イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

*insert twilight zone music for comedy*

I couldn't believe it when I heard about it, the plague had left me for maybe a good few months...my mind cleansed of such...obsession, no no no now it was back...
A plague that I could deny no longer...
I may not survive.......without doodling Ssc herself in my notebooks during forensics-
Anyway yes SSC is taking over my mind once again lmfao, not surprised I'm like....half of the strawberryshortcake tag last I checked jesus-
I haven't had much time to keep up with it among my other things going on but for now I have a chance to chill and a few ideas to help me get back into my redesigns so yay.





  • Lmao noooooooo not ssc!




  • > .•🌟🌎ClaudiaSleepyMoon🪐🌙•。 WOOOO thank you hehe They have a website but I've also seen them on Amazon! If you get one I will warn you 1. They plug into the headphone jack so you can't use it or sound while using the smartpen for pen pressure 2. They only work with specific programs they have an entire list of what works and doesn't on their website. I reccomend playing around with the pen pressure in the program you're using, at least for me the default ibis paint pen pressure didn't work very well and I heavily altered it.

  • Yayyy congrats 🥳!! Btw where to buy dis smart pen??

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Yeah I had 2 topics about it lol no one has really seen my topics lately. I'll sum it up our puppy got ahold of it while I was getting a mess he made cleaned up [how tf he got it i have no idea as it was on my desk and he is tiny]. The headphone jack that makes it work got bent and the tip also got bent overall a lot of bending. I didn't have much money on me still don't and while it is affordable for a smart pent these usually go for like....$40- This one was $20 which I had it was on-sale I hit the jackpot it's even in the same color as my old one [I got it at a good time the purple ones were selling out lol]

  • AAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY wait you had a broken pen ? XD-- and yeah it does say "The World's Most Affordable Smart Pen" so yknow, you hit the jackpot lol

Account rules and info

Finally-surprising on my pseudo-break I know o-O As of May 21st 2023 this is extra info, if changes happen I'll make a new topic.

Table of contents

My art I try to make accessible for all! If I post something spooky or bloody I always post warnings on top of the drawing as the thumbnail, and I don't draw NSFW. I'm primarily a stylized character designer and portrait artist so if that appeals to you welcome! Whether you follow or not I'm happy you're here! I super appreciate comments on my work so feel free to and I always reply. I'm not the greatest with wording so if I come off as rude or anything at all tell me please <3 the last thing I want is to be rude.

1. The most important thing is that I CAN'T ACCEPT FRIEND OR GROUP REQUESTS! We can still be friends and talk but I can't accept those, ok? If I decline a request it isn't because I don't like you it's because I can't accept. Repeatedly sending requests may get you blocked but I'd rather not do that.
2. Don't follow me just to ask for art requests
3. Don't have full conversations with each other on my topics or gallery posts, I love y'all being friends the less drama the better lol it just blocks up my notifications and if there's a specific comment I'm looking for for reference or whatever it becomes difficult.
4. Swearing is fine, however slurs will not be tolerated. Don't be mean to each other on my account either your comments will likely be deleted and I'll tell you to leave.
5. Criticism of my work is more than welcome as long as it's constructive and the more advice the better. I like to assume the best in people and I'm always looking to improve so don't be scared to comment and tell me if something is funky, and if a comment is rude or unhelpful I'll ask for clarification.
6. I'm 16 going to be 17 next month, so if you're super young or much older than me I'd prefer our interactions brief or art related [like giving or receiving advice or general comments on work]. It's nothing against you, just my current personal preference and I've met some weirdos.

Requests: Unless I make a post no.
Suggestions: I'm slightly more likely to do them especially if it's something I already like but this is usually no.
Commissions: would love to but have no way of being paid ;w;
Art trades: Never been a part of one, if you really wanna do one we could talk about it! If I don't know you that well I'll be more hesitant though.

Adopts I don't do often but when I do them I 1. Will announce it and 2. Will make a topic maybe 20 minutes before posting them so you can get there before they're all gone. Custom Adopts you could ask for on the announcement topic and we can talk about it. As with many things I'm more likely to do a custom if I know you OR, in the case of second batches, you didn't get one in the first batch. Adopts given out must be drawn within a week, however if something comes up I'm more than willing to give extensions to the deadline! If it hasn't been drawn I'll message you and ask about it. If I'm ignored repeatedly or you are rude I'll most likely take away your adopt and give it to someone else who wants one. The adopts are free, please just draw them or tell me if something happens lol I just want y'all happy and the process to be easy.

