deities and expanding a new storyline I'm making featuring The Starmakers. (More info about them later today)
So yeah, just letting y'all know what I'm up to and what to look out for.

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  • 👌🏻

  • Okay Hope you feel better


Would you guys rather me make Demian adoptables (they would be ota and maybe dta) or would you prefer that I unveiled my second species: the Starmakers? I'm really REALLY protective of the Starmakers, so if I EVER make adoptables, they would be ota, bta, and dta, and I would have to see them used regularly.
I lost the ref for the Starmakers, so I'd have to remake that, but I can make a post about them, and do a quick traditional sketch of them...
Anyway I'll leave the Demian ref here.
If u even care that is.

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  • I'd say maybe make a batch of demians adopts then make a ref for starmakers Idk tho its your choice

  • Maybe the Demian adopts first After you make a few batches, then go to the Starmakers So people don't get overwhelmed


I'm mostly just really flustered. I don't like attention, and me and my family went to a restaurant today where we were the only ones there, so there was nobody else that the staff could look after. I just felt really upset and physically exhausted and I wanted to leave, but my dad had to finish eating... My dad also wanted to see a magic show, so I got dragged to that, but I got to sit on the beach at night with my mom, so I calmed down a bit... My mom took me back to our room now so I can be less upset, but I'm just aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA I wanted to cry.

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  • I’m glad you got the chance to go to the beach to chill,, even better that it’s at night I hope you’re feeling somewhat better now Pixel

At this point

I'm considering leaving again. It's just all the theives and the tracers and the immature little shits that act like babies and throw hissy fits if they don't get their way... It's just toxic as fuck here. There's no respect. There's no human decency. And it's no way to live my life. Here, posting art that only a tiny minority of people actually enjoy. So I'm probably going to try to tie up loose ends and then get the fuck out of this toxic ass hellhole.
You can try to change my mind, it might work. If anything, I've always wanted to leave medibang by just fading away and being forgotten, but I have stuff I need to get done here, so I'm just going to announce it here.
Pm me if you need to talk to me for any reason. I'll try to keep up with those.

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  • All right then. One day we’ll all disappear off this site anyway. I hope your life goes well, friend

  • Aw...well, I’ll see later, fwiend ÓwÒ)/ Have a great life

  • Anon Out of here with that BULL bro. Make some tea and rejoin when you quit acting so dumb. You'll never know how they feel so out of here.

  • Eh, I’m used to it