1. If you're LGBTQ+ phobic I am literally bisexual and most of my characters are LGBTQ+ if you don't want to see it then leave. Same goes for if you're sexist.
2. If you're racist this should go without saying.
3. If you're a pedo or support pedos or "maps" obviously. The same goes for zoophiles or any support for them.
4. If you just cyberbully people in your free time leave. Whether it be kids or furries or people just minding their own business if you feel the need to bully people who aren't even harming anyone leave. I overall just want people to feel safe and this interferes with that.

Stuff I like other than drawing: Painting, doll customizing and collecting, writing, music and analyzing it, talking with others, baking, video games, speculative biology, space, frogs, documentaries, and stuffed animals! Some video games I like are the subnautica games, dishonored series, minecraft, the RE series, cuphead, and I generally love zombie games.
Fandoms/general: Horror anything [especially analog, digital, body, and psychological], strawberry shortcake [franchise not the food], pokemon, zombie media, 80s cartoons like rainbow brite, rose petal place, SSC, etc, fnaf to some extent, monster high/ever after high, and alice in wonderland!
Artists who inspire me outside of AS: gretal lusky, lavendertowne, aimkid, Martin walls, junji ito, Ken Sugimori, rae.nm, Jessica Madorran, Scott Christian Sava, Joshua David McKenney, and Neytrix mainly.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know! Thank you for reading <3


account update

In regards to activity: I'm still gonna check in on my buds here ofc and comment where I can but my activity is gonna be a lot lower, the school year is rounding up and mix that with my current homing situation I just don't have the time or energy to really be on here and 100% all the time.
In regards to art: my stylus is busted thanks to this dog, and while I've managed to get it to work it's still spotty and there's no pen pressure. If I can manage to fix it yay, if not there's not going to be any more digital paintings for a while and digital art in general is gonna be more sparse while I try to figure out some new techniques without pen pressure. I can't afford a new one, and ofc with everything else my drive to draw has just gone through the floor. Traditional art is ofc on the table though that would be pretty weird if it wasn't lol-
In regards to other: if you want me to see something specific or there's any big updates on the timeline or with medi itself let me know, I'll check comments and whatever else whenever I check in next.
I love y'all, take care.


tw: parental issues, yelling, etc.

For the love of all things holy don't read this if you're sensitive to verbal abuse or name calling or parental problems, ok?


So uh...
Let's start with the good news finally working on some art. Been hard to do that lately depression still kicking my ass to the curb but now I can draw without hating what I've made hell yeah.
Bad news is...well, I'm not entirely sure if I can count living in this house. My stepdad, I don't even want to call him that was in another fight with my mom and yelled that she's just a cunt and I'm a bitch with an attitude problem and that we can only live in "his" house if she's "nice" to him, whatever that means.
I guess it's nice to hear him admit he hates me instead of just being passive aggressive, at the same time I wish I wasn't there to hear anything.
It's been like this for the past few days now.
I'm tired but can't sleep until morning lately, and I'm passing out during school.
I just want things to be ok. Maybe soon they will be maybe not. Either way life goes on I guess.


  • > Hope299GAMES Goodnight!

  • > Hope299GAMES Maybe. Idk for sure.

  • > Brony n00b - DordusRising Yeah he...sucks. No real empathy doesn't talk to me unless I talk to him doesn't do anything but claims to do it all etc etc. Also, right? I think it's an artist thing a lot of us have trauma and childhoods of being stuck in our rooms, so we take up art as a Hobby and some of us come onto this site cus it's less known. That's my theory at least.

  • > Hope299GAMES I can tell how bad this dude is. (Does EVERYONE on here have bad parents?)

TNOAF: What I do to get inspired

When the inspiration department is ✨lacking✨ this stuff personally helps me, I also do this with stuff like full blown art block or just kinda bored.
1. Getting into new media. Sometimes you just need a change in what you're consuming, I often look to new music to get some inspiration and try to find some new artists I like or see if the artists I like have posted any new work. Fr just seeing artists you like making good art can kick the brain into gear, well, it does for me at least. Video games also help me a lot, whether it be me wanting to draw a new Sim I made or getting ideas for a character in a specific genre.
2. Try put a new medium or change to a medium you've used before. Sometimes I'm just stuck with markers and pen soooo I may switch to paints or purely pencil or charcoal drawings etc etc. In digital art this can look like trying new colors or brushes.
3. Just stop drawing. Fr. Take a day or a few off this helps when I'm stuck in ruts. I'll go outside play some video games listen to music write etc.
4. Try drawing in a different place or a different time than you usually do I can't explain this one this just manages to help me sometimes.
5. Art challenges. These personally help me the least but they can be fun and get you thinking a bit differently.
6. Looking at color palettes. I'm someone who froths at the mouth at a good color palette so sometimes just looking at that helps me out.
7. Just......d r a w. Bro this isn't a movie where you're a constantly inspired artist making masterpieces or the sims 4 where a good shower is going to get you inspired every single time sometimes just drawing and seeing what happens can work. "But what if it looks bad-" who cares? You don't owe anyone good art you're allowed to make something bad either by accident or on purpose >:)
8. Art studies. I always reccomend these cus not only can they help get you drawing they're also productive ohHO-WIN WIN! I find anatomy and color studies the most fun but shape, perspective, linework, etc are options.
That's about it for now. Take care y'all.


  • > Hope299GAMES Yes, yes, I meant well-shot. It's just great lighting.

  • > Andrey Ooooo good point! I love horror media and horror films, they're great examples of dark lighting and framing [well if it's made well at least lol]

  • Everything is written correctly. I also watch horror films, because they set the light scale very well.

  • > Sewer Monster No problemo! I hope they help :D

sometimes I hate video sites

hey uh transphobes homophobes racists and edgelords stop using music I like for your bullshit thaaaaaanks <3

Also dw art will eventually be posted


  • > Liz Parson Yeah mainly on YouTube, absolutely wild.

  • > Hope299GAMES Have you seen people do that with owl house pfps?!?!?!

  • > Liz Parson THE CHARACTER THING IS SO TRUE-Mfs will fr have The Owl house pfps then go off about "gay people bad" bruh the irony Don't get me started on outwardly LGBTQ songs they think are phobic like bruh have you tried this thing called reading before-

  • Ahhh, when their profile pic is you favorite character, and they decide to start ranting about everything going liberal. My man, that character is a canonical bisexually (Well queerbait "bisexual") and that band is openly going more liberal


Not me trying to figure out if I'm sick or my allergies are just super sucky every time I wake up cus we have a BIGASS Blooming T R E E in out F r O N T Y A R D -


  • > Andrey I appreciate the tip but like...we can't just drop everything and take me to the clinic to figure out if it's allergies or a cold. Where I live that gets expensive FAST and it's better to wait awhile to see. Like today was just allergies making me dried out. We also already know what my allergies are so I don't see it being that helpful anyway.

  • Contact the clinic, let them do an allergen test, the tests are quick.

Good afternoon!

Sorry for being less active, we just got a new puppy [imma be honest I didn't want it but my mom did-] and I've been working on some fakemon stuff cus I am infact a huge nerd-
I'm quite proud of how far I've gotten with it, in total with writing drawing designing etc ya know everything that goes into a pokemon region I'm about 50% done and finally working on drawing. I still cannot match the style exactly but I've decided to worry about that less and instead just give the impression of it with certain traits. If anyone is wondering the region is called Teria, and to sum it up as simply as possible it's based on fantasy folklore stories traditions etc with themes of nature's creations vs man's creations and destruction of both.
I think that's it lol I'll cut the nerd talk there.



Why do sims 4 eyeshadows gotta look like that


  • > ☆•~Frog~•☆ Yeah exactly My biggest issue is the makeup is like...painted into the eye model so unless you have a specific skin tone and eye shape it just looks weeeeeirrrd with the texturing. I also hate how most of them have eyeshadow on the bottom eyelid its small but it never looks good on my Sim lolol Don't get me started on the weird blushes and eyeliners slebroamsjdo-

  • Ikr 😒 all my sims look ugly so I try to put some makeup on them or something but it looks weird

Dw working on art

I got to see my bf today ;W; very smiley from that lol


  • > Muna Sketches Awwwww than you ;v; It issss!!! He's the sweetest guy really makes me feel special.

  • > Hope299GAMES OH MAH GAAHHH YOU GO GURLL- That is SO exciting! I'm really happy for you! He's a lucky man I will say- XD

  • > Muna Sketches BOYFREN! Idk if you saw the topic or not but my BFF Domain and I made it official hehehe Also thank you! This much work would have been done much earlier but uh...I redrew all 3 of them to what you see now bro I am so picky-

  • Wait- bf as in boyfriend or best friend? WHICH ONE- XD Also, very nice lineart! It speaks with q u a l i t y- XD

Tw: body issues and bullying

Does anyone else have...like...trouble letting themselves feel nice? Or wear nice things? Because in a way it feels like they haven't earned it...? Yeah that's me rn. I put on a dress and nice stuff for the first time in like 6 months and was even excited for this outfit and makeup but I feel almost...unworthy. my legs are too big I don't have a nice waste my face isn't toned or whatever. I don't look like the people I look up to or people considered pretty and I've always been made fun of for my looks and made to feel bad about them...I just don't know...
I'm not even good enough for my mother most of the time. She's ready to point our my flaws at the drop of a hat. She took a random picture of me laughing and maybe she meant it nicely but it made me feel...not good lol.
Wish I wasn't like this and could just be confident in myself like everyone tells me to be.


  • Bullying has always been and at all times, and especially in educational institutions. This is a period of life, 99% of people had bullying. But it's all solvable, in different ways. There are several assumptions about what this is connected with.

  • Everything can be solved.


Me: I can barely sew. I can't even make doll clothes half the time but I can do enough. I shouldn't do anything big until I learn how to sew better or at least how to use a sewing machine.
Also me: I should make myself an art supply bag like all of the cool youtubers and carry it around with me :O


  • > Hope299GAMES Que genial! 🤩💕!. Me gustaría ver que has hecho! 😄!. Si!, lo importante es la diversión!. Gracias por elogiar la mochila!, es estilo morral!, como una bolsa de tela con una parte para cerrarla 😅.

  • > KimbariShiruba Sí! Personalizo muñecas de vez en cuando, es divertido. No importa si no eres buena mientras te diviertas, verdad? Mochila muy chula ooo :0

  • Las manualidades para muñecas son una adicción! 😆💕. Yo no soy muy buena en ello, pero siempre me divierto intentándolo! 💝. También hice una especie de mochila, es funcional jaja, La uso para llevar mi botella de agua cuando salgo a caminar. Es lindo hacer costura y usar las cosas que haces!

  • > Hope299GAMES yeaaaaa! >:D oh yea that still counts! and it makes sense that does sound like a lot for a first try (plus having someone try and teach you can be more stressful sometimes) ye :> no worries, + you can do it


I hate when a song will sound super cute and for lack of a more descriptive term aesthetic but has like...super douchey and bitter lyrics like come on man. I'm tired of hearing a fun synth and disco beat then hearing something straight out of reddit r/niceguys-
"Ignore the lyrics then" ok here's the thing I'm one of those people who can't lmao-words are what I focus on the most cus of how my brain works. I have want a cute sounding song with actual cute lyrics ples ;v;


  • > Sewer Monster Yeah true I wish more instrumentals were on spotify TvT Maybe I'll just make a YouTube playlist of instrumentals

  • Ugh yeah I know how you feel. The instrumental is always an option, however it’s not really the same.

  • > 。.🌹🌸 C L A U D I A 💛💖。. Yeah I'm super picky with my music so I get that My music taste is also pretty cringe tho-its not a good pickiness help meh-

  • > Hope299GAMES Yeah yeah some songs are just rlly, ya know, meh 😑

Second wip <3

Not sure if I'll be able to finish this today I kinda fucked up my arm and hand a lil bit ;v; this wip is from last night before I went to bed. Dw nothing major on the arm just overdid it yesterday changing around my room and hanging things up. This wall is so fuckin hard to get tacs into bro-Sometimes I have to use a hammer for T A C S and I couldn't find said hammer anywhere so I had to just shove them in. I'm generally strong too for reference these walls are just on another level-



I've been seeing these really mushroom outfits and cosplays for specific characters everywhere oml I love them-
Sorry for not being super active lately ;v;
As usual life's just busy between school coming back up other interests besides art and now officially having a boyfren ; v ;
Still trying to be active and comment and be supportive where I can cus y'all deserve all the love <3
Today I took to redecorating and cleaning my room a bit that felt good. I have this big cupboard built inside the wall of my room, I'd say closet cus it has a rack but it's too deep into the wall to be practical for that so I turned it into a hidden hole with stuffies blankets so now I can read and draw in there when I'm sick of my desk and people <3 anyway really good mood right now hehe
That's all for now.


  • > NufinThing Nice to see you too! Been a hot minute hehe I wanna get like a cute mushroom themed outfit but I have nowhere I'd wear it ;v; Yeah ofc! Being on medi ALL the time is just unrealistic for a lot of people including me, and its healthy to not be online all the time ya know. Aw thanks for the wishes! So far it's been great ;w; I hope you have a great day too! See ya around :]

  • Nice to see you again! Mushroom outfits do look really cool :0 It's okay if you haven't been active much, we can't always be on art street all the time, can we? Also wishing you well with your new boyfriend! uuuh, ran out of words so I hope you have a great day/night and we'll see you around!